This weekend, I’ve been enjoying time with m 9 year-old grand daughter, Arleen. We have the house to ourselves because everyone else went to Lake Travis for a mini-vacay and Easton is at his other grandma’s. We had a “Mimi Day” at the mall where I got suckered in to buy her an American Girl doll. Pricey toy! (But I got her the cheapest model.) Then, with her mom’s permission, she got her ears pierced. Unfortunately, one of the earrings fell out during the night, and we had to get another one put in. Apparently, they didn’t secure the back to the earring after the first piercing, and Arleen wasn’t too happy about having the piercing again. Since the hole was already there, it didn’t hurt as much. Saturday evening, I treated Kristina and Houston to dinner at a restaurant and had a great time. Arleen took her American Girl doll (Angela) with her and assured all of us that she is, indeed, alive. In fact, she listened to her heart with Michelle’s stethoscope and heard a heartbeat.
While we were in the mall today, I treated her to a scrumptious Cinnabon cinnamon roll. Then, we headed out to my daughter, Kristina’s, house where I helped them spray paint a bunch of terra-cotta pots so that they could replace the planters and plants that the previous owners took when they moved out. Arleen again told us that all dolls and stuffed animals are alive, and she feels said that some of them are in landfills, suffering under the weight of tons of dirty diapers and rotten banana peels. It didn’t help that I read Eugene Field’s “Little Boy Blue,” about the toys that were waiting patiently for the little boy who owned them and hasn’t returned because he presumably died, so now they’re collecting dust and rust.
On a happier note, check out these great Erik stories. Be sure to share your own as well!
But first, don’t forget: Tomorrow at 7 PM CT is Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show. Call 619-639-4606 15 minutes prior to talk to Erik.
Story #1
I came across Eric’s story by default when on my Facebook page this led me to purchase his book My Life After Death memoir. For years I have been battling depression and questioning what is the point in living Erik’s story has given me new hope and inspiration and when I look into his eyes I feel that I somehow know him I would like to thank Erik for giving me a new found prospective on life and death.
Story #2
I have been a loyal, avid and loving CE follower for a couple of years now. I have heard from Erik on multiple occasions and talk to him daily. I am an acupuncturist, nutritionist and energy-spiritual worker, working with clients daily in whatever way they need most. CE is a significant part of my work. Elisa, I just wanted you to know, that as much as your beautiful and gifted son and all of the channelers have touched me and continue to be an inspiration to my patients, none of this would be possible without you. I am a parent of two girls (28, 25), Your energy, passion and love for your son and all of us touches me in the deepest way. You are a source of strength for me and obviously, so many others. I think of all you have been through and how you continue to heal, all the while helping all of us. Please know that your work has helped me to do my work more effectively and working with your son has been so gratifying and beautiful for me. It is so beneficial and enlightening to my patients. You are helping to heal the planet. Erik says that I remind him of you. That is the greatest compliment and I am honored. I am sending you love and gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Lauren Daem
Story #3
Right after submitting my “Share Your Story” about Erik’s pranks, I felt asleep with a dream that has a song in it that goes “make them rise..”, something along that line that I’m not familiar with. I also heard a voice that said :”I gotta put them on the list!” Erik is referring to his putting everybody down on his list to help them. Ah such a gentleman! (I confess I put down “how cute” but erased it, felt he might not like it!;)
I have been wondering about answers to some questions I had about life for over a couple of years since I first got connected with my passed Grandpa through a medium. I love the energy I got after that session, feeling light, connected, amazed. General questions I had were like, what’s it like to be in afterlife? What’s free will if there’s destiny? Etc. Then I borrowed a bunch of books written by mediums I came across on YouTube channels. There I got a peek at what’s it like, but I had more questions just like Elisa had at the beginning when she got a bit of answers that started to stretch her mind even further. Until a couple of weeks ago, I came across Elisa’s blog by watching Jamie’s YouTube videos and found Elisa’s videos and came on the site. All of a sudden, they answered most of my questions and gave even more on other areas. It is so precious! I really got this genuine and generous impression of Elisa through her writing. How adorable is Erik, as if I can tell his compassionate and caring side of him in those photos! I cried reading one story about the two waitresses taking care of him at the IHop restaurant as if I felt I know how the waitresses felt when taking care of someone and also how Erik felt when he is the more advanced loving soul and not be understood by some “toughened” ones in the human plane. These stories are so precious, they really made me connected to their life and also myself, my soul. I just really want to support the ripple effects of such wonderful giving from their family and let the universe know that one more person recognizes that nice gesture and want to spread its greatness to others. Accept this higher vibe and spread it more and more please people.
The articles in the blog taught me so many things, including a couple on my mind recently, we are one. Each person is just perfect no matter what they are doing. They need to do it in order for us as a whole to learn. No judgement, no saying on behalf of others, no assumption for others, but to give love, and watch them change. It healed my emotional wound (e.g. a breakup). It also gives me a sense of the universe, or Tao, as the ancient culture says. And combined with the Taoism books i read, I tell ya there are so many similarities, and Erik just says it in a much more clearer way of how I should make business/life decisions. (E.g. Taoism says that, there’s a destiny, but one individual creates his/her opportunities by self-help (????????????????????????. It also says that anything that lasts, has two characters, righteousness and wholesomeness. ?????,????????????????)You hear these sayings but also see different behaviors in the world and that make you wonder which is right. And then, after understanding how we evolve as one from Erik, all the things we need really is these two criteria when picking options in life. I got that particularly for what kind of money I make in life. I know what kind I will never touch.
For the “science” people that always need “evidence” and “proof”, quantum physics also proves this point, a book I read before is called, “A Self-Aware Universe” written by a PHD in physics. Very enlightening too. Erik is right that the theoretical physics somehow is the one that lifts more people out of fear of death and spiritualism because they believe in “science”. I’m a messenger to send the information to people that may want to check science out.
There’s no ego on Erik’s side, so my praise to Elisa and Erik is really just to the universe about my appreciation of what I have taken away from their giving and me wanting to spread the joy after knowing so much more about the universe and how to deal with controversies in life. I also want to support the mobile app development a little bit by donation, and to have more people know there’s one more person that supports their mission. I want to be a positive force in whatever we are doing moving forward as a whole. Maybe someone that questions, enquires, wonders, like I was before, will know that one more person has testified with her own experience.
What sweet and uplifting stories.