I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was quiet and productive, writing for the blog, transcribing sessions and working on the Channeling Erik social media. Today’s post is the first topic discussed in my session with Emma McIntosh, the third eye. (No perverted thinking, guys. I’m talking about the spiritual third eye.) I’ve always been fascinated by the subject, and why I’ve waited until now is beyond me. I hope you find this as illuminating as I did.
Me: Hi, Emma.
Emanuelle: Hi, how is it going?
Me: It’s going fine. Is our boy there?
Emanuelle: Yes. He is here. He is saying, “Hi, Mom,” and he is blowing you kisses.
Me: He always does that. Emma how are you doing today? Are you doing good?
Emanuelle: I am doing good. A little nervous, but I am doing good. He has been with me all day so. He has been bugging me all day. He is like, “Come on, you can do this!” and I am like, ‘Okay, okay!’
Me: He’ll provide us with comic relief. Don’t worry.
Emanuelle: Oh, I’m pretty sure he will.
Me: Okay, so one thing I would like to talk about today is the third eye. A lot of peoples don’t know what it is. What the heck is it, Erik? Tell us what you can about it.
Erik: Well, the third eye is actually an internal organ. It’s the bridge between the spiritual realm and life here on Earth. It’s an energy spot where the body and the mind come together.
Me: Okay.
Erik: I’m glad you brought this up because you know, Mom, how we’ve been talking about feeling lost, feeling disconnected, feeling like we don’t belong, feeling like the world is a mess, not knowing why we’re here and so on? Well opening your third eye will help you feel reconnected. You’ll create a bridge between here on Earth and the other dimensions. Therefore you’ll get a different view, a different perspective of the world around you. You’ll see and experience the connections between everything and everyone. This will help a lot of people to get out of that funk, and if we could all open it, we could reconnect to that feeling of being one consciousness.
Emanuelle: So it’s really important, and it’s weird we never talked about it. Maybe people weren’t ready yet.
Me: Yes, I never even thought to ask. I mean I’ve asked general stuff about chakra’s, but that’s about it. So the third eye, is that the crown chakra or is it something different?
What a dummy. I knew it wasn’t that!
Erik: No, it’s the brow chakra.
He points to the spot right above the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead.
Erik: It’s actually, and you probably know this, Mom, the pineal gland.
Me: Oh, okay. The pineal gland, right.
Erik: It looks like a pinecone, and it’s like smack in the middle of the brain. Mom, people have known this for centuries. The Egyptians called it the Eye of Horus. They also called it the all-seeing eye, the inner eye, the eye of wisdom. Even in the Vatican you can see the pinecone symbol in statues. You can also see it in the staff of the Pope, and that symbolizes the third eye. This is not a big secret. It’s just being suppressed by the leaders of our world, politicians, the ones who like the control that they have over the world, etc. They actually try to numb down that organ by stopping it from work properly so they can keep the masses docile and mellow like sheep, lambs following the shepherd.
Emanuelle: (not sure how to pronounce docile) I apologize if my English isn’t always correct but sometimes I hear words that I do not know what they mean. My English isn’t the best.
She giggles.
Me: Oh, okay. I think it’s pretty good.
Seriously, I can barely hear an accent. She lived in Colorado for a while, which probably helped.
Emanuelle: Well, I try my best to say what he says, so hopefully you will understand it.
Erik: The reason why this just now came up is because I gave you the theory of everything first so now it is time to get the experiences. We’ve been explaining a lot. We know now how the universe works, how the afterlife is, and so on, and now it is time for everyone to experience it. Everybody can do this just by detoxing the pineal gland, by opening that third eye.
Me: I’m gonna ask more specifics about how to do that later, but how do the big wigs try to numb our pineal gland? What do they do, put something in the water supply or something?
Erik (pointing at his nose and then me): Yes, yes. We’ve talked about this before. They add fluoride to the water supply. Now the pineal glad is like a magnet to fluoride, and this calcifies the membrane of the gland. Because of this the gland can’t work to its full potential. The pineal gland contains the highest fluoride concentrations in the human body, higher than either bone or teeth. Another bad one is mercury, which can be found in all vaccinations, teeth fillings, etc. It’s a hard metal to get out of our body. That one also blocks the pineal gland, and there are other influential factors like pollution, bad diet and so on. But the biggest influence comes from fluoride and mercury.
Me: Okay. All right, now are there any other signs that your pineal gland is not healthy?
Erik: Not feeling connected, feeling lost, being judgmental, having anxiety or mental fogginess, feeling overwhelmed.
Me: Nothing else like headaches, no physical symptoms?
Erik: Migraines, some physical aches. Too much fluoride causes headaches, vision problems, insomnia, sinus issues and hernias. Too much mercury is poisonous to the nervous system and can cause neurological and behavioral disorders such as emotional instability, neuromuscular changes and headaches, but it mostly effects how you feel emotionally.
Me: Yes, well how do you open your third eye? How do you detox your pineal gland?
Erik: A good diet is very important.
Ugh, I hate when he says that. Very disappointing. Exercise better not be step two.
Erik: Remove fluoride from your drinking water. In the States, the levels are really high. In Europe it’s high, too except for a few countries like the Netherlands who have seriously reduced the amount of fluoride. You can use specific filters to get it out of your water.
Me: Yes, I have that but then all your teeth are going to fall out right?
Good news for dentists.
Erik: No, Mom. We’ve had enough intake since we were young, so we have enough built up to last. You can also eat certain detoxing foods like raw cacao. Lime is very good, too.
Me (singing): Put da lime in da coconut.
Emanuelle (giggling): Yeah! He is saying something, but I don’t know what it is. It sounds like spirul(stutters.)
Me: Spirulina?
Emanuelle: Yes. I don’t know what that is.
Me: I don’t either, but I have heard of it.
Erik: Coconut oil is another one. There’s a whole list of foods that will help. You can probably look it up on the Internet.
Emanuelle: It looks like ccccilantro (stutters.) I don’t know what that is. It looks like a green vegetable.
Me: Cilantro, yes. Anything else besides dietary?
Erik: The third eye can be activated through meditation.
Me: Oh, okay.
Damn. Another thing I suck at.
I hope you enjoyed the first installment of the series. Again, if you’d like to get in touch with Emma, click HERE. But first, check out this cool image of the Eye of Horus compared to a cross section of the human brain!

The Eye of Horus and the Pineal Gland
And here’s proof that the third eye is ubiquitous in our society.