I know a lot of you have been waiting for this one, especially Jamie, who was absolutely giddy during the entire session: The King of Rock and Roll, the one and only, Elvis Presley!
Me: Erik, let’s see if you can get Elvis Presley for us.
Erik: Yeah, that’s good, since we just interviewed Buddy Holly. Let’s keep to the same time period today.
Me: Good idea!
Jamie: I guess they do know each other. Would Buddy and Elvis know each other?
Me: I don’t really know! You know, I’m probably one of the most unknowledgeable people when it comes to celebrities and their lives. I guess I immersed myself more in school, then medical training and my practice, and of course raising five wild hooligans hasn’t left me much time to devote to the National Enquirer or People Magazine.
Jamie: Oh, that’s right! I don’t keep up with that stuff either. Oh, here comes Erik.
Jamie squeals with delight, then bursts out laughing.
Me: This must be so much fun for you, Jamie!
Jamie: I’m having such a blast! You cannot understand how much I have asked to meet this man!
Me: That is so cool, Jamie!
Jamie (sniffling and talking in a quivering voice): My eyes are actually watering up. This is so silly.
Me: Well now, can’t you channel anybody you want? I mean, if you want to say, “Hey, I wanna talk to Tupac,” can’t you do that?
Jamie: I try, but since it’s just me and, you know, there wasn’t a greater cause for it like there is now, I guess it’s more like leaving a message on their answering machine.
Me: Oh, okay.
Jamie: But I guess along with the work that you’re doing and the presentation of your material, this is really what’s enabling Erik to reach—and Erik is in that realm, too, so it’s easier to bring them forth.
Me: Hm, that’s true!
Jamie (in a tickled, high-pitched voice): Hiring someone to get the people!
Me: Really! Erik’s our little courier guy!
Jamie: And he’s really, really good at finding these celebrities. Not many spiritual beings can do it this well.
Me: Aw, that’s my boy!
Jamie: Oh, poor Elvis has been standing here so politely waiting to speak! Go on, Elvis.
Elvis: Yes Ma’am, I did know Buddy Holly.
Me: Oh, okay! Hi, Elvis. How are you?
Jamie giggles with excitement when he answers.
Elvis: Fine, thank you very much.
Me: We’re so honored to meet you; you know you’re still so adored by so many and will always be. You really did so much to change the world of music—and the world, itself. So, can we ask you some questions?
Elvis: Yes ma’am. I’m well prepared.
(The grapevine over there must be abuzz. I can just see those in the lineup rehearsing their answers!)
Me: Jamie, how does his hair look, just as good as it always did?
Jamie: It still looks great.
Jamie still giggles like a star struck teenager during one of his concerts! It might take a while for her to come back down to earth.
Jamie: It’s still jet black, kind of combed to the back. You know, when he got older he put on some weight, but I don’t see that now. He still has that older look though.
Elvis: I’ve gotten myself into shape.
Me: Well, it’s easier over there than over here, I’ll tell ya that!
Elvis (chuckling): Yes ma’am, that’s a good point.
Me: So, Elvis, what beliefs did you have about death and the afterlife before you died, and did that change afterwards?
Elvis: As you know, probably, through my music, I was very much a religious boy, a religious man. I grew up in a religious family. We attended the assembly—
Jamie: Assembly of God. I think that’s what he’s saying. Or maybe Assembly of Fellowship?
Elvis: Wonderful, wonderful church! Our little independent church was very small and very full of music. Now that’s when I knew I wanted to sing.
Me: Oh, yeah! I can imagine what influence that must have had on you!
(Long pause)
Jamie: So how—Erik’s kind of stepping in.
Erik: So, how did this influence you in your life?
Elvis: Well, I was really into attending church, believing in the faith and protection of God, and knowing that there was a greater source of love to provide me with guidance. Now, I tell you, often I had days where I felt that God was the closest to me, that I couldn’t really relate to my family or my friends around me.
Me: Mmm.
Elvis: No one quite prepares you for your dream. You have it in your head that you have this music that you have to get out, and you’re dedicated and almost worship the music. Really, that’s how it was for me. I worshipped the music, and I thanked God every time I opened my mouth to sing, because I knew where my talents came from.
Stay Tuned for Part Two tomorrow and be sure to share with the social connect buttons below! Now, enjoy this YouTube video of one of Elvis’s live performances. I can almost hear Jamie screaming in the background!