More on Disease and Home Movies (YAY!)

Blog member, Noah, currently visiting Israel, sent us this request. I hope the healers in our family can help.

Also on the agenda today, we’re going to revisit the spiritual basis for some diseases yet to be covered. Then, I hope you  enjoy a home video of Erik when he was very young. Twice a year, I used to videotape “One Day in the Life of the Medhus Family.” In this one, Erik was around 4 years old and had a huge crush on his teacher, Ms. Kane. That same day, she took the wind out of his sails with some terrible news. She was getting married. Erik was heartbroken. He crawled into her lap and cried, saying, “Ms. Kane, please don’t marry that boy-ee! Wait til I get bigger!” Poor little guy. I tried to hunt Ms. Kane down by asking the school officials to give me clues as to her whereabouts, but since I have no idea what her married name is, it proved fruitless. Probably all for the best, though. I just wanted her to know what a tremendous impact she had on him. On the video, you can see it in his little beaming face.

Noah’s Email

Hey Elisa,

Writing to you from Tel Aviv. Love it here. I’m having a great time. Will be back in LA on the 22nd – and I look forward to seeing you.

Was wondering if I could ask you to put in a special request for some healing energy to my little cousin Emily. Emily is about 12 or 13… she’s a special, very brilliant girl – extremely (frighteningly) smart for her age, and she’s at Boston General Hospital fighting off a respiratory illness – of which she might not survive. Things seem dicey.

Emily’s always had immune disorder issues – but she’s always been like this little sarcastic, funny girl… I hope she gets through this. Any healing energy Erik or the group could send her way would be fantastic. I would prefer that her last name not be broadcast to a large group – but just so Erik or any healers know…that’s who needs the help if she’s going to survive this.

Channeling Transcript

Me: Oh, I forgot to ask you about another disease. What’s the spiritual basis for irritable bowel syndrome?

Erik: It’s about not being able to digest or process nurturing, usually.

Me: Oh, okay! Because they don’t feel deserving of it, or—

Erik: It’s not even that they don’t feel deserving. A lot of them will feel that they do, but they don’t understand what nurture is—what is caring and what is destructive. It’s more like a confusion about the definition of nurture.

Me: Ah, okay. What about people who’ve had strokes?

Jamie (giggling): Oh god, Erik just gives me this image of a sharpshooter from really far away, and they go, “Okay, he’s gonna have a stroke,” Ppppiiiuuunng!” They shoot him and the person has a stroke.

I chuckle, but I have no idea why.

Me: Good sound effects, Jamie!

Jamie giggles.

Erik: It’s so instant; it’s so in the moment—

Me: Wait, are you talking about cerebral aneurysms or massive strokes?

Erik: Both, I guess.

Me: Okay, there are the strokes that can be pretty abrupt and fatal, but then there are also ones that come on slowly and don’t cause instant death.

Erik: A lot of it relates to a conscious level of being intelligent, being very knowing—Knowing the answers, knowing the way, knowing the direction—and then actively choosing to go against it and lose it all. This is just one of the lessons. Of course strokes and aneurysms can also just be quick exit points when the spiritual contracts are done.

Me: What about eye problems?  Let’s take myopia or nearsightedness. I get the sense that part of it is about the fact that they’ve seen some horrible things in their past lives—maybe?

Erik: Yeah, a lot of it relates directly to the past lives on that one, Mom. You’re right.

Me: Okay. Any other spiritual basis for nearsightedness?

Erik: Well, in the current life, it would relate to taking your life for granted, not being grateful.

Jamie: Is that, uh, he’s showing me an eye condition that’s kind of gradual.

Me: Well, there’s farsightedness, glaucoma, cataracts, uh—

Jamie: No, I can’t understand what he’s saying, because I don’t recognize it but it starts with an “M.” Sounds like macaroni.

Me: Oh, macular degeneration?

Jamie: Yeah, that, that thing.

Erik: Yeah. That’s the one where you’re taking advantage of what’s around you. You’re not showing gratitude, and the lesson has been presented, presented, presented, but you don’t get out of that pattern. So then, the only kind of self-destruction that can occur is to gradually take  the eyesight away so that you can’t see what you’ve taken for granted.

Me: Oooo. Yeah!

Erik: It’s a lesson in being humble.

Me: What about glaucoma? Is that kind of similar as far as a spiritual basis is concerned?

Jamie: Wow, he’s saying it has more to do with the brain!

Me: Oh, okay.

Erik: It’s about the body not being able to regulate itself. A lot of that is due to the body getting old, like more of a natural process, but if it’s happening more in the younger person, they put too much pressure on themselves to achieve, to be, to meet a goal that is just completely outrageous and out of reach.

Me: Okay. Alright. And cataracts? Is that what you were taking about? More of a, you know, aging process, or—

Erik: It is. It is more of an aging process, but then again, if you look at younger people who have it, that’s a lesson about being humble as well. Thank god we have doctors and scientists that can get rid of ‘em.

Me: Yeah, I know. My great uncle was the one who invented cataract extraction and replacement.

Jamie: No way! That’s awesome! He says they scrape it out. Ooo that gives me the willies!

Me: Yeah, and Ignacio Barraquer, that was his name, along with his sons invented corrective eye surgery, corneal transplants and most of the surgical instrumentation involved. He operated on Greta Garbo, General Franco, the Shah of Iran, among others. Plus it was cool, because he had a lot of animals. I think a lot of people paid him in goats. He also had a couple of cheetah and a chimp. Interesting character. La Clinica Barraquer, at least the one in Barcelona, was designed so that Ignacio sat in the center and the operating rooms rotated around him. He’d do one surgery, then the next one would rotate to him.

Jamie: Cool!

One Day in the Life of Erik Medhus

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