Teri & Erik on Blondes in the Afterlife

The weekends only improve with Kate! More outstanding input…


My Sweetie & I have lived in our current house for almost a year, and in all that time we didn’t know that the bedroom door had a lock… until it managed to lock itself while Sweetie was in the shower, with nothing to wear but a towel.

Given that we have several potential spirit culprits hanging around, we are slow to directly blame Erik… but this one really seemed like his style:  locking the naked chick away from her clothes.  Good one buddy!

Teri is a fabulous woman in the spirit world who I met during a reading for a client, who found me through the Channeling Erik blog.  (Isn’t it wonderful how beautifully complete this circle is?)

Shortly after my first reading with Teri, it became clear she wasn’t done with me AT ALL, and if anything her presence takes up even more space in the room than Erik’s.  You can read my first post with Teri here:


Well today Teri joins Erik to discuss:  Being Blonde in the Afterlife

So Teri, why do you want to talk about being blonde?

(points to my ipod) Because you were just listening to that show about POWER BLONDES! 

Quick explanation:  I was listening to this CBC podcast about hair, power and culture.  If you’re interested you can find it here: http://www.cbc.ca/dnto/index.html by searching for “hairy”

Anyway, the podcast talks for a bit about hair colour, and how many women experience preferential treatment if they colour their hair blonde, and I was thinking about how we choose our appearance in any given moment in the afterlife.  Some spirits will present themselves as the client last remembers them, but just as often they will present as younger than when they died – in their 30s or even younger, to show how they are still who they were, but free of aging bodies.  I wondered about hair colour in the afterlife.

Now, I’d have to double-check Erik’s photos, but I’m pretty sure in Erik’s photos he has brown hair, yet I frequently see him with ear-length blonde-ish curls.

Erik says:  That’s because that’s what turns your crank, you know, for a guy!  I’m just tryin’ to be accommodating.  (wink)

And that’s funny Erik says that, because it’s also true that in the afterlife, spirits often present to us as we EXPECT them to present, and the personality or manner of relating to their incarnated friends and family can change depending upon who they are talking to.

Erik says, Yeah, but that’s not all that different from real life.  You know, incarnated life.  You do respond to (the energy of) other people’s expectations, you can’t help it.  That’s part of what drives evolution, actually, is the expectation of change. 

I pause for a second and notice I’m getting some weird ear pains, and I ask Erik if he can help with that.  He says, Do you want me to get Jesus?

He’s half serious, half kidding.  Yeah dude, like I’m gonna ask you to go get Christ to fix my ear ache.

Erik says, Yeah, see that’s part of the expectation.  Why wouldn’t you?  It’s not like he’s bound by linear time.  It’s all about YOU and whether you feel like you deserve a healer like him seein’ to your ear. 

And speaking of presentation: Jesus ALWAYS lives up to people’s expectations.  The dude can be ANGELIC!  And he can be walking around in a bum’s robes, healin’ junkies on the streets in bad-ass LA.  Even Jesus conforms to expectation (if he needs to).  He changes his hair colour, and his skin tone a lot.  He usually just reflects back (what the incarnated person looks like).

Now Jesus, and I hope y’all aren’t getting sick of me talking more about him than (other religious icons/leaders) but it’s just that he’s (the most relatable to the majority of current blog readers, and Erik shows he plans to branch out eventually.)

The coolest thing I think I learned from Jesus was how to be in more than one place in linear time.  It’s like, some people think of time as a line, and parallel realities would be like a loopy line circling back (shows me a curly line and a straight line drawn down the center of the curly line.) 

But sometimes it’s cool to do this:  (shows me a three-way mirror and how it splits the image of himself infinitely).  This is a metaphor, get it? 

Yeah, I’m with you, Erik.  The multiple images are a projection of you from your singular consciousness.

Erik blinks a couple of times, swears and says something about me having a lot of brains for a future blonde.  I chuckle.  Actually this gets me smiling nice and wide, and I think about all the teasing pseudo-sexist shit Erik’s said just to get a teasing rise out of his feminist lesbian medium friend.

Erik says, Yah well what are you gonna do, spank me?  (he grins, presents, makes a “brown eye” joke.  OMG, dude, you are such a boy!)

I haven’t even made any “curtains match the drapes” cracks yet!  I AM BEEEE_HAVIN’! 

So, Teri made a point of showing up but girl, you haven’t said much yet.

Teri says, WELL you KNOW I got to give the boy some space or he’ll get too flustered by my blonde FABULOUSNESS to speak! 

Teri is wearing a full body shiny black catsuit with a zipper from crotch to neck, and it’s unzipped down to her sternum.

Teri says, You know I died young, too young to be seen in a casket – I was just too pretty and that would be too DAMN SAD!  So I just had to get even MORE gorgeous (in the afterlife) to show you how great I feel, and how angels aren’t all chaste, baby.

Why are you blonde, in the afterlife?

Because girl, you may not like it, you may not believe it but it’s TRUE that blondes have more fun!!  Blonde curls for me are about feeling beautiful, having a great time, laughing!  It’s about showing other people what I’m all about, who I am, how I’m relating to YOU.  Because this energy thing goes both ways.  I could (conform, reflect a part of you back at yourself so you are more accepting of it) but I’d rather PROJECT this FEELING of being blonde, of having fun and confidence!

That’s part of what teaching is all about, what you’re projecting, what you’re puttin’ out there for other people to see.  Others are gonna conform to that, or at least respond to it.  It’s how you contribute to the changing world, baby.

Didn’t you hear that “Be the change you want to see in the world” – didn’t you ever wonder how that worked?  It’s not all about feeding starving children, it’s MORE than that.  It’s about finding that happiness in YOURSELF and reflecting it outward, so that other people can find that in themselves too.  Because happy people are beautiful people, and beautiful people create beauty around them.  This angel feels most beautiful when she’s blonde!


Kate Sitka is a spirit medium and animal communicator located in Tofino, BC.  To learn more about her and her work, please check out her professional website tofinopsychic.com and her personal blog psychicintraining.com



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