
Dear Elisa,
Thank You for creating this blog and sharing it . I am fairly new to the site I think it has been a few months now but im on it all the time it has it’s own thumbnail for my top visited site with Erik’s face lol. When I Initially came across the site I felt a very sincere connection. I love Spirituality and all the topic you talk about. Especially getting to the bottom of them and expanding on them and I appreciate the site and you for that too. It came into my awareness quick but I felt a sense Erik wanted my support. Though in the back of my of my head I was thinking huh? me? and that is really sweet at the same time. So i guess that was my first Erik Encounter just coming across the blog.

Even something cooler happened in one of your video’s I was watching a few months ago there is an EVP where you can here Erik whistle real quick. As I was walking through my living room one day I heard that same exact whistle loud and clear. It was the same day and the morning as I was getting ready to take my dad to the hospital to check on his heart…we thought it was going to be quick and he wound up having to stay to have a triple bypass surgery this was about 4 weeks ago. So when In need I call on Erik. He has such a unique presence and he seems like a very present spirit. There is a few more simple thing’s I won’t babble on but I have to say thanks because all the knowledge and information has been very helpful to me.
Also I just wanted to share A possible idea that crossed my mind today. It might be awesome to have the blog posts and information consolidated and sold as a book. It might be something to help support and nurture CE. I think I have might have found my way into a long term relationship with CE without even realizing it at first lol.


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