One of the reasons I chose my youngest son, Lukas’s name is because of the movie “Cool Hand Luke.” I fell in love with those gorgeous blue eyes! I wish I hadn’t made this interview so short. Having over 400 celebrities on the list makes me feel the need to rush. I don’t know if I’ll get through all of them in my lifetime! Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy what he has to say as much as I did.
Me: Erik, can you get Paul Newman or Bob Hope?
Jamie (whispering excitedly): Oh, get Paul Newman, Erik!
(Pause as Erik disappears to get one of them.)
Jamie: Didn’t they call him “Baby Blue Eyes” Or something?
Me: Probably. He had the most amazing eyes, and he was just a really nice human being.
Jamie: His face, young, old, I don’t care; he kept the most handsome face.
Me: I know! Just the way it was chiseled.
Erik returns with Paul Newman.
Jamie (giggling like a little school girl): Thank you, Erik!
Me: Aw, he obeyed you!
Jamie giggles excitedly for several seconds.
Me: Hello Mr. Newman.
Paul: Hello girls.
Me: We were just bragging about you.
Paul: Thank you so much for whatever it is. I’m sure it was up to par.
Jamie: He’s suggesting we are very clean-mouthed people.
Me: Of course we are. We just have little crushes on you, that’s all, like millions of other ladies. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
Paul: Please do.
Jamie: He kind of holds his hands in front of his hips. He’s got a jacket on. He just looks so sharp. He’s got on jeans and a dress blazer and a white Polo shirt. The blazer is navy blue.
Me: Okay. The first question is: What was your spiritual mission while you were here on the earthly plane?
Jamie (laughing): I so didn’t hear that because he was teasing me that I didn’t clearly describe the shoes he was wearing. He’s making fun of me! He has a tan leather shoes. I’d actually say they’re brown like the color of mahogany. I’m sorry. Ask your question. I’ll straighten up.
Me (chuckling): Are you happy now, Paul?
Paul (laughing): Yes.
I repeat the question.
Paul: (glancing up, then glancing back at Jamie): It would have to be to bring communities together.
Jamie: He had a little pause. He’s talking about his spiritual mission was also to teach that and for people to pay attention.
Paul: Yes. Just pay attention to how we’re living and why we’re living that way. As I got older, all my interests in my life had taken me all over the world. My family was pretty much from all over the world. We had a lot of background feeding into our family—different cultures—and growing up in the American culture, I didn’t realize how gluttonous we are. When I began to travel, I realized that far off the charts from where we came from that I felt it was my need to start teaching how we can run businesses properly to save our environment and save the world.
Me: Yeah. Were you here to learn anything?
(Long pause as Jamie listens):
Jamie: He rubs one hand over his jawline and his chin.
Paul: I chose to learn from every person I came in contact with. If it was an overall perspective of what I was to learn, it would definitely be how to be accepting of people.
Me: And do you think you accomplished all that?
Jamie: There’s that winning smile. He said yes.
Me: Oh, good. When you talk about accepting people, are you talking about anything in particular? Could you clarify that for us? Are you talking about accepting different races or creeds or religions or just people in general?
Paul: I think growing up in America having so many backgrounds around me and serving in the military, the need to identify and separate cultures and races wasn’t there. I didn’t need to accept that. I needed to accept people for what kind of personality they had.
Me: Instead of judging them based on their exterior or on a superficial level.
Paul: Exactly.
Me: Okay. Now, did you gain any insights after you crossed over?
Paul: That I actually did a lot.
Me: Yes, you did.
Paul: I am proud of myself. I was just having fun with everything I did so I didn’t realize what feats I accomplished. I was just having fun.
Me: You accomplished so many things in such a broad variety of activities. Now, can you describe a life that most influenced your life as Paul Newman?
Jamie: He’s showing me—(to Paul) Is that a man or a woman?
Jamie: I just got the back of the head so I can’t tell.
I laugh.
Jamie: It’s a man. He’s showing me being an old man. His skin is like Eastern Indian. His hair is bright white so it’s such a strong contrast to see it together. He’s in a folded seated pose on the floor. You know, his legs are all wrapped up. Oh, he’s a Yogi.
Paul: That life taught me that walking your path with awareness and centeredness makes your path beautiful. It’s when you disconnect that your world around you suffers.
Me: That’s true.
Paul: I enjoy coming back to that one life because in the temple where I was, I didn’t travel very much. I lived a life that was very grounded and centered in one area. I wanted to know if I could take that life and put it in a busier environment and society and still be able to sustain it. You know, it didn’t really hit me until my 30s that it’s what I really wanted to do with my life: to be centered and awake. Once I did that, my career kept growing and growing and it was never out of reach or out of control.
Me: Fascinating. Now do you have any messages or advice for us?
Paul: Educate yourself.
Jamie: He puts his pointer finger to his thumb, you know, like you’re taking a pinch of salt, and he’s holding it up to eye level like it’s a very precise thing to do.
Me: Yes, you were a self-taught man.
Paul: Yes. No one will do it for you, and you need to know where a product is coming from, what was sacrificed or done to get that product to your door, and if it doesn’t meet the way you want to live your life do not purchase that product anymore. That includes services that are provided.
Me: Okay. I got you.
Paul: Taking steps this way is going to make a clean and beautiful world.
Me: That’s not easy.
Paul: You think it’s not easy just to say no? Is it hard to refuse a product because of you don’t like the way the business is run so you purchase that product from someone else?
Me: I think the research into all the things you buy would be time consuming for some people.
Paul: It’s easier now because you can get online. I bet someone has done that research for you already.
Me: Oh, I’m sure. Erik, do you want to—
Paul: I still race cars here.
Jamie (to Paul): You raced cars?
Paul: Yes.
Me: Yes, I remember that. Well, Mr. Newman, thank you so much for you time.
Paul: You’re welcome.
Jamie: It’s cute. He blows a kiss, but it’s on two fingers rather than on the whole hand.
Me: Aw, I can picture that in my mind. That’s sweet. What a sweet man!
Paul: Bye.
Jamie: How did he pass away? Was it old age?
Me: I think it was lung cancer.
Jamie: Oh.