Lots of things to discuss in this entry. Please be forgiving, because there will be no spell or grammar check. If there is anthing glaring, spare me the embarrassment and let me know so I can change it!
First, I’d like to thank Shannon for setting up the first conference chat for the channeling erik family. I was at my parents’ house, because I had to take my father to the hospital really early the next morning. So we had a little slumber party, so to speak. Unfortunately, they live in a huge high rise which apparently has no shortage of steel and concrete, so the signal was bad. For some reason, i couldn’t get through on their land line, so after my call kept dropping, I eventually gave up. But I enjoyed the banter, the stories about Erik’s visits to folks, the spiritual discussions and Robert’s amazing channeling gift. Erik was there, being his usual mischievous self. It was so delightful to hear the voices of so many blog members whose names I know and whose personalities and insights I’ve grown to love. Hopefully, we can do this again. I’ll give everyone more advanced notice too. I think it would be a good idea to suggest topics for the next one, so bring it on! Also, some of you shared some pretty amazing stories about Erik’s pranks. Please share them with the “rest of the class” in the comments section! (Pretty please?)
Dr. Doug had a wonderful idea. We’d like for the local blog members (anyone in the Houston area) to meet for lunch! Let me know who’s in and when!
My father didn’t do well with the test. Although the results were normal–no coronary artery disease–he suffered a strange reaction to the adenosine they injected into his veins. Severe headache, vomiting, stiffness and weakness of both sides of this face and both arms. They wanted him to see the neurologist, but, being a thoracic surgeon himself, he has developed a jaundiced and cynical eye toward his fellow physicians. His response: Get me out of here before the kill me with another test. So I’m at his place now, keeping vigil and pampering. Instead of sharing a transcription, let me show you an amazing story that blog member Kathleen V. sent me a few days ago. If, after reading this, you have any doubts about our spiritual and physical connection with quantum physics, well, I’ll just have to send Erik over with some nasty smells.
DNA Molecules Can ‘Teleport,’ Nobel Winner Says
In an experiment, a fragment of DNA appeared to imprint itself between test tubes.
By John E Dunn
A Nobel Prize winning biologist has ignited controversy after publishing details of an experiment in which a fragment of DNA appeared to ‘teleport’ or imprint itself between test tubes.
According to a team headed by Luc Montagnier, previously known for his work on HIV and AIDS, two test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of bacterial DNA, the other pure water, were surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz.
Eighteen hours later, after DNA amplification using a polymerase chain reaction, as if by magic the DNA was detectable in the test tube containing pure water.
Oddly, the original DNA sample had to be diluted many times over for the experiment to work, which might explain why the phenomenon has not been detected before, assuming that this is what has happened.
The phenomenon might be very loosely described as ‘teleportation’ except that the bases project or imprint themselves across space rather than simply moving from one place to another.
To be on the safe side, Montagnier then compared the results with controls in which the time limit was lowered, no electromagnetic field was present or was present but at lower frequencies, and in which both tubes contained pure water. On every one of these, he drew a blank.
The quantum effect – the imprinting of the DNA on the water – is not in itself the most contentious element of the experiment, so much as the relatively long timescales over which it appears to manifest itself. Quantum phenomena are assumed to show their faces in imperceptible fractions of a second and not seconds minutes and hours, and usually at very low temperatures approaching absolute zero.
Revealing a process through which biology might display the underlying ‘quantumness’ of nature at room temperature would be startling.
Montagnier’s experiment will have to be repeated by others to have any hope of being taken seriously. So far, some scientists have been publically incredulous.
“It is hard to understand how the information can be stored within water over a timescale longer than picoseconds,” said the Ruhr University in Bochum’s Klaus Gerwert, quoted by New Scientist magazine, which broke the story (requires registration).
What does all of this mean? It could be that the propagation of life is able to make use of the quantum nature of reality to project itself in subtle ways, as has been hinted at in previous experiments. Alternatively, it could be that life itself is a complex projection of these quantum phenomena and utterly depends on them in ways not yet understood because they are incredibly hard to detect.
Speculatively, (and Montagnier doesn’t directly suggest anything so unsubstantiated), it could also be the little-understood quantum properties of the water molecule and not just its more obvious chemical bonding properties that gives it such a central role in the bio-engineering of life-forms. Water might be a good medium in which DNA can copy itself using processes that hint at quantum entanglement and ‘teleportation’ (our term).
Montagnier’s paper goes on to discuss the phenomenon he claims to have uncovered using ‘quantum field theory’ within the context of his personal interest, disease propagation.
Here’s the last part of today’s “Duke’s mixture.” A funny story about some pranks Erik–Mr. Incorrigible–played on blog member, R.W. I hope it makes you giggle as hard I I did!
Hi Elisa!
I wanted share some weird stuff that happened yesterday — I can’t help but wonder if it’s Erik pranking me. I know last summer he visited me in the form of a foul smell, but this was a little different. I spent the day putzing around my apartment (our office was closed), cleaning and doing some work on my computer. Anyway, as I went into my kitchen, I noticed that one of the drawers was open. I was a little puzzled because I never leave them open, but closed it and didn’t think much of it. A few minutes later, I noticed that it was open again. So, I shut it. Then, a couple of hours later, the same thing happened with one of the bathroom drawers. I actually wondered if maybe I slammed them and the force popped them back out, so I tested it — but even closing them at different forces kept them closed. And I’m not the type to leave cabinets and drawers open — especially so much in one day. Then, later, when I got home from my run, I threw my headphones on the middle of the counter — about 30 minutes later, I noticed that they were hanging on the counter by the earbuds, with the wire dangling down toward the floor. It would have been near impossible for that to have just happened, considering where I left them on the counter.
If it wasn’t Erik goofing off in my apartment and trying to confuse me, it was definitely someone else. This stuff was all just too weird. But, by the end, I was laughing about it. 🙂
This all comes the day after I was sitting on my couch, watching tv, when my eyes were drawn to a big armchair I have in the living room. I suddenly got a sensation that the armchair was important, like someone was sitting there or someone should be or will be sitting there. Who knows, maybe Erik decided to hang out with me for a couple of days and was keeping me and my dog company during the Golden Globes! 🙂
I hope all is going well with you. I think about you and your family often. And I loved the story about your experience at the Mexican restaurant — it’s actually remembering that story that made my experiences yesterday click for me and wonder if it was all Erik being silly …
Don’t forget: Share your Erik visits, offer any topics you might find interesting in the next conference call, and let us know if you are in the Houston area and want to “do lunch!”