Dark Energies

Hello All,

This is the last post before I kick my eldest daughter out of the nest! Her wedding is Saturday, and we are all so excited. Her fiancé, Houston, is such a wonderful guy. Couldn’t ask for better. I’ll try to post pictures when I return to the daily posting. Until then, Professor Patrick has graciously agreed to be our guest blogger. His channeling abilities are excellent. I’m sure he’ll share god only knows what from our boy.

Another thing: I probably won’t be able to return emails so be gentle. I get over 100 per day.

Now, along the lines of yesterday’s post, Erik shares more about “dark energies.”

Me: Are there such things as shadows—dark energies that follow someone and prevent them from succeeding?

Erik: Yeah.

Me: Really? Why?

Erik: I like to call them attachments. They’re ghosts, which are spirits who haven’t crossed over into other dimensions. They remain on the earthly dimensions.

Jamie listens to Erik, and then laughs.

Jamie (to Erik): I don’t know if we can use that one.

Erik: Let’s take a fatty.

Jamie (to Erik): Use a different example.

Me: Yeah!

Erik: Okay, let’s use an alcoholic. If it’s a ghost was an alcoholic while they were living and you went to a bar and you’re a good drinker, they can attach to you and enjoy that sensation. Now let’s say you’re done with being an alcoholic, but the attached entity is not. They are feeding you energy that supports you being a drunk.

Me (sarcastically): Oh, great!

Erik: You are fighting to be sober, but it’s not working. You’re in conflict.

Me: How do you get rid of them?

Erik: It’s really important that you learn how to know—is it your issue, or is it a bigger issue than yourself? Is it an attached entity?

Me: How can you find out, and how can you get rid of them if that’s the issue?

Erik: Well, if you’re not spiritually inclined yourself, then you need to go to someone who knows.

Me: Okay.

Erik: Then—

Jamie: I just wouldn’t go somewhere where you have to pay an arm and a leg and the person says, “Oh, you have to come back three times.”

Erik: Yeah, people get wrapped up in the voodoo galore crap. You got someone attached to you? All right, tell them to leave! You set boundaries. You wash yourself; you cleanse yourself; you change your line of thinking so you don’t give your power to what you considered the little voice inside your head as being enlightened, because it’s an attached entity. What? Are you asking this for the first time?

When he talks about washing and cleansing yourself, I’m sure he must be talking about energy rather than the physical body.

Me: I know. My bad.

Erik: I love you.

Me: I love you, too, you little rapscallion! 

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Elisa Medhus

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