The Illuminati

Today, we’re going to touch the surface of a subject many of you have shown an interest in: The illuminati. When I start asking Erik about all the great mysteries of the world, I’ll probe him for much more detail. Until then, a little taste will have to do. Because this is such a short post and because I’m going away for the long weekend (in a camping area with no Internet) I’m going to make it up to you by doubling up with another entry today. 🙂

Me: Does the Illuminati exist? If so, is their purpose to take over the world and dominate the masses as so many people think?

Erik: The Illuminati does exist, yes. Is it to take over? No.

Me: So, we have nothing to worry about, then.

Erik: No.

Me: Well, what is their purpose then?

Erik: To really keep the truth.

Me: Of?

Erik: Centuries of truths about the experiences with God.

Me: Okay. Does this cover multiple religions? Do they protect the truths of multiple religions or does it transcend religion to protect the truths of the spiritual aspect of God?


Erik: It transcends religion. It doesn’t highlight any particular belief or faith. It just highlights the truth and the communication and the natural powers that the human beings have and how we’ve been talked out of our full potential.

Me: So true.

Erik: It highlights how to tap in to a timeless supply of answers and visions and insights. Humans as a whole? Not ready for it.

Me: Yeah. I don’t know why they get such a bad rap, then. And people say they have ties to the music industry and are trying to take that over. Some say Tupac Shakur was killed by the Illuminati. I mean, there’s such a negative vibe or connotation surrounding the rumors.

Erik didn’t seem to comment further. I guess we’re not meant to know any more than what he’s divulged.


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Elisa Medhus

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