Thank you, everyone, for participating in the most recent poll. Around 61% of you chose the one about being human from Erik’s perspective. Of course, that doesn’t mean the publisher will agree, but this will be very helpful information to present when we do talk about our plans. I love it when you guys help me out!
I think we’re ready for another contest! The blog member who recruits the most number of new members wins an autographed copy of my book, My Son and the Afterlife. Just have them email me to let me know who referred them. The contests last until Sunday at midnight, CDT. Good luck!
I also want to invite our new members to sign up for the Channeling Erik Facebook Group. You have to request an invite because we want it to be a safe, private place to share just about anything. Lasting friendships have been formed as a result of this wonderful group. We all support each other, share out Erik pranks, and often provide a bunch of laughs. Click HERE.
In keeping with Celebrity Friday, here’s J.J.’s interview. Enjoy what this gorgeous hunk of man candy has to say.
Me: Erik, let’s see if we can get JFK, Jr. to come forward for an interview.?
Erik: Okay. Be right back.
Jamie: Erik’s introducing me to John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Me: Hello, John-John! How are you? I’ll have to say I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you. You’re such a gorgeous man!
Oops. Sorry Antonio and Gregory. You know I love you guys the best.
John: Thank you very much, Mrs. Medhus. It’s very nice to meet you.
Me: Nice to meet you, too. How are you doing? Have you adjusted to your new environment?
John: Yes, thank you very much for asking.
Me: Good. That’s good.
Jamie: He’s wearing a suit and tie, like a skinny tie.
Me: Isn’t he adorable!
Jamie: He’s a really handsome man!
Me: Well, John, we’re hoping the questions we ask you will bring some enlightenment to the world. I really respect your opinion and insight, so I guess we’ll just begin. First, can you share the beliefs you had about death and the afterlife before you crossed over and then share if and how they changed?
John: Before—I’m sure you understand—
Jamie: Oops, I got lost. Hold on.
I chuckle.
Jamie (to John): I’m sorry, just please start over.
Jamie: He’s being really patient with me.
Me: Oh, good.
Jamie: He has a real smooth-talking voice, and one word goes right into the next word, then there might be a nice pause. So I got caught up in those pauses and got lost a little.
John: I’m sure you followed my life, as much in the public eye as we were, and that I lost my father at a young age.
Me: Yes, of course.
John: I really challenged the idea of religion and faith, because I wondered so many times—why? And even though we were raised in the church, it was not my place to feel comfortable there. I always thought there had to be something greater that took my father away from life, away from the job he was doing, away from his role as a father.
Me: Mm hm.
John: I’d like to think the belief I had made me a better person, but I really think it made me more haphazard in my behavior. I almost wanted to tease or punish death, in a way. I wanted to get in death’s face and challenge it.
Me: Yeah, I get that. I can see that. Were you Catholic?
John: Yes, yes ma’am.
Me: Okay. Now, after you crossed over, how did your views about the other side and about death change?
John: Well, I was raised Roman Catholic, and a lot of it [requires] strict behavior; you are accepted or you’re not accepted, and when I died, as you well know, it was in the deadness of night—
Me: Yes, I remember that very well.
John: It was an accident, not done on purpose, and the impact of the plane against the water was with such force that—
Jamie: He kind of laughs. He was going to say, you know, not only does it take the breath out of you, it takes the soul out of you.
John: It hit us so hard.
Me: I can imagine—your soul just got slapped out of you!
John: Yes ma’am! I didn’t have a chance to suffer at all.
Me: Well, that’s good!
John: It wasn’t that I was thinking, you know, the enlightenment was coming and my meeting with God was arriving; it turned out to be more like another world that is just as social as I was used to.
Me: Wow!
John: It is more loving and accepting than what I was used to on earth, and it isn’t a place that I would have defined in my head as Heaven. It was accessible; it was a reality, and it’s still a reality for me today.
Jamie: He’s talking about his family being there, seeing his father.
Me: Aww!
John: That’s when I knew that my life was over. Nobody sent me back; nobody said it wasn’t my time. Everybody just embraced me and held me. I knew then that this was it, because, you know, you hear in the stories about people who die, and they get a ticket to go back again, because it wasn’t their time. That ticket wasn’t even offered to me.
Jamie (chuckling): He kind of laughs about it.
Me: So, obviously it wasn’t painful for you, the way you described it, but, what happened? Why did the plane crash?
John: Well, I was flying, and I got my horizon a bit off. The plane didn’t dive and crash. I just got disoriented and flew it right into the water.
Me: It was foggy that night, wasn’t it?
John: Yes, and it was nighttime as well, so any light I had was being reflected by the fog, and it was pretty much zero visibility. I didn’t really feel like I was descending, you know, I was fighting with other weather, and that was it.
Me: Were you scared?
John: No!
Me: So, you thought you had it all under control? You didn’t realize the danger you were in?
John: Well, I knew that something, uh, it wasn’t easy like I thought it should have been; I didn’t feel that I was completely in control, but I wasn’t going to let the other people know!
Jamie: Oh goodness! There were other people in the plane? He wasn’t by himself?
Me: Uh uh. I think he was with his wife—I can’t remember her name, I’m so sorry—and somebody else. Now, did you have to reckon with them after you all crossed over together? Were there any awkward moments?
John: Carolyn, my wife and—
Jamie: He’s saying something like Laurie or Laurel.
Me: I don’t know. That might have been Carolyn’s friend. I don’t remember.
John: No, she was my sister-in-law.
Me: Oh, okay. So, was it awkward for you?
John: No. Thankfully nobody blamed me or wanted to come at me with pitchforks or torches!
Jamie and I giggle.
Me: Well, that’s good!
John: No, we quickly came to understand our situation. It’s a feeling that you can’t express with English words, but no matter what emotional baggage you’re coming into death with, when you arrive that baggage is taken from you. You’re given that moment of peace to comprehend your awareness of the situation, and then you’re able to pick up your baggage later.
Me: Oh good. Now that’s the kind of baggage you want the airlines to lose. Can you describe your surroundings and thoughts when you did realize—I mean, you saw your father—can you give me more detail about your surroundings and thoughts once you realized you were in the afterlife?
Jamie: He does this thing where, you know how you wipe your lips on each other? He rubs his lips together like he’s getting ready to talk.
Me: Yeah.
John: Well, I —
John: I knew I—
Jamie (giggling): You’re getting frustrated, huh? That’s okay; you don’t have to put it on for us!
Erik: No game face! No game face needed, Dude!
John: I’ve been trained my whole life to stand in front of people and to be very comfortable, but as I got older, I found that my presence was being critiqued all the time. Thank you, it’s—I like not being critiqued.
Me: Aw, of course. You’re in a place of love here.
John: I had work that I was doing, and it was something I really wasn’t all that satisfied with in that life so, in a way, I was almost relieved that this magical exit point arrived.
Jamie (giggling): Magical!
John: Very unexpected, very much a surprise, because I had agendas on my plate all the time. So, it was a relief to know that I would have no more agendas. I must say, that realization was quite exciting!
Me: Well, good! Okay, so what did it look like when you crossed over, angels on fluffy clouds playing harps!? I’m just teasing, but give me more details, please.
John (laughing): No, but wouldn’t the Catholics want you to see that?
Me: So what did you see? Were you in a big white room?
(God, it’s like pulling eye teeth!)
John: Yes, it was a large room. I wasn’t outdoors, and the only reason I say that is because I didn’t see grass or any green plants. I couldn’t identify the outdoors, the blue sky. It was like I was just in space. I didn’t feel that there was an absence of a floor; I did feel there was something maintaining or supporting me. I wasn’t floating away or traveling at high speeds of light, and what was anchoring me was focusing my eyes on the people around me. We have a fairly large family, and, as you know, several of them have gone before me.
Me: Yeah.
John: So it was very nice to see grandparents and uncles, and—
Me: I bet! Was it your destiny to die when and how you did, John?
Jamie (chuckling): He’s laughing and putting his hands in his pockets for the first time.
John: Destiny? I think most of the people on Earth would like to believe it was the Kennedy curse.
Me: Oh, yeah, that’s right!
John: Really, there is no curse. People love to look for patterns and faces in clouds, and that’s what they were doing with our family. Often, public figures end up having tragic endings. That’s all that was about.
Me: Was it an exit point that you designed for yourself before this life?
John: Yes, I planned it in case I became too dissatisfied with my life, and, beautifully enough, my wife didn’t want to be alone.
Me: Can you describe your afterlife now? What do you do there? Where do you live? What does it look like where you are? Do you have a life’s work over there?
John: The afterlife I live in now intertwines with many of the focuses on earth, the same visions that my father has, and we often do a lot of work together now.
Me: How wonderful!
John: If we had to narrow it down, it would be about teaching the political world the value of peaceful communication.
Me: Yeah, we’re not getting very much of that now!
John: We are not, and we need much more help. There are those of us who work specifically in the political world—the governments, not just for the United States but other countries as well.
Me: Yeah, sure.
John: And then we have those of us who are working strictly in the world of journalism to get the true seers and the true talkers out in front of the cameras and in print—not the ones that will feed you illusions.
Me: For their own personal benefit or agenda.
John: Yes.
Me: All right, so you live in a house, you have a yard, things like that?
John: Yes. It’s a little different than just describing it with those terms.
Me: Okay. Now, what insights do you think you’ve gained given your new perspective in the afterlife?
John: One personal insight I gained is that I really valued my ego more than I valued my true self.
Me: Well, I don’t think you’re an exception to the rule. I think most of us do so.
John: Thank you, but it was hard to accept that, because I really felt I had done the work, and, in looking back, I was just fooling myself.
Me: I think a lot of us are going to come to that realization when we cross over. What were you here to learn and to teach, if anything?
John: I really think I was supposed to learn how to be a model in the public eye where people could measure themselves off of me and say, “I want to be that guy.” I didn’t believe in myself enough to feel like I lived up to that.
Me: Okay.
John: I did a lot of unexpected things; I left a lot of loose ends open. I only went in to law and politics, because it was something I was so used to. It was not something that I was passionate about.
Me: What were you passionate about?
Me: You were into publishing, if I remember correctly.
Jamie: That got him excited!
John: That was more of my style. I wanted to tell the truth more.
That goes along with his current “life’s work” in the afterlife.
Me: Ah! Was that something you were here to teach?
John: I was here to both teach and learn that. I needed to learn the truth about myself and separate ego from my true self, and I needed to learn how to extract the truth from the lies in the world. Only then would I have been able to teach others to do the same. I don’t think I fully accomplished that, though.
Me: Do you have any regrets?
John: I regret that I wasn’t a whistleblower.
Me: I guess that comes with being able to be comfortable with the truth.
John: Yes.
Me: So, I imagine that was a very important ingredient for your life’s work. Now, we won’t get into the whistleblowing part, because we’re not here to dig up dirt and create fodder for rumor-mongering.
John: Yes, of course.
Me: What past life do you think most influenced this last one?
John (surprised): That is a very intriguing question! I don’t know if it so much affected my life, but it is a life I think of fondly.
Me: That’s fine. Feel free to share that one, then.
John: I was a southern Native American in the area that is now Peru. I remember being a little boy, and my mother cutting my hair. It’s not a smooth cut like with a pair of scissors. It’s kind of a gnawing cut. She’d lay the hair down and rub it and rub it and rub it until it cuts, and I’d have to stay very still.
Me: Interesting.
John: It was in that moment of stillness that I realized that there were other people at that same time who were also getting their hair cut.
Me: Oh, wow!
John: I was probably five, six years old, and I thought to myself that there were other things going on in life that I wasn’t a part of or watching. So, I became fascinated by how other people lived their lives and what there likes and dislikes were and why they were so different than mine.
Me: Yeah.
John: And it made me very accepting of any viewpoint, belief, cultural status. We were very well off in that life.
Jamie (giggling): He’s laughing now.
John: You wouldn’t notice it by the clothes we wore, because they weren’t much.
Jamie: It’s kind of wild. The images he’s showing me look like, um, duh, I wanted to say Peruvian, but that’s not the word I’m looking for.
Me: Were their clothes very colorful?
Jamie: Very colorful, but you know those buildings that go straight up, not the ones with the pointed tops like the pyramids, but the ones that are flat on top?
Me: Yeah.
Jamie: Made totally out of stone, grayish in color, real polished, real smooth, lots of gold.
Me: Okay.
Jamie: Bright yellows and blues and really pretty painted things.
John: And so I decided to depict people’s lives in pictures. I started to paint and draw pictures, and I was often hired and commissioned by the royalty of my tribe to paint these on the walls. It was such a lovely life, because I could paint the truth of what I saw.
Me: That was your first publishing gig!
John: Exactly! Picture books only!
Jamie giggles.
Me: Erik, you’d like that, huh, only picture books? You didn’t like reading that much.
Jamie (chuckling): Erik’s laughing!
Erik: You got me there.
Me: Well, you know, you were way ahead, darling, because the written word, linear, sequential language, you were past all that less evolved form of communication.
Jamie and Erik both laugh.
Me: Now, what was your proudest accomplishment while you were in the physical, John, and has that changed since you’ve crossed over?
John: I think I’m sorry to say that I don’t have a proudest moment, because, when I look back, I see what I did. I always did for someone else. I believe an accomplishment should be something you create and do for yourself.
Me: Oh, so maybe, in a way, after you crossed over, your accomplishment was coming to that realization!
John: I’ll accept that. Thank you.
Me: Or do you have another one? I don’t want to put words in your mouth. When you were alive on the earthly plane, what did you think was your proudest achievement at the time, even if, looking back, you don’t feel the same way?
John: Oh, I guess it’d have to be the success in my career and, not to sound superficial, but keeping my good looks and body appearance. These were the things that others had me believe were important, although they weren’t necessarily important.
Me: And when you crossed over, you realized these were not true accomplishments from your current perspective as a discarnate spirit?
John: Right.
Me: Okay, given this new perspective of yours, do you have any messages for us? Is there anything else you’d like to share with the world?
John: Yes. There’s no true race against each other. This is truly a race of getting to know who you are.
Me: Yes, exactly. And we need to get rid of that separation illusion in our minds. That’s probably the biggest step we need to make so we’ll stop competing with each other and start focusing on self-realization.
John: Yes.
Me: So, Erik, how are you doing over there? Would you like to ask Mr. Kennedy a question?
Erik: Nah, I’m good.
Me: I know you liked flying a lot. You flew with Pappa all the time.
Erik: Well, at least Pappa had a real license!
Me: That’s right. John, you got your private pilot’s license just before the crash, and you weren’t certified to fly IFR! That was part of the problem.
(IFR: instrument flight rules is where the pilot relies on the instruments rather than by visuals. This is crucial for flying in low or no visibility conditions.)
Jamie: Oh my god. Is that right?
Me: Yeah, he wasn’t rated to fly in the fog. He only had a license to fly VFR, visual flight rule,s which means he had to be able to see where he was going. Okay, well, thank you so much, John-John. I keep wanting to call you that!
John: I’m fine with that!
Me: Thanks you for all of your help.
John: You’re welcome. Have a beautiful morning.
Me: You too!
(John walks away.)
Jamie (laughing): Erik!
Me: What did he do?
Jamie: He was like, “At least Pappa had a real license!” That wasn’t nice! Oh my god!
Jamie laughs hard.
Me (laughing): I know! How rude! How did John react to that?
Jamie: He just kind of leaned back; his hands were still in his pockets, and he just smiled and shrugged!
Me: Oh, I can just see him doing that!
Jamie: The way Erik was treating him was like he was a bit of a goof!
Me: Oh, no!
Jamie (to Erik): Like, “C’mon!” So, somewhere along the line, Erik, it looked like you lost respect for him.
Erik: Well, kinda, yeah.
Me: Aw, poor John.
Erik: No, John’s a really nice guy. I just didn’t realize, as much as we saw of him, that he’d be so consciously aware of us watching him, so he didn’t really change who he was. That’s what my disappointment was about.
Me: Well, we’re all on our own journeys trying to get to the same goal. Some of us are just at different points in that path.
