Missing Earring

Here’s one of two encounters I’m posting today!

I came back home from backpacking trip from India, I was really tired that night because of flying and staying awake for like 36 hours. Anyway long story short I was going to sleep that night and threw my earring on the floor so I would pick it up in the morning, but in the morning it wasnt there and I was wondering where it was for like three days. Then I started watching youtube videos, I missed them for two months while I was travelling. I ended up watching Eriks Infamous Pranks video and in the Beginning Erik says hes going to prank everyone watching, Then I said to Erik “well, help me find my earring or manifest it for me” and in the end of the video Erik says that if people could just be a week without thinking that if something happens that its coincidence and trust that it was from nonphysical, or something like that. Anyway after video ended I went to bathroom and came back and, lo and behold, my earring was on the kitchen floor. Automatically my brain said it was just coincidence, but then I remembered what Erik said in the end of the video and I started laughing and thanked Erik. I was happy because I really love this earring.
Thank you Erik, Thank you Elisa, Thank you Jamie, Thank you the wholefoods CE Family

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