This interview will shock most of you because the events didn’t happen as most people believe. I didn’t really know anything about Shanann Watts either when she was alive and then after her death, but I will say this: I’ve discovered that she is an amazing, sweet soul who did not deserve such an untimely death. Medium, Michelle Gray, expertly channeled her. What a gift she has, definitely one of the best. Check her out by clicking HERE.
Here is the transcript for the session. Even if you prefer reading, please let the video roll so I can get ad revenue. As I’ve mentioned before, YouTube has changed it’s algorithms such that what little revenue I get has dropped in half. Assholes! I really depended on that to cover some of the CE overhead. Oh well, what I do and how much I spend is all for the love of Erik and of you guys. If you haven’t donated and if you get something positive out of the effort Erik and I put forth for you, please give what you can. I don’t expect all costs to be covered, and that’s fine! If you can’t donate, perhaps you can watch some of the previous YouTubes!
Have an awesome weekend.
Elisa: Hello Michelle.
Michelle: Hello, Elisa.
Elisa: Michelle has already been having trouble with this one because she’s been crying, very difficult. This is going to be an interview with who I thought it was Shannon Watts, but Michelle, tell everybody what Shannon Shanaan said about her name and how she changed it and by the way, Hi Eric. I love you.
Erik: Hi Mumma, I love you.
Michelle: And he also wants me to tell you that he says he’s giving you a big thumbs up and it’s a big cartoon thumb and he’s going thumbs up on the social media best.
Erik: You’re doing awesome. Okay, so I just want to, just prefix a little bit here too that, Shanaan had come to me in a dream about a week ago and so she’s been giving me little hints and I had a feeling that this was going to be the dates with here a little earlier today with Erik. So I was, I’m very, very happy to meet with her and feel her energy and the energy, Why I was tearing up and crying too as she has, I mean, yes, what’s happened to her is horrible. Her energy, her spirit is beautiful.
Elisa: Wow.
Michelle: Her heart that she is just, and she’s got the energy of a mother. Like she just, I just was very overcome by her energy.
Elisa: Like Mother Mary.
Michelle: Yes.
Erik: She actually does have a vibration. A mother Mary vibration, you just channeled that from Erik.
Elisa: Oh, I think I did.
Michelle: You did this.
Elisa: There’s hope for me yet!
Michelle: So Shanaan and I knew this because of course many people that will watch this video will know that and she wants this acknowledged as well because she wants to knock out any thought that I am getting information from videos or anything else like that because she said there’s a purpose and we will get into it. She’s very strong too. Like she’s a business woman. She is like ready to go. She’s loving, strong, powerful energy. So she says, yes. Okay. She wants me to also say.
Shanaan: Hello Elisa, thank you so much for having me.
Michelle: Like she’s just honored to have this opportunity to speak.
Shanaan: Thank you. Thank you.
Michelle: She’s just, she’s so, she’s so very excited. This is why she’s laughing because she said that all the videos that she was doing on YouTube, a lot of people would make fun of her afterwards. It’s watching all these videos because there’s such a social media presence from what she did before she passed and then all the videos that were available for everybody to see and she says that’s created such a great connection with the world and why her case is so popular as well.
Elisa: I was wondering, I don’t really know anything about you but back up and, and Michelle said that you changed your name on your birth certificate and you wanted it pronounced, not Shannon, but Shanaan, right.
Michelle: I called her Shanaan and, I had asked her because I was curious. I just said I heard her parents, speak and say Shannon and I heard it in two different ways. So I’m not sure how, she didn’t say exactly how it was done, so I’m not sure if it’s when she got married, but there was a document and she’s just saying that she changed the spacing of it while it was pronounced.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: So she says just people started calling it that way. Yeah.
Elisa: Okay. All right. I’m sorry. Go ahead.
Michelle: Well, I just also want to mention about what she’s wearing because it’s pretty spectacular. She had a long white, what looks like, a satin gown it’s got like a spaghetti strap. It’s a little bit open in the back. She’s giving me a little bit of a twirl and showing it off. It fits her body very nicely. And then it’s got like a trumpet bottom and where the, where the side split would normally be for your leg. It does split, but it’s got kind of like a silver inside of it. Like it says sparkly inside and bright purple shoes. Really beautiful, big purple heels on. Yeah.
Elisa: That’s cool.
Michelle: That’s pretty hard to miss. Pretty hard to miss. She’s making up very prominent.
Elisa: Girl you need to teach me how to dress. Oh my God.
Michelle: She, she told me to sit to be in black today. She said because I had something different on. She said it’s too, too busy.
Elisa: All right, so, let’s see you questions or do you want to say anything else before we get started?
Michelle: No.
Shanaan: Yes ma’am.
Michelle: She is acknowledging as well that her children are just behind her and there’s somebody to the side holding her baby. So she’s just making acknowledgement that they are all present but it is her that’s being interviewed. Just her.
Elisa: All right, has Eric been treating you nicely?
Shanaan: Like the brother, just like a brother.
Michelle: She goes a rascally one at that. All right.
Elisa: So can you tell us what happened that night?
Shanaan: I was coming home to repair her marriage. I had no idea what she was coming into, step into. Now, some of the questions that you have are going to ask some of the details. Would you like me to tell you in sequence what happened to me that night?
Elisa: Only if you, if you think it would help because I think a lot of people need closure surrounding your death. So whatever you think is appropriate, go ahead.
Shanaan: Okay. I was on a business trip, I was coming home. It was the late flight, I was tired.
Michelle: She’s talking about being physically uncomfortable and being physically unwell, being tired. She didn’t have any sense. I just asked her, how did you feel mentally? Like what did you feel about the situation that you were walking into? And I had just said, did you sense that something was wrong?
Shanaan: I did sense something was wrong, but I was sensing that my marriage was ending, but I was also not accepting that and just curious as to what was happening, what was going wrong. Starting to dread that there was more to what I was feeling deep in my gut that there was someone else that there was something else going on. But I was determined. I was determined in my life to do a lot of things and I was very determined to repair my marriage as well.
Elisa: Okay. So let’s go on with the steps. I have a lot of questions. So if you can make them brief.
Shanaan: It would be better if you ask the questions because there’s a lot of blanks to fill in and the questions would help it stay strong.
Elisa: Okay. So you came home, was Chris at home, your husband?
Shanaan: Yes.
Elisa: Did you have any kind of meaningful conversation right away and how did he seem?
Shanaan: There was nobody on the main floor.
Michelle: She showing me walking in and she’s saying that he was downstairs. She went downstairs looking.
Elisa: Okay. Were the kids there?
Shanaan: The children were not in their beds.
Elisa: Okay. Where were they with Chris?
Shanaan: Downstairs.
Elisa: Okay. Alright. So then what happened? Did you walk downstairs?
Michelle: She walked downstairs. Chris was downstairs. The children were asleep on the bed. She just showing me, she’s showing me that Chris is in front of her and that she’s starting to talk to him.
Elisa: About what ?
Michelle: She says that there was no, it was very, why are the girls downstairs?
Elisa: Like superficial stuff? Not like let’s talk about our marriage.
Shanaan: No.
Elisa: Okay.
Shanaan: No.
Elisa: Someone asked if Chris killed you in your sleep? I think? Yeah. Or did he, did he attack Shanaan while she was asleep.
Shanaan: I was attacked from behind.
Elisa: Okay. How shortly after when you went downstairs?
Michelle: She said that she turned around and went back upstairs. Chris was downstairs so she showing me walking away from him and going back upstairs. She was in the bedroom and she’s showing me laying down on her side.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: It looks like her left hand side and him not being up there with her.
Elisa: Okay. Then what happened?
Michelle: Okay, so she just showing me being pushed from behind on top and this is not Chris?
Elisa: Oh, it’s not Chris. Is it a woman?
Shanaan: Uh-uh.
Elisa: Who was it ? A hit man.
Michelle: Just give me a sec. Okay. She’s what she’s saying to me and Erik is just trying to help me understand that there is some detail within names and things that she’s not going to say.
Elisa: Okay, that’s fine.
Michelle: Because of implications with or because of, she says it’s not. Okay. Erik is talking about that part of the contracts and because there are parts to this that have not yet unfolded.
Elisa: Well, was it something that someone, was one person and, was it a male or female?
Michelle: It was a male that killed her.
Elisa: Not Chris?
Shanaan: No.
Elisa: Was it a friend of Chris’s or a paid for assassin?
Michelle: There was no money exchanged. There was something she’s saying it wasn’t money. There were some sort of arrangement. There wasn’t money, but this has a direct connection. She’s not saying the name but there’s a direct connection through Chris to a woman, which feels like somebody that he, and I mean I’m all aware too. I do have an awareness of the case. So I do think it’s important to say that as well. And she’s making that direction connected to someone he was having the affair with.
Elisa: Was it Nicole Kissinger, that you’re talking about, I mean I don’t know.
Shanaan: Yes.
Elisa: Okay. Was it a relative of Nicole’s?
Michelle: With somebody familiar to her.
Elisa: All right, so how was Nicole involved in this if at all and will she eventually be arrested?
Michelle: What she’s saying is that she’s talking about pressure. Okay, so she’s talking about, she just wants to look at a moment at what the dynamic is. As she said there was (inaudible) because she’s looking at the girlfriend as wanting, as there being jealousy as there being, two different sides to her.
Elisa: Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Michelle: There was something else and that there may not be full awareness. There was something else that’s male involved has some other motive to it.
Elisa: The same male that we were just talking about.
Shanaan: Yes.
Elisa: What was that motive?
Michelle: It may have led to some sort of financial gain, but there was no money exchanged. Like there was nothing that was like here on paying you.
Elisa: Yeah, maybe there’s promise of money, but it never exchanged hands.
Shanaan: Yes.
Elisa: Okay, what was the cause of death?
Shanaan: Extreme pressure to the throat.
Elisa: Strangulation?
Shanaan: Yes.
Michelle: She’s tightening.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: Tightening my throat area.
Elisa: Oh, did you suffer?
Shanaan: No, it was very quick and I was not looking directly, was not looking in the eyes.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: Is this being pushed? There’s like straddling to her from behind.
Elisa: Okay. The children were watching this, the girls, I guess. Somebody asked were are the girls really alive when he drove to the oil site? Or did he lie about that in the second confession?
Shanaan: The girls did not make it the full trip. The little one was killed first.
Elisa: How? And by whom?
Michelle: Hand.
Elisa: Like choking ?
Shanaan: No., like a hand over the face.
Elisa: Okay. Smothering, by whom?
Michelle: This same male.
Elisa: Okay. What do you Chris Kill anybody?
Shanaan: No, not with his own hands.
Elisa: So that this gentleman, this man was the one that also killed the kids?
Michelle: Three people.
Elisa: So, he killed the little one.
Michelle: There’s three people involved.
Elisa: Wow. So there were two other people that directly murdered one or both of the girls?
Michelle: The same. Same Man. The other two, it’s like an orchestration.
Elisa: So they were just encouraging.
Shanaan: Planned to look like an accident.
Elisa: Okay. Yeah, with three people. Wow. Oh, so the little, the little one died in the home. Right?
Shanaan: The little one died in the truck.
Elisa: In the truck. Okay, and then have the other two die. I guess there were two others.
Michelle: So what she’s doing, she’s just, I’m just seeing, images right now, so she’s showing me, I don’t see anything graphic. Nothing like that, but I am seeing that the little one, so the baby was still in Shanaan’s stomach.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: Shanaan was killed in the home. Her body was transported along with her children that were alive. And the energy I feel in the vehicle, there’s one, two, three, four living one deceased. Oh wait. Oh yeah. Okay. And then the one baby was still okay. Yes. Still living, was still alive inside.
Elisa: It can’t have been for very long.
Shanaan: No, no, was dying.
Michelle: Okay. And I mean, I don’t want to be too graphic about it, but so the little the youngest daughter, youngest girl was killed throughout the drive, before they reached the destination and the older girl, this would be the oldest child was killed on arrival to the destination travel.
Elisa: How were those two killed? By the same man that killed Shanaan?
Shanaan: Mmm-hmm
Elisa: What’s that now?
Shanaan: Yes, yes, yes.
Elisa: All right. So, the other people were just helping with the orchestration and trying to make it a cover up. I mean, how did she plan on making that look like an accident?
Michelle: Okay, so there’s connection to the location. She saying an explosion, that the plan was to set it up as if she had come out to, okay. Okay. Somebody else was going to drive her car that she was going to come out looking for Chris. Stage it, she says stage at like a show like about cheating about, infidelity to have a fight about infidelity. She said, okay. Yes. Okay. Okay. So somebody was going to drive her vehicle out, which would have contained bodies.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: And there would be something set at the location for a disaster or an explosion.
Elisa: Okay. I got you. So, well obviously then he planned, so this is Nicole. What exact part of did she play in all this?
Michelle: She’s calling her like a puppet master.
Elisa: Oh, wow, was she the brains behind the operation, encouraging Chris to do that mean?
Michelle: She’s saying desire coming from feelings. Desire. Jealousy. She’s talking about her having it, like a wanting, okay, this does have some money drive to it as well.
Elisa: So she wanted? Nicole wanted money?
Michelle: She was playing Chris, she was like, he’s easily swayed easily, he was easily, kind of a pushover also held in a lot of anger.
Elisa: So will she ultimately be become arrested? I mean, it looks like then she was the mastermind of the operation and did a lot of the planning and coordinating.
Michelle: She set it up. Okay. Okay. Explain this to me Shannon. Exactly how, okay, so what she’s showing me is like manipulate and for Chris to make the decisions.
Elisa: Okay. I see. Okay. So was there an insurance policy involved? I mean, what’s this big deal about the promise of money? I mean, I don’t know if they were rich anyway. I have no idea. But was there that?
Michelle: Chris, Chris played a bit of a different game with her and letting her know how much they had.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: How much, money they actually had. So, what she’s showing me is insurance from accidental death.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: She’s got the word responsibility that she’s showing me, responsibility on the company or the oil company having to pay for death.
Elisa: Wow.
Michelle: She’s saying there’s different angles. There’s different pieces to this.
Elisa: Okay. So the main motivation sounded like it was money and jealousy.
Shanaan: Yes, and somebody that truly wanted a new start.
Michelle: She’s saying that because she doesn’t want this to look like, okay. All right. She just wants to explain that this is not, she’s seeing this from a spiritual perspective because she said that people are going to get very upset and feeling that blame is being shifted. She does want the understanding that he had a behavior, he had a personality disorder. She’s saying that very difficult to recognize. But this also played part in him wanting like a fantasy in his head of what was going on because she’s saying he was detached from
reality and in a fantasy of things starting over and all this money and no more debt and all of this other thing. And if it’s an accident, it’ll be better for everybody in talking himself.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: He doesn’t feel emotion.
Elisa: It’s for the greater good. He was wearing these patches, these thrive patches. I wonder if that helped, make his whole mental thing worse.
Shanaan: Mmm-hmm.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: She says that she just said you could, you could say, but it was more of the transformation of his body that gave him a false sense of self confidence.
Elisa: Okay. Was he abusive to you prior and did he have any other affairs prior?
Shanaan: When I was alive, was not aware of any affairs that he had, but I did suspect at different times that maybe he would have done something. He did not have an affair in the way that you would look at what has happened with anyone that he had encounters with people.
Elisa: Oh okay, all right.
Shanaan: He was not physically abusive, although he, when he would get extremely wound up and he didn’t often express his anger, he would sit back.
Michelle: She’s saying that there was a bit of a manipulation to how he behaved and that he would hold back and let her get upset.
Elisa: Oh God. Did he give you any signs?
Michelle: More of a mental?
Elisa: Yeah. Did he give you any signs before your death you see in retrospect, you know, that he wanted to end your life?
Shanaan: I did not in any way believe that he would have killed me then. That was not, there wasn’t a worry about that. But his behavior was very odd. He was very detached from me and behaving in a way that I didn’t recognize. He was not behaving like the man that I thought I was married to.
Elisa: Did Chris help what, the other three help moving the body? The body’s ?
Shanaan: Chris helped Chris dragged my body.
Elisa: Okay. But did were there three men or two men and Nicole?
Shanaan: Just one man.
Elisa: Just one man. Okay. Got it.
Shanaan: One man and Nicole and Chris.
Elisa: Okay. Got it. Was your death and that of your children a spiritual contract? If so, what could be gained from it?
Shanaan: Yes, my spiritual contract is and has not been as much about my personal soul plan as if it was, what you would consider, we’d put the language of sacrifice too for the collective.
Michelle: She says that she has had lifetimes with Chris before.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: She’s had many lifetimes with him before and in each lifetime she had lost her children, whether she was in a different gender or in the same gender, and in this lifetime, the only way that she would go into another experience with him, because this was about the, she’s calling it the balance.
Erik: Like a karmic balance.
Shanaan: This was the lifetime to balance this, and this had to do with the collective learning because there’s a very big collective connection around the world to this.
Michelle: And she said that she would not come into this life and lose her children, that she would have to go with them, but she would not be left behind to experience that again.
Elisa: So what should the collected get out of your death? And that of your children.
Michelle: She says there’s multiple lessons that are evolved around in her death and that of her family. She says that there are personal, she’s calling them catalysts that spring off from her friends and family. She also says that on the collective scale that because of she was aligned with her life purpose.
Shanaan: And although it’s very hard to understand and it’s very hard to expect as a human being, that this was exactly aligned to what I was meant to do. And the videos that I had left and the memories that I had left of who I was and who I truly stand for was able to show other people that regardless of what they go through, that not everything is exactly the way it is.
Michelle: She’s talking about in comparison, looking at other people’s lives. She was living a life on Facebook, showing this perfect life and she says she really did have a wonderful life, but what she wanted was this family in this togetherness. And she was doing everything in her capability to be able to engage Chris in the way that she wanted. And he wasn’t. She’s calling him, not necessarily a willing participant. And she’s saying that there is a mask that’s worn and there are many, many people around this world that are in relationships where there’s not that are (inaudible) and not everybody can see what goes on behind closed doors. She says, you may not have seen bruises on my body, but I had bruises on my heart at times.
Shanaan: (inaudible) My children and I didn’t show anything different. I didn’t allow anything different to come through and nobody would have questioned not.
Michelle: But she says, this is to show that this can happen. This is about being in the moment and being aware of what’s going on in your life.
Shanaan: And this is also about looking at my life and what I triumphed through and what I was doing with my life and that that is continuing to carry on in many people’s lives because of the connections that we all have.
Michelle: She’s saying that there is a soul connection with so many people around the world that has connected so personally to her and to her children. And she’s also saying thank you for that.
Elisa: Sure. So why did Chris, he wanted a clean slate, why didn’t you just divorce you? Was it the money and Nicole’s jealousy or whatever?
Shanaan: It was the money. It was like a, ball of confusion.
Michelle: Like about his head. Him just going for he got this high, it was like an addiction.
Elisa: Yeah.
Shanaan: He got this fly, this feeling of being with her and he would do anything that she said he was like a puppy.
Elisa: Do you think that is not have the affair with Nicole, he wouldn’t have had her killed?
Michelle: She says it would have been a matter of time before something different had happened and one because of this was her soul plan and agreement. But also because this was like the right people at the right time with the right mixture. She says like a recipe.
Elisa: Gosh. Recipe for disaster. Someone stated that Chris was standing in the corner of your bedroom while you were being murdered. Is that true or was he still in the basement or?
Speaker 1: okay. Yeah, he was up on that floor when she was killed. Um, somebody was waiting in that room or in the, in a clot or like something darker, couldn’t be a closet. They feel like it was exposed to be able to see her, but he was in the basement. And so, um, she’s showing me him coming up the stairs. I was like being at the bottom of the stairs listening.
Speaker 2: Oh, okay. Hmm. Um, have you forgiven him and have you visited him in jail?
Shanaan: Yes, this is, this is my soul plan. This is what is very hard for the human mind to understand. (inaudible) and my spirit? I’ve released myself from that life. I do and have been near him. I have seen him. He has not yet come to terms with what he’s done despite the words that he said that he does not yet take responsibility and says that he holds hope for being released. That is not anything that holds me back.
Michelle: She wants to make it clear that her spirit is in forgiveness.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: And is an understanding of the spiritual agreement and that’s where she resides.
Elisa: Did he eventually tell the truth? The complete truth?
Shanaan: No.
Elisa: All right, what about this other man? Do law enforcement officials know about him? Are they going to prosecute him? Same thing about Nicole.
Michelle: So on Nicole, she’s not giving me, she’s hovering over her energy, so like it’s not sure of really have an answer. I can give clearly on that with the other man. There’s an awareness. There is an awareness. She said to something greater than what is being revealed.
Elisa: All right. Do your children and you plan to incarnate or have you already reincarnated?
Shanaan: Not anytime soon. I am enjoying being in spirit.
Erik: They are all together on another level, but that’s a story for another time.
Michelle: Yes, but she says that she will reincarnate into the world at, okay. She’s saying that this is more of 30 plus years from now. She’s talking about with when her parents, when her family.
Elisa: Okay. All right, describe what you saw when you first transitioned and when the girl’s transitioned.
Michelle: She said that when she first transitioned that she had an awareness. She said that there was a guide. She’s showing, it’s like an angelic, I’m not seeing anything physically. It’s a
pure white light. She said it was very warm. She had a very instant awareness. She says there was, there was no shock past the physical death of her body when her consciousness, she’s talking about being out of her body before her body was actually gone.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: So she had seen what had happened and the guide that was there, she’s showing me being enveloped in light to be able to immediately have awareness, to be able to immediately have, a sense of peace in remembrance of what exactly was happening.
Erik: This is not always the case. This isn’t always what happens. But with her, this was part of her soul agreement because she wanted to have her, spirit with her children. To receive them.
Elisa: So what was that like when your children transitioned?
Shanaan: It was all a very blessed coming home.
Elisa: What would the children like were they laughing and happy and smiling or were they in shock?
Michelle: She’s showing me, okay. Pure smiles. Like running to her mother. Like, almost like this is, she says like, it was a bad dream.
Elisa: Yeah.
Michelle: Like that’s how they disconnected from it.
Elisa: Did they officially ask questions like, fuck just happened, man?
Shanaan: No, part of the soul agreement was that there was.
Erik: This is something that isn’t completely uncommon with child spirit.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: When they pass in ways like this, that there’s not that complete shock because it’s more, a lot of times it’s the experience for the soul, but it’s more about the lesson or the, the spiritual agreements that comes from that soul passing so that they don’t really have that complete fog. That’s somebody else that’s had a longer life would have.
Elisa: Okay. All right. Well, I’m going to just ask these to be as quickly as possible. Were two of the girls Bella and CC sexually abused by Chris.
Shanaan: No.
Elisa: What was the relevance of the green step and Bella’s climbing, I guess climbing on it. I don’t know. I know nothing about the story or was there any significance?
Michelle: Not saying anything specific with it.
Elisa: Okay. What was, what evidence was missed on your body, if anything?
Michelle: She’s not pointing out that anything was missed? Was the other guy’s DNA anywhere? Like if she fought, you know?
Shanaan: No, he had gloves.
Michelle: She showing me rubber gloves, like, those latex.
Elisa: Was she wrapped in the blue throw?
Shanaan: No.
Michelle: She’s showing me her body in, like sheets, like lighter colored sheets and she’s wrapped up like, a Burrito.
Elisa: Okay. Why did you tell your mother you were sorry? I don’t know. I guess before you died.
Michelle: She’s, is very connected to her family. They all are, they all are. And she’s showing me, her mother has awareness. Her mother has, her mother senses her, feels her. Okay, so she said it wasn’t a sorry, I did something wrong. It was a, sorry that you’re in pain. I’m sorry that you’re going through this and she says that this is part of the pain of the soul contract of my family as well.
Elisa: Was there a saying sorry while you were alive with your mother?
Shanaan: No, everything that they saw of him, that they really loved him, that they really trusted him, that they really felt that I was well cared for and she didn’t show anything different.
Elisa: Did that help? Did you believe in an afterlife before you died?
Michelle: Sorry, say that again.
Elisa: Did you believe in an afterlife, you know, before you died?
Shanaan: Oh yes.
Elisa: All right, so the relevance of the fire, of course, that’s because they wanted it to be and look like an accident. Was that the relevance of the fire?
Shanaan: Evidence burning evidence.
Elisa: Okay. Now, was the photo of the wrapped doll sent to you as a warning by Chris? Or by this man or Nicole. I don’t know .
Michelle: She’s saying that, that was orchestrated by the female now, by the girl.
Elisa: All right. Real quick. This is what I ask every notable figure in celebrity, like yourself quickly. What was your spiritual mission as Shanaan Watts this lifetime?
Shanaan: It was adversity. It was overcoming.
Michelle: Oh, she’s very strong right now. Sorry.
Elisa: Oh, poor you. Oh, I’m sorry. Just take a moment. Uh-oh you’re muted.
Michelle: Did I just go out on you there?
Elisa: Yeah.
Michelle: Okay. I’m good now.
Elisa: Okay, good.
Michelle: Okay. All right.
Shanaan: So, it’s to show adversity that despite what you.
Michelle: Okay. Yes.
Shanaan: My life was not always in front of everybody. I wasn’t always on social media. I didn’t always share everything. But I had worked through so many challenges in my life and I continued to go forward and go forward because I was always very determined to come from a place in my heart, even when I didn’t think that that was even present. And so I wanted to show other people that they could do that too. I wanted to show other people that that was, that that was possible them as well.
Elisa: That you can overcome anything, if you want?
Shanaan: That you overcome anything that you can, you can follow your dreams if you can believe in yourself. These aren’t just words, ladies and gentlemen, these are not just words. If you truly believe in yourself, you can do anything. And if it sparks some sense of excitement and passion in you, you can keep going to the top. And my life was very much about showing that and I am still doing that from spirit that my who I am and what I stood for is still helping other people.
Elisa: That’s good. I’m just going to ask you that. What is your life’s work over there? So helping people to understand that you can say survive, but thrive in the face of adversity where you here to learn anything?
Shanaan: Yes, there was some, accepting myself regardless of my circumstances, believing in myself and believing in my own manifestation. I was determined.
Michelle: Like she’s showing boss lady across the front of her.
Elisa: That’s awesome. So you did accomplish that right, I think?
Michelle: She did and she said that, that’s a message that she wants to say that she is not suffering and she is, oh my God, I can’t believe she’s saying this because she says I’m thriving.
Elisa: Oh, that’s awesome.
Michelle: Yeah.
Elisa: Do you have any regrets?
Shanaan: I wish I wasn’t so hard on my family sometimes.
Elisa: Oh.
Shanaan: I want them to know, I want them to know how much I love them.
Elisa: Any the other messages from like your parents or I don’t know if you have any siblings or do you have any special messages for anyone who you want to say?
Shanaan: I love you, Mommy and Daddy.
Michelle: She’s, kind of like doing this too. She’s got a brother doing this to her brother.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: She’s also, putting a heart around her little dog.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: And yeah and his and his friend, his dog, little friend.
Elisa: Oh.
Michelle: Putting a heart around the dog’s little friend.
Elisa: That’s sweet.
Michelle: She said that my family knows that we’re all together. My family knows that we’re with them and she’s just saying that we see each other in our dreams.
Elisa: Oh, that’s awesome. Can you share a, another life that most influenced your life as Shanaan Watts.
Michelle: Okay. She’s showing me a lifetime that she had that she, and she’s got Chris in this lifetime as well. She said that they were both husband and wife in this lifetime. This is back.
Erik: This would be, late 18 hundreds, and there was abuse, a lot of physical and emotional abuse in this lifetime, but she has lost her children to a disease one after another.
Elisa: Was it Typhus, Cholera?
Shanaan: Yes. Yes.
Michelle: You just said it. Typhoid.
Elisa: Typhoid Fever?
Shanaan: Yes, one after another.
Michelle: She’s saying that she suffered extreme loss and felt abandoned by her children. She said in this lifetime she wanted nothing more then to be a mother. She wanted to mother her children. She wanted that connection. She very much, and as I said before, her energy is so mothering and so sweet. She said that was her dream, so she was able to, okay. So she had health issues. It wasn’t sure that she was going to be able to have children. So she went through that, worked through that fear and into that belief that she was able to. And she’s saying, including the baby that she has with her now, the little baby boy that was not born. She says, I was able to have three beautiful children in this lifetime, and they’re all with me.
Elisa: You remind me a lot of me, very determined, wanting nothing else but to be a good mother. So, and overcoming a lot of obstacles.
Shanaan: Yes.
Michelle: She’s agreeing
Elisa: Mother Mary Energy Vibe, but whatever. I mean, I’ll take what I can get.
Michelle: She says there’s a lot of people that would differ with that opinion.
Elisa: Is there anything you want to share about you that really, not too many people or anybody knows? For example, Madam Marie Curie said that she had a little doll sewn inside her, one of her skirts. So quirky stuff or not quirky.
Michelle: She says, she just showed me all of her shoes that she says, everybody knows that. She goes, I have, a thing for sparkle. Okay. She says I would never get up and sing in front of
other people, but she says I love to like thing on my own, like sing in the car, sing in the shower,
Elisa: Oh my God, me too! I love. I wouldn’t do that to the masses, but yeah, me too.
Michelle: Yup. Yeah. Oh, that’s why she, that’s why she said that you guys are alike.
Elisa: So Erik, do you have any questions for her? And Michelle, do you have any questions for her before we close?
Michelle: Oh God, I don’t want to get into crying here, but, I just want to thank her.
Elisa: Yeah.
Michelle: And Eric.
Elisa: Yeah. Yeah. This has been amazing. Erik, do you have any questions? We’ll give Michelle a moment.
Erik: Yeah. Dry up. Michelle, dry it up.
Elisa: Rub some dirt in it, Erik, please.
Erik: I always do.
Elisa: Erik, you better love on her after this is over.
Erik: No, Shanaan is, I have a comment. She’s spunky and she’s fiery and she’s a lot of fun. So we’ve enjoyed our communication.
Elisa: And do you play with the kids?
Erik: Oh yes. Oh yes, absolutely.
Elisa: Well, this was awesome. Thank you, Michelle. You guys. Yeah, you guys got to check her out at, I’ll put that here. Thank you everybody. Thank you, Erik. I love you, Michelle. I love you Erik.
Erik: I love you Mumma.
Elisa: I love you too.
Michelle: Bye.
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