Last night, we put up Christmas decorations so it looks like Santa threw up all over the inside of our house. Arleen joined in by putting ornaments and candy canes on the tree. Of course they’re all on the lower part bunched up in a 2 square foot area. She mostly enjoyed the Christmas carols, the hot cocoa with marshmallows and the cookies made with green and red chocolate chips.
All we have left to do is wrap the trees and bushes with lights. We usually do that ourselves, but now, other than Lukas, all my help (the kids) have moved out and have their own places to decorate. I can’t wrap trees because I get dizzy winding the string of lights around and around the trunk. I’m serious. Two times around and I’m green. So, I’m getting estimates from different companies that aren’t vestibularly challenged. So far, I have one bid. Drape the rose bushes with netted lights and wrap the trunks of 4 trees to a height of 10 feet. $1,030. Are you kidding? Are the lights gold-plated? Do they come with little elves that turn the lights on when the sun sets? Does it come with a comprehensive orthodontics plan for Arleen? The answer is no. We might remain in the dark this season.
Me: Howdy, as we say in Texas. Hi, Jamie, Erik.
Jamie: Hello.
Erik: Hi, Mom.
Me: Third session today. We’re going to make it a good one to wrap it up. We’re going to talk about aliens.
Jamie is turning around in her chair looking around her.
Me: Are we aliens? Are all of us on Earth aliens?
Erik: The human race is alien.
Me: Alien to what?
Erik: To everybody else.
Me: Well, that’s true.
Erik: When you get into one body, you think that’s the norm and that every other kind of living thing is the alien.
Me: Oh yeah. We’re aliens to people on Planet Whatever.
Erik: Yes.
Me: All right, but are some of us really from other planets?
Erik: Yeah, but not all of us.
Me: And for some of us, basically, our home planet is Earth?
Jamie (laughing): Yeah, he calls those people “Earth Jumpers.”
Erik: They only jump onto Earth. They come back; they jump back to Earth; they come back; they jump back to Earth.
Me: Oh, I see. So how do you define someone as being alien? Is it the first, well, you can’t have the first because there’s no linear time.
Caught my mistake in the nick of “time.”
Me: Is it that they incarnate into a particular planet more often?
Erik: Yes. Wha-what! I love my mommy so much! Does everybody hear her? She changed the word “first!”
Erik gives me applause.
Me (pulling on my sleeves at the shoulder): Hey, it’s what I do. Starseeds, though. Can you tell me a little bit about that? Some of us are Starseeds. We come from other planets. A lot of times, we feel like we don’t belong because, you know, this is not our home planet. Tell me a little bit about Starseeds.
Jamie (still looking around): Damn, there are a bunch of other people in the room!
Me: Oo. Are they aliens?
Jamie: Yeah, they’re not human.
Me: Oh, wow! Are they Starseeds?
Jamie counts them.
Jamie: I’ve got nine others. What’s a Starseed?
Me: Go ahead, Erik.
Jamie: Somebody tell me.
Me: It’s somebody who’s from another planet but comes to Earth, like a Pleiadian. Like I’m supposed to be from the planet, Pleiades. Or the star system.
Jamie: I got it. So you call that a Starseed.
Me: Yeah.
Jamie: Okay. Sorry. For some reason I just blanked out for a little bit. There are nine others plus Erik and yes, these are entities, multidimensional beings who have incarnated to Earth. So, yes, we can call them Starseeds even though they don’t look human.
Me: Why do they decide to come to Earth? Why do some people, like Pleiadians, decide to incarnate on Earth.
Jamie (smiling): These must be Erik’s friends cuz one of them said, “For the party!”
Jamie and I laugh.
Jamie: That’s totally what I’d expect Erik to come up with.
Me: Yes! Sounds like a buddy of his. Is that a buddy of yours, Erik?
Erik (doing a party wave above his head): Yeah!
Me: Yeah, so more detail. Beside the party, why do people want to come from, say, Pleiades or Sirius or Orion?
Jamie waves her hand to get me to stop talking.
Jamie: To move slowly like your turtles because in other dimensional planes, there’s a sense of ease or quickness, even with telepathic communication. On Earth, it slows you down. There’s a sweetness to it, I hear from behind me. There’s a kindness to it. (smiling) That’s said in a very deep voice. Um what did you say? For conflict. Erik’s jumping in.
Erik: For confrontation, for conflict.
Me: Contrast, yeah.
Erik: Because there are other dimensional beings that have that ease where contrast isn’t there, so there’s a certain joy in saying, “I’m going to run into that tree, and I’m going to stop” or “I’m going to tell you I don’t like it, and they say they do, but I say I don’t.” So there’s a need to experience what that’s like, and there’s an excitement for it, really.
Me: Yeah, it’s kind of cool to sometimes not have control, and contrast gives you that, plus you learn a lot of things from contrast, don’t you?
Erik: Yeah.
But it sucks sometimes.
Be sure to join me on the radio show, Love, Trust and Pixie Dust with host, Leslie Green, tomorrow at 12 ET/11 CT/9 PT by clicking HERE!