
The Healing with the Masters Show went so well last night! Erik was in fine form, and Jamie channeled him masterfully. I didn’t realize they were going to take callers, and the lines lit up like crazy when they did. Erik helped so, so many of them. Well, all of them. At one point, the host called on the next caller, but that caller was confused as to whether it was really her turn or not, so she hesitated for a few seconds. Then, you hear Erik shouting, “It’s you!” We all heard him! How cool is that. The show went over time for ten minutes. I swear we could have used another hour. I’ll post the link when it’s ready. Love these call in shows, and I can’t wait until we start our own in January. 

Speaking of signs from Erik, I’ve been a little whiny bitch lately, complaining to Erik about not getting any tangible signs lately. Given the recent family crisis, I could use one. I kept fussing, “You prank and gives signs to hundreds of blog members, but not your own mom?” But yesterday, he dropped a yellow Airsoft BB in front of me. We have no Airsoft guns much less BBs. Very cool. Thank you, Erik. So, if you haven’t heard from him, I guess you just have to insist, then let go of expectations. 

For the last couple of years, I’ve heard about the whole reptilian/David Icke theory and thought it was a little whack, but so many of you have asked about it that I decided to open my mind and ask Erik about it. 

Me: Now we’re going to talk about something else controversial. People have wanted me to ask about this but it seemed so silly that I haven’t wanted to. The reptilian alien race.

Erik: Mm. I know exactly what you’re fucking talking about!

Me: Tell me! Tell me!


Jamie: Oh, Land of the Lost! Isn’t that the TV show?

Me: Yeah, I think so.

Jamie laughs.

Jamie: That’s the image. He was showing me the walking—oh my god, that is a flashback, Erik.

Me: That big old dinosaur getting the little—

Jamie: Yeah. Lizard men? I don’t know what they are. Flashback.

Erik: Yes. What do you want to know about them? They’re really good at visual deception.

Me: Yeah, I hear they’re shape-shifters.

Erik: Yes.

Jamie: Oh wow. Really? He’s saying, “yes.”

Erik: They can present themselves just as real as if you’re looking at the image—skin texture, everything, as a person, and then sometimes when you’re staring at them, you’ll see their skin tone change.

Me: Mm.

Erik: That’s their energetic field. There’s s certain kind of smell that comes with them. It’s not like a pheromone odor, and it’s not like a perfume odor.

Jamie: It’s dry, smoky, cold? Is that what you’re saying? I don’t know what you mean.

Me: What are they like beside how they smell and how they look? Are they bad?

Erik: They’re mischievous. They’re set on experimenting, exploring, researching your behavior and what’s happening to you. They’re really a race that is—oh, here’s a word you would understand: egotistical. It’s all for themselves.

Me: Okay.

Erik: They don’t really inhabit a human body. They just present themselves as having one.

Me: Okay, so it’s not a possession.

Erik: Right.

Me: Okay. That makes sense. Now how do they do that? How do they shape-shift? Do they project an image of a human over themselves? Do they actually change cells? Do they do something to our minds that makes us think we’re looking at something different?

Erik: No. Our minds are so easily manipulated that they don’t even have to fuck with it. All they have to do is change the cells that are around them to reflect the energy and light for us to perceive what we really want to see.

Me: Yeah.

Erik: They rely on us not to expect them to look like a walking lizard therefore we’re not looking for it. We’re looking for human characteristics. How do we do that shit in cereal and stew? Like we get something served to us that we clearly know is not a human, but we see eyes and a nose and a mouth. We’re trained to identify likeness.

Me: I’ve heard that they live in caves and tunnels. Is that true?

Erik: Yes.

Me: All of them? Or do some of them live normal lives in their little houses with their families? Some family members might be human. Are some interspersed in our society completely?

Erik: In very few cases, they’re interspersed in our society.

Me: All right. Interesting. Somebody told me they have some sort of connection to government control and manipulation of the earth. I’ve heard the Galactic Federation of Light is protecting us from them.

Jamie: I don’t see them having any, and I’m asking Erik again about an association to the earth like what the earth is doing or the health of the earth or mining or something of that nature. I see them being a little more removed than that. It’s almost like they’re more interested in mass control of the human species, in a way, like, uh…

(Long pause)

Jamie: I’m asking Erik, ‘Do they need us for something? Manpower, labor, stuff like that?’

Erik: It’s more of a dominance, an aggressive society that when they come across something that’s not them or even if they come across something that is them but on another planet, they’ll conquer that one as well. It’s just the way they’re created.

Me: I’ve heard that they do this whole problem-reaction-solution thing to control us. They create a problem, and we react and come up with a solution that somehow helps them. Is that true?

Erik: That has happened on a handful of occasions, but that’s not something they can pull off regularly.

Me: Well, they say that global warming is really a farce that was created by the reptilians. Is that true?

Erik: Not true.

Me: Okay, so global warming is the real thing. There was some talk that the swine flu epidemic we had a long time ago—they injected people with vaccines, of course, and they had some nanotechnology embedded within it that was supposed to be used for mind control, and the Galactic—See this all sounds so crazy—the Galactic Federation of Light neutralized it.

Erik: Conspiracy.

Me: So that’s all conspiracy theory. Anything else about the reptilians? How come we haven’t seen them? I mean, if they’re living in caves and tunnels, why haven’t we stumbled on them? It’s just like Bigfoot.

Erik: Yeah, but just like Bigfoot, they’re multidimensional beings who reside in other dimensional planes than we humans do. Until we master that, which is basically just believing that we can, then we’ll be able to cross that and finish tracking Bigfoot, for crissakes.

Me: I know! So in order to not be found, do the reptilians just switch dimensions? They’re in their little cave, and some human spelunkers come about and they just take themselves to another dimension?

Erik: Hey, Mom, if they’re really not needing to be in our dimensional plane, they don’t hang out there. They switch.

Me: All right, but they do live in our dimension in caves and tunnels to a certain degree?

Erik: Yes.

Me: I’ve also heard we have hybrids here, including in some of the big bloodlines like the Rothschilds. Is that true?

Erik: There are hybrids on Earth, yes, in so many people. Do you mean—?

Jamie: I wish he would just sit still for a second or stand still. He’s just pacing back and forth, back and forth.

Me: Erik!

Jamie: He wants to clarify your question. When he’s talking about hybrids, he’s talking about energy, like your soul mass is part like white alien and part human.

Me: Okay.

Jamie: Vibrationally.

Me: Okay. I got it.

Erik: That comes in, but are you trying to say physically?

Me: Well, maybe that, too. So there’s an energetic hybrid you’re saying, right? Between reptilians and humans.

Erik: That’s what’s more successful when we’re talking about hybrids. It’s not really about a physical body—

Me: Not interbreeding.

Erik: Yes.

Me: Could they interbreed?

Erik: In what fucking plane?

Jamie laughs.

Me: I don’t know! You tell me! Your plane or mine, baby.

Erik: No.

Me: Okay. But they are in some of the big bloodlines like the Rothschilds? No? Yes? Maybe?

Erik: Yes, but it’s not just about rich, famous, powerful people. It’s in the bloodlines of families that have just lived on one mountain and have never gone anywhere else.

Me: Are there any reptilian hybrids around me in my life? (In jest) Like my husband?

Jamie (laughing): He so wanted to mess with you.

Erik: No.

Me: No. All right. Well, that sounds interesting! Thank you, Erik! Thank you, Jamie! Until the next time!

Erik: Your welcome. Thank you, everybody.

He holds up a peace sign.

We finish our goodbyes.

Just gross.

                                  Just gross.

Join me today at 1:00 PM CT LIVE on Out of the Box Healthcare with Dr. Jeanette Gallagher HERE or HERE

Here’s the wonderful book trailer Jamie made for us! Click HERE to download it to your desktop.  Be sure to buy your own copy of My Life After Death!


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Elisa Medhus

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