These testimonials are all very Powerful! Thankyou to one of our blog members for sharing this Testimonial! Afterwards, enjoy the latest Atlantis Scalar Video about Increased Endorphin Levels! Elisa has set out for a much needed vacation, and hope she is getting some much needed and deserved relaxation time! Do you have an Erik story that you want to share? Do you have a Testimonial? Do you have an Inspirational personal story that will help others? Please let us know, and send in your stories, Testimonials and Inspiration to be published on an upcoming blog, or maybe a guest on our Radio Show! Enjoy today’s Erik Story…..
I have wanted to write about this for quite some time but haven’t found the right words. I have been sensing Erik wanting me to write about this so I’m doing my best to get this message through.
I found my way to Channeling Erik in 2020. I had been reading about the horrific case of Shannan Watts, and I just couldn’t get over it. I started to get frustrated at myself for not being able to let it go. One evening I had a sudden thought to type into Google “Channeling Shannan Watts”. I wasn’t even familiar with the word channeling. This was Erik of course nudging me into his world. And I am so grateful he did. You guys, Erik, Elisa and all the CE mediums have changed my life for so much more fulfilling. I feel more hopeful and empowered than ever before.
I have always believed I am powerful enough to change my own reality and manifest the life I want to live. I have started to understand that by helping myself I will also affect positively to people around me.
I ordered portal work for my family in spring 2021. I was so happy to feel my energy lifting. I even got a great job offer (which I accepted) and we sold our house at a better price we had thought was possible. While all these amazing things happened to me, I saw people around me suffering. One very dear friend of mine had suffered infertility issues for years. She is not open to things like energy healing and when I tried to suggest it, she refused immediately. Then there was my co-worker, not close to me, we never even really spoke. But I heard he had gotten really ill, and doctors didn’t know what was wrong with him. After my own portal work, I felt so empowered and one day I had a thought (or probably channeled a message) – What if I already am a healer? What if I don’t have to take a reiki class to be able to help. At the same time, I was going through Pinterest when this quote caught my eye: “A healers power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal Healing Power that every human being naturally possess. – Eric Micha`el Leventhal”. Check again the name of the author. I believe it was a message from Erik and Archangel Michael that I should get to work and not overthink it.
So, I started to do visualisation first to my friend and then to my co-worker. I asked permission from their higher selves. I thought that if it’s not ok then my energy work wouldn’t do anything. I did visualisation for both few times. I think of it like active meditation. I was in a meditative state, I set the intention to heal and asked my spirit team and God to help me. I visualised white light going from their crown chakra filling their bodies, and with my friend I worked on the sacral chakra more. I went in the flow and did what came to my mind like imagined my co-worker with his family in a pink light bubble. Maybe a month after this my friend told me she was pregnant. She and her husband were stunned. It was truly a miracle for them and now they are parents of a lovely baby boy. My co-worker got better as well and is now living life like before getting sick. I am so happy for them.
I think it was last summer when Elisa asked us to help her visualise light green and pink light washing over the world. I try do this and my own kind of visualisations for the world as well, to help Ukraine, North Korea etc. I try to visualise the oceans and the seas of the world healing, and people being happy, living in peace with the nature and animals. I think Erik wants to remind us all how powerful we are. Don’t be afraid to take action or think your actions don’t matter. The world needs you. You are powerful.