I’m so excited! Blog member (and extraordinary writer) Lambert Scalvini and a friend of his is really helping me out with the radio show: the intro, the outro, the announcer voiceover and more. I can’t believe he’s doing this out of the kindness of his heart! I’m so blessed to have you all. We’re such a close and loving family, and I feel like we make each other better people. I really do.
A couple of announcements:
Listen to me LIVE on Health Now Radio TODAY at 6 PM CT/7 PM ET/ 4 PM PT. Click HERE!
And don’t forget to listen to my interview on Love, Trust and Pixie Dust with host, Leslie Green at noon ET/11 CT/ 9 PT today! Click HERE! These should keep you busy!
Enjoy Part Two of our alien series!
Jamie: I have another one back here who says, “For the oceans, the water, being in the water, being surrounded by it, having it fall up over you like the water with the movement.”
Me: Aw, somebody likes water.
Erik: So really for the natural Earth wonders.
Me: Okay, so Pleiadians, are they here for a reason as a group?
Erik: Yes.
Me: And what would that be? Erik, I think you’re a Pleiadian, too. You and I. Michelle and Lukas are from Sirius, I think.
Erik: Yeah.
Jamie: Pleiadians. This one (pointing to her right), you and Erik, so there are three of you that come to heal society, heal humanity.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: They’re looking at a global effect rather than a cultural one.
Me: Okay. Well, I see what you and I are doing here, along with Jamie, is healing for a lot of people. Is Jamie Pleiadian?
Jamie (to Erik): You can tell me! What have I done? Where have I been, Erik?
(Long pause)
Jamie (with a sad face): No.
Me: He’s not going to tell you?
Jamie: No. I’m not Pleiadian.
She struggles with the word.
Me: Oh!
Jamie: It’s probably why I can’t pronounce the word.
Me: Yeah, that must be it.
Jamie: I’m out of the club.
Me: So, where is she from?
(Long pause)
Jamie (letting out a breath): I think if you were in front of me, you’d be able to see my heart beating in my chest. He’s showing me the big white ones. I remember we did an interview with them.
Me: The Tall Whites?
Jamie: Yeah, with those crazy, deep blue eyes.
Me: You come from that planet? Does she come from that planet, Erik?
Erik: Yeah, she’s been there.
Me: Yeah, what about aliens? When will we have full public disclosure? When will everybody know, “Yep, there are aliens.”
Erik: It’s coming. It’s coming. Give it about 3 more years. You can always tell when it’s about to hit a peak because, I think every fucking show on Discovery, History, oh my god, and then it’s going to hit TLC and A & E. It’s all going to be about aliens.
Me: I know. Yeah.
Erik: There’s going to be information coming out in the government, but it’s still getting pacified quite a bit, capped, but we’re getting more plain view sightings with thousands of people instead of just a handful. So, it’s coming.
Me: Right. It’s only a matter of time. So, UFOs are real, right?
Erik (with a “duh” expression on his face): Yeah.
Me: Where are their bases? Do they have bases on Earth?
Jamie (to Erik): Bases on Earth. Do they have bases on Earth?
Erik: Yes.
Me: Is one on Antarctica? Somebody thinks they have an alien base in Antarctica.
Me: Or, just where are some of the big ones?
Erik: There’s one in the mountains in France.
Me: Okay.
Erik: In the desert in the United States. There’s one underwater in an ocean.
Me: Where? Which ocean?
Jamie: I’m looking at California, and I’m going past California.
Me: Okay. The Pacific Ocean?
Jamie: There you go. Yeah.
Erik: Other than that, there’s one up north.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: It’s in the cold, but I can’t see if it’s really—
Jamie looks frustrated.
Me: If it’s in the water?
Jamie: No, it’s not in the water. It’s on land, but I can’t tell what land surface it’s on.
Me: Oh. Is it on Greenland?
Jamie shakes her head.
Me: North America? Siberia? Russia? China?
Jamie’s thinking.
Me: Santa Claus’s place? He’s probably an alien. Every Christmas, I write a letter from Santa for the kids. Well, now it’s just for my granddaughter. I make the paper look really old by staining it with coffee, and then I write things like, “Ye hath been a very good lass,” and so on. Then I put in all of these weird alien symbols and tell them that he’s an alien.
Jamie laughs.
Me: Is he?
Jamie (laughing): No!
Me: Oh, okay. But he’s real, right?
Just kidding, of course.
Jamie gives me a blank stare.
Me: Okay, I digress. There may be kids watching, anyway. I doubt it, but… All right, so no Antarctica bases?
Jamie: I don’t think so. I think there are great sightings there.
Me: Oh, okay.
Jamie: Like it’s kind of a, he jokes and says it’s kind of like a pub, but it’s not what he’d consider base like the ones he named off.
Me: Okay. What are they doing?
Erik: The ones who have privatized places are protecting humanity. They’re all for the unity. They’re protecting us but staying out of the way.
Me: What are they called?
Erik: What do you mean? Aliens.
Me: Are they the Tall Whites? Or is there a name for them? Are they all the same race?
Erik: No, they’re different races.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Three: Pleiadians are one.
Me: Mm hm.
Erik: Tall Whites are another.
Jamie: Does it look like I fall asleep when I zone out like that?
She has been looking zoned out, just like she did during the Tall White interview that’s on our YouTube channel.
Me: No, no.
Jamie: I’m trying to listen to everybody around me. There’s like a white one, so maybe the Tall Whites, and then there’s another one that honestly looks just like a ball of light. It’s sphere-like. I don’t see a physical body, and that’s where I got caught up asking a bunch of questions.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: But I don’t know a title or name for that being.
Maybe they don’t have a name.
Me: Okay. It’s really not that important.
Me: So, some of them are protecting us. Protecting us from what?
(Pause, then Jamie looks at Erik and smiles)
Jamie: Don’t say it like that. He goes, “Are you ready for some nightmares?”
Me: Yeah, bring it on.
Jamie: No!
Me: For anyone who doesn’t want to know, turn this off.
Erik: Turn it off now! There are other dimensional beings who have no consideration for the growth of human life. They break this contract that we have in communication to other multidimensional beings, so whether that’s taking minerals, whether that’s taking people, animals, it’s a break in boundaries. We’ll just leave it like that.
Me: Okay. Well, tell me more about this contract.
Erik: It’s not just special to Earth. There are other life forms that are considered to be at the beginning of their existence. Even though we’ve been here for 50,000 years, we’re babies. We’re just babies.
Me: Okay.
Erik: And until there’s a certain—
(Long pause)
Jamie: I’m asking him what that would be called. I guess I’m going to do the long talk on it.
I guess she means paraphrasing.
Jamie: When the existence of whatever planet it is can then go into space and have communication in a certain way, then the contract opens where they can universally or galactically—I can’t even believe I’m saying that. It sounds so sci-fi.
I chuckle.
Jamie: –communicate to other multidimensional beings. But until that happens, there are all sorts of respects and laws in place that allow the entities on that planet to exist in the way they need to exist.
Click HERE for the latest post on the blog, Erik Medhus Down Unda and enjoy this review of Erik’s book:
For the last three years, I have been reading anything I can about life after death. From all those books, this is my number one pick. I want to give this book to all people who are dying, afraid of dying, or skeptical of what’s next after we leave this Earth.
Erik’s description of where is lives now is vivid and compelling and will keep you reading long past bedtime.
Watch out for any pranks though, he’s a stinker! 🙂
Love, Anita
For your own copy, click HERE. They make great Christmas and Hanukkah presents. Hint, hint! Imagine giving someone the gift of not fearing death anymore! Not many gifts have the power to change lives like that!