Emergency Situation

I got home from visiting Robert and received this email from our dear Stanley.

Hello Elisa,

I do wish this didn’t come at a time when it does. But I wanted you to know the why before you saw it on the news. I am going to be ending my life in a few hours. Just tying up some lose ends first. It seems after seeing me and Sandra on Taboo, people want to make sure SSI cuts both me and Sandra off our disability checks for role playing part of the day. Saying as long as disability is paying us, people have the right to tell us how and where it should be spent. And since we spend some of it here and there on disability, the disability should be cut off. So senetor Wally Herger is going to make sure we are taken off of disability. The news says since I am able to run a website, and was able to build a piece of furniture, I am more than well enough to hold a full time job. I guess that the PTSD, depression, spinal injury and everything else makes no difference. Doesn’t matter that it took over 2 weeks to build the chair. It seems just the fact that I was able to build one “proves” that I am well enough to hold a full time job. Well either way, while SSI takes the time to evaluate it, the disability checks will be suspended. Well, the manager for the apartment doesn’t care, rent is due when it’s due. So I figure before I sit and wait for SSI to suspend my disability claim while they re-evaluate again, I intend to end my life before I watch me and Sandra get kicked out of our apartment for non-payment of rent, before I watch the Shirrif remove all my belongings to be taken because I can’t guard it all on the street, and before I starve trying to find food as I won’t have the money any longer to buy any food. I don’t need it. I don’t deserve to be treated this way. Have I not been through enough? I have decided I have been through enough, and I am done with this world. I just can’t handle this on top of the nightmares, flashbacks and everything else. I just can’t do it. So I really wanted to write and let you know what happened. Why I am leaving. And to let you know that I am greatful for your friendship, and friendship of those on the CE family. I always knew I was coming to the end of my time here, but really didn’t think it would be so soon. Try not to let it bother you if possible. It’s not going to hurt at all. And I will be up there with Erik skiing and at peace. I have been fighting for years, I just can’t do this anymore. Especially now with what’s about to happen. I wish you and the CE family the best. If you want to talk at all before I leave for my trip, I will have my cell on (email me if you want his cell number). I love you very much, you have been a wonderful friend Elisa. I mean that. Take care Elisa **hugs** Stanley

I have called him and he agrees to wait a short while to sort things out and to allow his real family (us) to help. I’ve also called the local authorities who are on his way to check on him now. He knows this is happening. I’ve called Wally Herger’s office, and his assistant, Claire, was very helpful and compassionate. She’s going to try to help as well, but Herger is a state congressman and therefore has nothing to do with SSDI. Tom Coburn in Washington is the one who wants to cut him off. I spoke with his office and they were not very nice at all. How they can possibly make that sort of determination based on a TV show is beyond me. It seems like they should review things like medical and psychiatric records at the very least. I find it disturbing that Coburn would politicize this with articles in the Washington Times, etc, making provocative statements that could jeopardize a life without taking the time to investigate further. Needless to say, this could also become a legal nightmare for Coburn if Stanley does take his life–akin to murder, really.

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Elisa Medhus

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