Here is one of my favorite interviews with a spirit! It reminded me that I probably need to interview Kate Spade. Both deaths were a shock to me and probably to most. I’m going to try to re-post some of the older YouTubes and a lot of those were sessions with Jamie. So you might be seeing a lot of that lovely lady. This one was channeled by the equally lovely, Veronica. Enjoy!
Here’s a reminder about the healing workshop at my house hosted by Tammy De Mirza. This is a real chance for you to be healed! Don’t pass it up!
Weekend at Elisa Medhus’ Home May the 3rd, 4th and 5th:
Healing Workshop with Tammy De Mirza – The Freedom Alchemist ™
Tammy De Mirza, is an internationally sought-after speaker, author and spiritual teacher known as The Freedom Alchemist ™ who specializes in helping people from all creeds and professions to break through regrets, judgments and shame, build self-confidence and teaches how to live a love infused life.
Tammy has experienced some of the most difficult issues in life. She was abused as a child, was homeless for more than two years, had four dissolved marriages and countless obstacles in her life that she completely overcame through direct communication with the non-physical who helped her to not only learn the spiritual truths, but how to integrate them in her life. This has caused her to be one of the most compassionate, real, loving and intuitive teachers alive today. She lived through these things and overcome them and is often described as an Angel or Guide that came to help humanity.
With Tammy’s ability to scan the body of a client, she not only knows what pains they have, but when the trauma began and what the source is. As an empath, she experiences the symptoms in order to describe them in detail. She has the ability to remotely view the scene where the trauma began, reveals the root cause and gives the client the understanding they need to heal from the inside out. She has assisted more than 2,500 clients to gain the awareness, clarity and guidance needed to put together the puzzle of their lives.
She shares authentically what she has learned, how it pertains to you and teaches the tools so you can heal not only your body, but your mind, heart and life with her four step methods of clearing the illusions, creating freedom, educating you about life and how to become a bliss maker. She truly is an alchemist that has come into this life to heal others, because she had to heal herself.
Her thought-provoking book The Inmate and the Medium, is the culmination of an intensely emotional six-year life transforming journey with an inmate, who in the 80’s was one of the top five drug traffickers in the world. She spent more than 3000 hours inside the prison walls, revealing the source of his pain, reprograming his inner GPS and reforming the inmate’s life by teaching him how to integrate spiritual laws and principles, thus helping gain his freedom years before his release date.
To find out more about Tammy, go to her website at: and follow her Youtube by looking up: Tammy De Mirza, her Twitter: @tammydemirza, her Instagram: @tammydemirza and her facebook: Tammy De Mirza and Tammy De Mirza, LLC.
Are you hurting emotionally? Are you confused and not knowing where to turn? Are you feeling stuck? Are you experiencing physical and/or emotional pain? Come and learn why. Tammy will not only speak about the spiritual laws that govern the body and how it is intended to serve you by showing you the symptoms of dis-ease, disharmony and pain, but will go into detail about how you can heal yourself!
We all have misconceptions about how the body works, which creates the illusions that make us feel discontent and unbalanced emotionally and physically. The reasons we experience pain and suffering and what the intent is from universal laws will be explained in a way that is easy to comprehend and incorporate. In this workshop, you will learn the truth that sets you free, therefore, enable you to choose in an empowered way how you wish to live. This time together, will also enable you to feel more at peace and know more purposefully why you are here in this time space reality.
Are YOU ready to heal yourself? Sign up for this life changing workshop, space is limited!!!
Friday morning Private Sessions: 9:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m.
Friday evening group: 6:30 to 9:00: This evening will be a time of personal reflection. You will learn how to look at and feel your own body. Techniques will be shared to teach you how to tap into your inner guidance system in order to assist you to be more mindful and present when the symptoms of pain occurs whether it is emotional or physical. The SOUL KNOWS and the physical body is a servant and shows you what needs your attention to heal. This will be explained in such a way that there will be no question about how this works and how you can use it.
Saturday morning group: 10 am to 5 pm: You will learn the principles that govern your lives; the spiritual laws that are in place that show you why you have the symptoms you experience. (Tammy started leaning these principles at the age of 13 by communicating with Spirit about why she was having emotional pain in her life). She will not only teach you what she learned and the recipes God/Spirit gave her personally, but how to apply them in your lives. You will have the opportunity to work through things while you are in this workshop. It will be a time of sharing, communicating, being open and learning how to heal. Tammy will also be running energy to assist you collectively while she is teaching.
Sunday group: 10 am to 12 pm: We will be doing a meditation, as well as learning and saying aloud a mantra you can take home with you. Each of you will be given an opportunity to receive a brief personal message along with energy to you assist with the healing of the mind, body and spirit.
Sunday Afternoon Private Sessions: 1:00 p.m., 2:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m.
Bonus Pack: A 55-minute Energy Session with Tammy where she will work with you privately to scan the body, assist you by being an Energy Conduit and giving information you need to know to understand why the body is acting the way it is, as well as helpful hints to use to make your life more in homeostasis. She will also record this session for you to have from now on. She typically charges $500/hour for Energy Sessions, but because you are participating in this event, only the participants will get this discounted rate. Sign up now, space is very limited! These will be offered all day on Friday, from 9:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m.