This session was so poignant, it nearly brought me to tears. The fact that the first responders sacrificed their lives (and still are dying from their bravery) was a spiritual contract gave me both peace and pause. Medium and light language provider, Linda Lee Hack, did a superb job channeling them.
I recently received two portraits from blog member, Matea Curila, both of Erik, both jaw dropping. When I took them out of the mailing tube, my heart skipped a beat and tears welled up in my eyes. The one where Erik is a young boy made him seem alive! In fact, I think it’s better than the original photograph! These pictures don’t do the original drawings justice:

Original Photograph

Close Up
I asked her to gives us more information. Here is what she wrote. I’ve included a link in case you’d like to commission her to do a drawing of anyone you wish, deceased or living. What a wonderful present that would be!
My name is Matea; I’m an artist and a psychic medium. I come from a very small village in Croatia. There wasn’t very much to do there, so I began concentrating on drawing as an outlet. I realized I had psychic gifts when I was a small child, but I suppressed my gifts until my early twenties. Croatia and the area where I resided was predominantly a Christian Catholic Country, and gifts such as mine were considered a taboo, so no one believed me, and some called me crazy out of shear fear. I was seventeen when my mother passed on, and it took me quite a few years to come to terms with the fact that she really left me. Life happened, my first son was born, I married, I divorced, but I still couldn’t accept the fact that she was gone.
When I had my second son, that’s when everything blossomed. I started hearing, seeing, and feeling things all over again. I met Erik and he helped me to start cherishing the gift that I was given. Through having Denise Ramon, as a mentor on this side, along with my mother, Erik, and my spirit guides on the other side; I was able to self-discover more in-depth psychic abilities. I realize how lucky I am to be able to help so many people. I blended two of my gifts and created something unique and SPECIAL. I draw portraits of loved ones that have passed on. Humans and animals, and when I do this I go to a very special place, a place where I can clearly see, clearly hear, and clearly know. A place where I am one with connecting to spirit. As I draw, spirit speaks to me and gives me messages for their family and friends. After completing the drawing and before I ship it away, I channel once more and make sure I include a hand-written message, on a piece of paper, devoted just to the person who ordered the portrait. There is an unexplainable beauty about the love, support, and hope these messages bring to people who are still living.
This is what gives me purpose and motivation. I will forever be a channel to connect the two seemingly different worlds. I will celebrate my gifts and use them for the highest good to me and to others. I will forever be grateful to Erik, for being my anchor and my friend.
And so, it is. Love and light to all.
To contact her, click here.
Second, check out last night’s show. Quite powerful. Here is the description for the show:
Our guest this Tuesday was Michael Ginsberg. Michael is a spiritual teacher, author, healer and Life/Health reader. He has been doing healing work for 35 years. Spirit flows through him when he is assisting others to heal or to grow, expand and hold in more light.
Michael has had extensive training and practice in transcending all suffering, and he can share the best way we can change our existence. Then he explained, in an easy to understand way, how we have gotten there and why we’re dealing with the same patterns over and over, with no relief or growth. Michael has prototypically designed a spiritual healing service called, “Walk Down the Light in the Healing Garden.” Using the powerful divine spiritual current, he shows people what the spirit is, and then clears blocks of bound energy that reside in them, releasing long held emotions that have caused great suffering.
Michael is also a speaker who teaches people to understand who and what they are. He is finishing up his new book entitled, “A Path to Freedom: The Awakening,” which he also discussed during this show. He helped us answer this profound question: How do we find out who we are and what are we doing on the earthly plane? Then Michael transmitted, a powerful energy that can be felt over the airwaves.
After 20-30 minutes of discussion, he and Erik took calls from listeners, also channeled by Michelle. You can reach Michelle at, and you can reach Michael Ginsberg at
And now for the session. I believe there will be a transcript soon, but I wanted to post this early, skipping the queue of there other 18 videos in line to be posted, because Linda is planning a a very exciting event in Florida that I don’t want you all to miss. You can check her out at
By the way, you can learn how to fold a 20 dollar bill to show an image of the Twin Towers in flames if you go to Erik discusses why this is possible. Here it is:
Now for some comic relief. Is it just me or can you tell which of your dogs pooped just by the shape? Tapered or blunt, one piece or two, short or long. I can!
Oh, and I posted this on my story on Instagram: While Rune and I were camping in Galveston, we got surrounded by a huge swarm of dragonflies, some of which landed on us. No other campsite experienced this. Erik and friends? I feel like Erik and others rounded up all the deceased loved ones from the CE family to delight us.
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