Please enjoy this piece on the Indigo phenomenon, sent to me by one of my favorite blog members, Remy. Okay, so you’re all my favorites. I believe Erik was an Indigo as well. I plan to ask Erik for more details on Indigos, Crystallines, etc. and how they’re connected to the coming Awakening.
Are You an Indigo?
~by Wendy H. Chapman, Director, Metagifted.Org
Used with Permission
Yes, You can be an adult Indigo. They did not JUST start coming in now, the numbers have just been increasing more and more until there are so many we finally can not ignore them. Yeay!!! Are you an adult Indigo?
I believe Adult Indigos have these characteristics:
- Are intelligent (though did not necessarily have top grades).
- Are very creative and enjoy making things.
- Always need to know WHY (especially why they are being asked to do something).
- Had disgust and perhaps loathing for the inanity of much of the required work in school, the repetition.
- Were rebellious in school, refusing to do homework, rejecting authority of teachers OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn’t DARE, usually due to parental pressure.
- May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.
- Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs – resistance to authority and caste system of employment.
- Prefer cooperative efforts or leadership position or solo if expertise is valued.
- Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
- Extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) – to no expression of emotion (full shielding).
- May have trouble with RAGE.
- Have trouble with most systems (either emotionally, mentally, or physically)- political, educational, medical, law.
- Alienation from politics – feeling your voice won’t count and that the outcome really doesn’t matter anyway.
- Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream – 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
- Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at “Big Brother watching you.”
- They feel a need like a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do.
- Have psychic or spiritual interest fairly young – in or before teen years.
- Had few if any Indigo role models.
- Have strong intuition.
- Random behavior pattern or mind style – (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder), may have trouble focusing on a task unless of OWN choosing, may jump around in conversations.
- Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, hearing voices.
- Sexually expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom. May explore alternate types of sexuality.
- Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups or books, or individually.
- If they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy lightworkers.
Who Are The Indigo People?
I have assembled here a list of some of the traits and potentials of Indigo people. There are many Indigo-ray souls reading this who are still trying to figure themselves out, and realize that they are different somehow, but don’t know why. This work hopes to be of some assistance in sorting you out, and pointing you in the right direction. It is written primarily for the adult Indigos who find their way here (there are no accidents in the universe!), but applies to the younger Indigo children, too. The seeds of many of these traits are present in the children today, and will flower into full power when they make it to adulthood. These traits and characteristics are based partially on my own experience and Guidance as an adult Indigo, and from talking and reading and corresponding with other adult Indigos. Some are self-identified, others are not. I use the word ‘we’ collectively and “I” personally.
Who are the “Indigo” people? Why are we here, what purpose do we serve? Are we a threat, or an improvement? How can one ‘spot’ an Indigo adult or child? Are you one? Your child? Someone you know?
The world is shifting and changing. Old paradigms and cultures are dying, superseded by brilliant new ones. A change is happening- the Apocalyptic mindset is setting, and the Ascension mindset is rising. The world as we know it is at a cusp between great Ages, and we are in a time of accelerated development as well as decay, both socially and spiritually. There is much confusion in the world, as the old ways try to maintain their grasp on power, and the new ways brighten the horizon and edge their way in. The whole result is an incredibly confusing mix of dogmatic rule-bound conservatism and rule-free hedonism and social anarchy. This explosive mix is evident in the Public World- road rage, wild children, indifferent parents, dogmatic fundamentalist evangelicism, no-holds-barred radio and TV, and a previously impossible mix of stark prudishness and wild abandon. Even Rome wasn’t this crazy when it fell- and they had lead poisoning as an excuse. As the Chinese curse states, we’re living in ‘interesting times’- very interesting times. Headlines that would have shocked us a couple of decades ago now barely rate a raised eyebrow. The wonders of science increase at such a rate that what was science fiction last week is science fact this week.
Add to this volatile mix a new spiritual ‘species’ of human being starting to make an impact on this world. They have been labeled “Electric Blue”, “Cobalt”, and “Indigo” by various channels and prophecies, because of the high-frequency emanations of their particular auras. Every living being has one- a field of energy that surrounds, permeates and radiates from them. They can be sensed and even photographed with today’s electronics. Psychically sensitive people have seen them forever. These field-sensitive people can ‘see’ a dark electric blue –almost black- auric outline around these people. It is the deep, brilliant blue of the clear sky after the sun has set, but before the stars appear- a terminator or cusp color. In the light spectrum, it is the next to highest visible band of light in the rainbow octave we can see. Highlights of violet, green, gold and white are also apparent. I was called ‘Cobalt’several years back by a sensitive Spiritualist medium in England, but the most popular current title is “Indigo”. For the sake of brevity, I shall use Indigo also, but it applies to all people of this auric category.
Much has been made of the current crop of Indigo children being born, but Indigos of the current group have been incarnate for just over 40 years. The earliest Indigos born between the late fifties and late seventies had protective auric overlays of standard blues and violets and tans, because the culture was not ready yet for the impact of ‘pure’ Indigos who started appearing in the mid- eighties. These Elders possess the same capacities as the younger Indigos, but had a longer ‘latency’ period. This was for their own survival and protection. Elder Indigos are just starting to come into their real power, and act as guides, role models, and tutors for the youngsters who are now manifesting. They had to spend some time in the Old World so they can help make the transition into the New World.
I am one of these Indigo Elders. Throughout my life, I have been called an ‘old soul’, and have had experiences and insights that are outside the usual parameters for the life of a person of my culture and heritage. Even when I was young, I knew that I was different somehow, but no one could tell me why, and I asked everywhere- church, teachers, parents, mentors… no one could give me a straight answer. I finally learned the art of inquiring within- asking my Higher Self, my Guidance. Establishing that contact and trust has thrust me into a whole new realm of inquiry and knowledge. I was given the gift of communication, and the mission (should I care to accept it, and I did) of serving as a beacon of Light and as an information/wisdom channel. I serve with honor, humility and the wonderful understanding that there is important work being done here, and I am an integral part of it. I am a member of a vast global family of Lightworkers and spiritual craftspeople who are here to help shape the future of this lovely world and its inhabitants. We have been here a very long time, and with the upgrades we bring, we’ll be here even longer.
It is possible that you may know an Indigo, or be one yourself. Indigos vary wildly in their presentation. In the adults, there are two categories- those who are conscious of being an Indigo and are coming into their Inner power, and those who are latent, and haven’t quite made that inner connection with their gifts yet. The ones who made it are of all races and walks of life. But there will be that certain ‘something’ about them- a presence or charisma that sets them off from everyone else. They may not be rich or formally college educated, but if they give you advice, or make a prediction or observation, they’ll be spot-on. There is a depth of wisdom and knowledge within them that eclipses many highly educated sorts. They can be quiet and unassuming, but the successfully integrated, balanced and self-actualized adult Indigo has an aura of an ancient warrior-sage about them, and even if they are very young, they will have wise old eyes that will see right into your soul. It is difficult to lie to them, because they can turn those ancient eyes on you, and strip the dishonesty right out of you. They have heard every lie, seen every scheme, done everything that there is to be done from the beginning of time. But they volunteered to return, with all those eons of wisdom and experience intact. This is an awesome responsibility, but the Indigo bears it with grace and humor.
The latent and not yet manifested older Indigos are often the result of harsh mistreatment or misunderstanding as children, or being told over and over by parents and authorities that their visions had no meaning, or their sensitivities were fake, or worse, they are insane. The psychic pain of this malfunction of assimilation and actualization causes them to truly go mad, or turn to alcohol or drugs for comfort from the pain. With time and care, even these seemingly hopeless ones can find some measure of peace, get in touch with their gifts and potentials, and live to serve as they came here to serve.
For Parts Two through Four, click on this link: