I want to start by thanking all of you have have been so generously donating to help me with half of the overhead costs for everything related to Channeling Erik. It means a lot to me. If you missed my call out on social media, please donate what you can if you benefit from what Erik and I do. It’s a costly endeavor and involves a lot of very hard and time-consuming work. Thank you in advance! The donate button is on the sidebar and above this post.
Allan Varah, formerly a successful businessman with a “muggle job,” now creates elaborate astrological charts. He did so for both Erik and me, and the interpretation for both is SPOT ON. I think everyone should get these charts on prospective business partners, spouses, employees and more! So cool.
Sorry we couldn’t air the radio show last night. BlogTalkRadio’s entire system was down, but hopefully they’ll get it up and running for next Tuesday.
Here is the session with Allan Varah, Jennifer Doran and me. You can find both at astrologyallan.com and psychicmediumjenniferdoran.com, respectively.
Here is the chart he created for me:
And the one for Erik. Allan said he clearly had a difficult life in this chart. 🙁
And here’s a bonus YouTube from Allan:
Now, go ask Allan to create a chart for you and/or a loved one, alive or deceased!
Also, I encourage you guys to join my dear friend’s (Sara Kujawa) group: Doing Grief Differently with ADam and Sara. Yes, the D is capitalized. Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/741895916014219/
Two days and counting for the event at my house hosted by Jamin Olivencia and Jennifer Doran! Get remote or in person tickets by clicking on the button on the righthand sidebar. It’s gonna be fun!
Important links:
Blog: https://channelingerik.com
Watch our Tuesday night Radio show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hour-of-enlightenment
PLEASE click LIKE on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ChannelingErik
PLEASE follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/channeling_erik
PLEASE subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChannelingErik2121
PLEASE follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CHANNELINGERIK