Last night’s radio show was phenomenal. Robert co-channeled Erik with Veronica and the chemistry between the three was absolutely magical. Together, they helped so many callers in desperate need and both were so spot on. Medium, Shruti Kamble, at Erik’s insistence, gave me a personal reading, and one of the questions I asked was who are the top mediums. Shruti won’t channel for the blog, so she has no ulterior motives. Erik said the top ones were Veronica, Celestine Grace, Emma and Robert, not necessarily in that order. He mentioned some past ones who have strong filters, especially religious ones. I won’t name names. Check out the radio show for yourself.
Eventually, as I’ve mentioned before, we’d love to expand Channeling Erik to include an online spiritual school, perhaps starting with kids 10-18 years old who are awakened and struggling with wanting to go home. Maybe we’d eventually host camps for them or even have a brick and mortar center. I wrote about this several years ago, and Heather Quinto had some good ideas about it as well. We’d teach mindfulness, meditation, energy healing, communication with loved ones and guides, nonviolent communication, all about the human experience and why we’re here, spiritual contracts and more.
I’ve also been floating the idea to Veronica and Jamin Olivencia (spiritual life coach) about hosting a three day event at my home. Other mediums might join as well, but we’re not even in the planning stages. Would you go? Take this poll (pretty please):
Veronica and Erik are also starting something called “The Kitchen Table,” and I think it sounds like a wonderful and cozy idea. Click HERE to check it out!
Here’s a message from Veronica about her live group. Apparently, after her most recent one, people clamored for more!
Education and spirituality are my passions. I am thrilled to be able to unite them and help people grow mind, body and spirit in my group Making the Spiritual Practical. Here is the link to my free group. I’m teaching in LIVE video how to find your own intuitive answers!
Enjoy our last part in our series on chemicals. The YouTube version follows:
Elisa: Here’s another one: Why do we continue to do animal testing on personal care products? When will it stop or be banned? Maybe a rat wants to look pretty for her homecoming, but seriously!
Erik: Will it ever stop? It will–there’s another question–when we become such enlightened beings that we consider them as equals instead or lower than the human race. As long as there’s that separation–that an animal life is worth less than a human life–we will continue to do those tests. I’m pretty sure it will but when is hard to say.
Elisa: Just don’t buy them.
Erik: When it comes to the testing on animals. The people who do it do it with the right intentions. they want to protect people and make sure that what is going to be sold will not create death. However, they’re aware of what it can do in the long run to people; they’re aware of the chemicals and the effects it has on the body. They always work for a company and for someone. Even though they know that if you ingest too much, it could have an effect in the long run, they’re biggest concern is that it doesn’t kill you right there and then. As long as it doesn’t kill you then and there, that’s their biggest concern. Yes, they use animals; they’re the closest to us. We are the same.
Elisa: What about sunscreen? It can prevent skin cancer, but is it okay?
Erik: There are two sides to that. It does prevent skin cancer, but it also prevents Vitamin D being absorbed in your body. Then there are other problems when the Vitamin D level drops in your system. Vitamin D activates a lot of different components in your body. You need it for so much. The lack of Vitamin D can cause fatigue, cancer and a lot of different illnesses.
Elisa: Cancer. So what do you recommend?
Erik: Use a factor that is enough protective. If you go to the really heavy factors, the heaviest ones, then no sunlight will penetrate your skin. You need to find an in-between. You need to be responsible enough and say, “Ok I’m going to go out in the sun for that amount of time and then come back. “You need to fluctuate in and out. If you are one of those people who will sunbathe for hours, then you’re getting yourself in trouble. You might not get the tan you want, but there needs to be a healthier relationship with the sun. That’s something you can do.
Elisa: People should be as tanned as you and I.
Emma: I don’t tan very well. I don’t like sitting in the sun very long
Elisa: So maybe a scent-free SPF 50?
Erik: I would go to a 30.
Elisa: Okay 30, but scent free-and one that doesn’t test on animals. You can get personal care products that are not tested on animals. Would that be okay?
Erik: Yes, you can. And another piece of advice, especially for children, and for adults as well: even when it’s hot, give them a long-sleeved shirt in a very light fabric, but make sure it’s a dark color. If you wear a dark colored piece of clothing in the sun, it will still allow some sun to come through but not too much. People want to wear white clothing, but then you’re highlighting the energy of the sun on your skin and you will burn faster with white clothing.
Elisa: I think there are clothes especially for blocking certain rays but I can’t remember. Can you list some of the chemicals and ingredients that they put in bottles and sprays that we should avoid?
Erik: I think the number one thing that really is almost in everything nowadays is flavor enhancers. That’s the first one. That’s in everything, but mostly in the pre-made meals, potato chips, meats, salad dressings. It’s pretty much in everything. If it’s not a raw vegetable, it’s in there: Cola, and the stuff that we drink, lemonade, everything, even orange juice.
Elisa: Twinkies.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: What about artificial sugars like aspartame? For some reason I feel like that it’s linked to brain tumors. I don’t know why I think that.
Erik: Yes, artificial sweeteners can be damaging. There are a few that are not as damaging as others. Aspartame is the dangerous one. Anything that is diet or sugar-free, if you see that, stay away from it. I know everybody wants to lose a few pounds. If you see that on the label, it means the sugar has been replaced with aspartame, which is a sweet tasting neurotoxin. It literally attacks your cells, even your brain cells, creating a toxic cellular over-stimulation.
Elisa: I hear that people can gain weight on these diet drinks. I don’t know whether that’s true. They store these diet drinks in warehouses where it gets hot. I’ve heard that the aspartame gets turned into formaldehyde when it’s stored and gets hot in the warehouses. That can’t be good, unless you’re dead.
Erik: The reason people gain more weight is that they consume more of it. They think, “Hey it’s sugar free, so I can drink as much as I want and I can afford to add this Snickers Bar to it. It’s a psychological thing. We think, “Hey it’s sugar-free; it’s better for us; I can drink as much as I want.” Another one that’s very popular in America is Splenda.?
Elisa: Oh, Splenda. Yes
Erik: That one causes inflammatory bowel disease. It inactivates the digestive enzymes and it alters the gut barrier function. It can destroy up to 50 per cent of your beneficial gut flora. Don’t do that one. But there’s something called Stevia (Truvia?) That one is a healthier option. If you want to go calorie free go with that, because it’s zero calories but it’s completely natural and completely 100 percent free of chemicals. It’s a zero calorie sweetener. I’m not going to say it’s 100 per cent free of toxins, but it is definitely 90 percent the better option than all the other ones. Another one that’s really important in a lot of American food, and we love our sweets, is high fructose corn syrup.
Elisa: That’s bad for the pancreas.
Erik: Right. It’s similar to sugar. A lot of people think high fructose corn syrup is healthier than sugar, but it’s the other way around. I want to get that in people’s heads: it’s the other way around. How can I explain the difference?’
Emma: He’s showing me the bowel, how it is being processed. Oh okay, so the fructose takes a lot longer to be digested by the bowel than sugar. It ends up piling up in your bowel and ends up sitting there for a while. Eventually it ends up damaging your liver in a similar way that alcohol does.
Elisa: Sucrose is healthier. Okay.
Erik: One more thing. I wanna say something, Mom. Listen, it’s important, especially for us. The fructose thing, it also metabolizes directly into fat. That is why we have such a high obesity level in the States–it’s because of the high fructose corn syrup.
Elisa: Wow, okay. I don’t want to go too far over the time. Give me a list of three or four of some of the worst things on the list?
Erik: Maybe one more for the food is the preservatives. It causes rashes and breathing problems. When it comes to washing products, artificial coloring, a lot of our products have pink, purple, green coloring. Any kind of artificial coloring is damaging because it creates hyperactivity. That’s why you see so many people children now with ADHD; it’s hypersensitivity and it causes allergies. That’s why allergies are going berserk all over the world. Really the biggest one, the one that causes so many different disorders, is to go back to any kind of product, like I said, without a smell, or completely natural. There are bioproducts out there, even in washing detergents, shower gels and shampoos. These products are created like they were in the old days. They are made with products that are non-toxic to the body. Look into that. Anything with food, go with bioproducts. That means that they have not been sprayed with pesticides
Elisa: Biological products. There are stores that sell them. Anything else as far as chemicals in washing detergents
Erik: BPA. Phthalates. They use it in everything, even in plastics, so all the toys have it. Anything that’s plastic. It’s in body sprays, hairspray, perfume, cologne, nail polish–everything. It’s the most damaging one because it causes so many things. Autism is one of them as well. Autism has different sources; it can start because of different things; that’s one of them. These phthalates really attack the brain. We all know that if the brain is attacked, everything can happen to your body.
Elisa: It’s what?
Erik: When we microwave food, a lot of times we put it in a plastic pot. Whenever we heat something up, the phthalates actually get injected into your food.
Elisa: I always microwave things on a paper plate.
Erik. But paper plates have glue mixed into them to create them. Use glass instead. When you drink out of a plastic cup or the bottles you use when you’re jogging, unfortunately those plastic Sippy cups or bottles have phthalates. When we buy water from a store, we think it’s healthy but the plastic bottles toxify the water inside. If you go for a run, get yourself a good water filter in a glass cup/container. You can then take that with you wherever you go. Use that.
Elisa: Okay, glass would be better. Let’s go real fast through these because I want to have time for John Denver. Generally speaking, would you see the increase in the rate of people getting cancer and uterine and other diseases is partly due to the harmful chemicals found in personal care products? Is there a link between those, or are we being paranoid? We’ve already discussed those. There’s even a list of these.
Erik: The answer is yes, but of course it’s not the only factor to getting cancer.
Elisa: There’s even a list of these dangerous chemicals at an environment working group website and many other websites claiming that some products are even having a negative effect on the brain and nervous system of our children. We’ve pretty much answered that. Speaking of harmful chemicals, many companies lately are advertising their products as paraben-free because some research has implied that using personal care products containing parabens can cause breast cancer. Is this true? Can they cause breast cancer or other types of cancer?
Erik: Yes. That is true. But any type of cancer. Baby products now will say it on the bottle. It’ll say on the bottle “paraben free.” When you see that, it’s a step in the right direction.
Elisa: What about using organic products?
Erik: That’s the bioproducts I’m talking about. Yeah, we call them “bio” over here. Any organic food or, like I said, organic shampoos, conditioner and fabric softeners and all of that. Anything like that is a heck of a lot better than what they in the media recommend he says. It’s expensive but if you become ill, what will be more expensive then?
Elisa: If you could ban the use of certain chemicals found in personal care products, what would it be? Phthalates, obviously. The cosmetic industry is a multi million-dollar industry, which targets women mostly. Women invest a lot of money in makeup (not me) and expensive creams in order to look good and feel good (I’m past that). Would you say this need is something genetically given to women more than men or did society shape it such? I think society.
Erik: That’s an easy peasy one. Of course, society. It’s sexist. The idea that women need to wear makeup in order to be attractive is brainwashing by the government and some corporations.
Elisa: They’re rougher on us women. When we get old, we look like old hags, but when men get old they become so “distinguished looking.” No fair.
Erik: In nature, it’s the other way around. It’s the men who have to posh themselves up to get the woman.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s crazy. Look at the peacock: it’s the guy who has to look colorful; the girls don’t need to do anything. Come on! They should work for it, man. They have to work for it. Why don’t we make our men work for it? They just want one thing anyway.
Emma: I hardly wear make up. Just my interviews. On my other days, I don’t wear makeup.
Elisa: Me neither. What you see is what you get.Three more questions. We’re all aware of pesticides in food productions. Some people advise rinsing fruits in lemon water before eating it in order to take away the harmful pesticide residue. An organic soap to get the residue would be better. Organic fruit and veggies are a much better option but more expensive. Would you say that pesticide residue on fruit and veggies has an impact on our health or are we making a big deal of it?
Erik: No, it does. Like I said, it’s a neurotoxic chemical. It can create brain damage in any way or form. Washing your products with water just ain’t gonna do it. Even when you wash it, there are special sprays that stick. That’ll help but we forget that if you have a banana, anything with a thick peel, the sprays will not get through. Anything with a thin peel, the pesticide will get in. Even if you peel it, the pesticides will be present. Grow your own food or go organic. That’s the only way to eliminate it.
Elisa: And it doesn’t repel mosquitoes. Is there something you can wash it with? What’s the best thing to wash it with?
Erik: A mixture of vinegar and water.
Elisa: What’s your stand on the use of GMO genetically modified. Should GMOs be banned?
Erik: That depends on how you look at it. People are now against it. They introduce a lot of fear into these products. They feel they’re manipulating things and that’s going to manipulate our body as well.
Elisa: Manipulating the DNA of an animal should not manipulate our DNA, I think.
Erik: Exactly. It really doesn’t have an effect on the people eating the food. From my perspective it is a good thing. We can eliminate certain diseases. We can adjust our food to the conditions they have to grow. If we look at areas like Africa where people have a scarcity, if we can manipulate the corn to grow in a very dry environment, then these people would have food on a day-to-day basis. We could eliminate the starving children or the farmers who don’t know how to feed their families because the weather’s not that great. You have to see it from a positive perspective. It’s about changing the structure of something, and for some reason it produces fear in people and when we have fear–
Elisa: It’s like, “OMG, I don’t want to eat a Frankenstein cow.” It’s acting almost like a god over these animals.
Erik: If you look at the meat industry nowadays and if you could see the what they’re doing to animals and see the products they injecting into the animals, they’re already changing their structure and their DNA, so it doesn’t make much difference.
Elisa: Last question: Some research shows that eating soy may turn on some genes leading to cancer. Should avoid eating soy-based foods. In other words, can it cause cancer?
Erik: (Shaking his head.) No, soy is really healthful. It’s a really healthful thing because it’s natural.
Elisa: And soy is easy to digest!