Here’s part two of the great Mr. Marley!:
Me: What was your transition like for you?
Jamie: He takes a deep breath, then kind of squints his eyes. He moves his hair back. Funky hair! (She giggles.)
Bob: My transition was a blessing. It pulled me away from my music, which nurtured me while I was alive. It was my time; it was my contract; I knew. I knew I would not live trough what I was going trough.
Me: Yeah. Did you suffer a great deal?
Jamie: Weird kind of question.
Bob: It took me a long time to let go and pass away.
Me: You had skin cancer, didn’t you? Melanoma?
Bob: That’s right. And yes I did suffer, but mostly it’s dat I had a hard time letting go. It went to my lungs, my brain, so der was pain.
Me: So, when you transitioned, tell me what you saw and what thoughts you had once you realized you had passed on.
Bob: I rejoiced! I called God to come to my side! I called everyone I knew to come to my side.
Jamie: He sounds like he was very much in control!
Me: Yeah!
Bob: We sang; we embraced; I knew my pain was over.
Jamie: He’s saying he had a short life.
Jamie (to Bob): How old were you?
Jamie: Thirty-Six! Really? I thought you were older than that!
Me: Aw. Can you describe what you saw when you first crossed over?
Bob: I saw light. I think what resonated mostly with me is dat I heard light and I saw music.
Me: You probably thought that was one hell of a trip!
Bob (chuckling): I really tot dis was de nicest way to go.
Me: Yeah. Now, was it your destiny to die when and how you did? You were awfully young.
Bob: Yes.
Me: Why is that? Why did you have to die the way you did and so young.
Bob: God blessed me with de chance to heal myself if I would pay attention to myself and give up de stage. If I would give up de people, and serve myself, then I would live, but dis is not something I was willing to do. I know it was de test and I was de sacrifice. I did not give it up, so I was very comfortable knowing dis was de end.
Me: Okay. Why cancer?
Bob: I don’t know why cancer. Maybe you should ask de Mon.
Me (laughing): I’ll get right on it, sir.
Jamie and I giggle.
Me: Well, can you describe your afterlife right now—the one you’re in? And what all do you do there?
Jamie (laughing hard): God I just wanna imitate him!!
Bob: It is beautiful, mon, beautiful.
Jamie giggles.
Me: That’s good, Jamie! Keep it rolling.
Jamie (giggling): I keep feeling like it might offend him if I keep imitating him. But you just want to do it so bad! He talks about the beautiful buildings and the colors that rest on them.
Bob: De colors of gold, de embrace dat your heart feels when you’re in dis place. Dis is truly de, heaven among heavens and earth is truly de hell among hells.
Me: Tell me about it! What do you do there, Bob?
Bob: I help what little light shines on earth shine bigger—mostly through music and inspiration.
Me: So, you are a muse working with other musicians?
Bob: Yes.
Be sure to sign up for the Austin event before it gets filled up! Can’t wait to see you all there!
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Love you all!