.a message of love and support for Elisa


Happy Memorial Day to All The C.E family in the United States!  May today be filled with love, Gratitude  and honor for all of the military  personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties. Hoping you are all having a safe and happy holiday with those you love!

I will be posting some details this week to share some upcoming, exciting changes that will make Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment even better!  We are now booking our summer Guests, and we have some fantastic, Inspirational individuals to share!  If you have contacted me,(Michelle) for a spot as a guest, and you have not yet heard from me.  Know that I am working my way through many emails that came in, so I will be in touch as soon as possible.  Stay tuned for Ask Erik’s June Edition that comes out this Friday!  Erik has popped in and out with me this weekend, and has told me that we are all experiencing a shift that started last week and will continue through this month of June.  He said to be cautious with strong emotional reactions.  If you are feeling reactive, take a moment before you respond.  Your response has great Power!  Enjoy the rest of your day, and this sweet message for Elisa from a blog member.  A message that is good for all of our hearts!

love you all!!

Michelle G.



Elisa, you are a strong and beautiful soul. The platform that you have created shines as a beacon, calling on us all. It has called even me back to my own spiritual development.

I struggle to describe how, in this past week alone since my discovery of your blog and channel, just how refined my understanding and reasoning have come to be.

Charting your videos, the growth and expansion of awareness is absolutely evident in your viewers, the mediums, Erik and YOU.

Faith is the bridge between belief and knowing. Unfortunately, there are still those that have no faith in their lives, even for something as simple as a better tomorrow.

Never forget that while we must strive to live in love, do not fear your lower vibrations. Do not be afraid to plumb the depths of your emotions. Do not close the door to fear, for only when we face them and channel the sorrows of challenges new, can we overcome and from the ashes rise, whole in our understanding and with self love anew, unbreakable.

Existence is balance. It’s okay to feel sad, it’s okay to feel anger, it’s okay to be human.

Never let them tell you who you are. Value the love of those who cherish you and your work.

And for some reason, Mr. Rogers comes to mind: “Always look for the helpers.”

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