The public event in Los Angeles was wonderful. Erik and Maitland didn’t disappoint. My grand baby, Arleen, had her 15 seconds of fame, sitting on Maitland’s lap and chatting with her, then playing “get you” with Uncle Erik like she used to when he was on the physical plane. She said she saw Erik and he was white. Michelle and I could see the shift in energy when Erik entered Jamie’s body (please don’t take this in the kinky way). It looked like a color shift and heat waves right along her neck. For me, the highlight, as always, was hugging my boy. I’m hoping Jamie took videos or that those who attended will share their perspectives on the evening.
In the last channeling session when I returned from Norway, I asked about the spiritual basis for the massacre in Norway.
Channeling Transcript
Me: So tell me, Erik, why the Norway shootings? I don’t know, when we went there, all hell broke loose. One time we went there and the Phuket tsumani happened, so I’m beginning to think we’re harbingers of disaster!
Erik (laughing): That’s right, Mom, it’s all your fault!
Me: Wow, I’m SO powerful! No, but really, why did such a tragedy have to happen in Norway, of all places?
Erik: I know! The quietest, most peaceful and loving place!
Me: Um hm!
Erik: That’s just what it is. The anger there has no place to be expressed. It’s completely suppressed.
Me: Oh, wow!
Erik: Look at their culture, Mom. Look at how they treat each other. It’s very peaceful, the land is very loving, but the people aren’t very loving to each other. Where are the hugs, man?
Me: That’s so true! They’re not very expressive and affectionate.
Erik: Awkward!
Me: Yes, like fathers and sons, brothers, they all shake hands instead of hugging. It’s so foreign to me as a Texan where hugs are king. So was the shooting some sort of learning vehicle for that?
Erik: It’s a lesson for the whole world. It’s about learning to express emotions in a healthy and loving way, not holding it in or being stingy with affection. Watch now, because the media is so sharp and instantaneous, really, the thread between one country and another is very closely tied now.
Me: Yeah!
Erik: What they do will affect the rest, because of the story, but the whole shitty thing is how the story changes because of the market they’re trying to get. The media feeds on the fear and greed.
Me: Yes, they can be self-serving like many entities.
Erik: Yes, so they’ll twist it to make it work for them. They’ll try to create more fear for people. Mom, Mom—
Jamie (to Erik): Are you really bringing that up?
Erik: Did you catch that story about the jaywalking mom?
Me: No, huh uh!
Erik: You were gone. Well, this woman was crossing the street with three of her kids, and one car came, hit one of the children and killed them.
Me: Awww.
Erik: The mom was going to be sentenced to jail for jaywalking. Yeah, that’s all the news would talk about—how she crossed the street in the wrong spot and lost the life of her son. Wouldn’t you think the loss of your son would be punishment enough?
Me: Gosh, yes.
Erik: And listen to this: They didn’t even talk about the guy driving the car! He had already hit two other people! Her son was the third person he hit. So, he left the scene, was found later, admitted to drinking and taking narcotics, right? Did he go to jail? No.
Me: Oh no!
Erik: Did the news focus on him and his mistake? No, they punished the mother, because that’s where the emotional story was, not this dick who totally lost control and still has a fucking driver’s license!
Me: Terrible!
Erik: He got like six months of jail time with probation, whatever. It was nothing. They didn’t even take anything away from him.
Me: Yes, I supposed stories about drunk drivers are so mundane and commonplace. They’re a dime a dozen. Gotta have the right emotional spin on it.
Erik: Yep, so they focus on the mother. Now she’s had two trials, because they asked her, “Why don’t you plead guilty so you don’t go to jail, and all you have to do is pay this fine,” and she said no. So they went for a second trial and that’s when they dismissed the case. She didn’t get jail time or anything. So, why would the media do this?
Me: I know. It’s awful enough to lose a child. I mean, I don’t know how many times I’ve jaywalked, gosh!
Erik (tenderly): Yeah, I know you know how it feels, Mom.