As many of you might already know, the reason I got into Facebook jail (yet again) is because of the dog pooping contest. So ABORT, ABORT, ABORT. We’re not doing that. Instead, we’re going to have two separate contests, each with one winner, a $100 gift certificate to Chewy, or a donation in your dog’s name to the charity of your choice. One contest will be for the best howling dog. The other will be the best guilty-looking dog. You can submit many times but THEY MUST BE VIDEOS and you MUST be willing to have them on a YouTube. Please email the VIDEOS along with your dog’s name, to Good luck!
Sorry about last night’s epic fail on the part of BlogTalkRadio. We couldn’t do the show because no one could hear anyone! Yesterday was weird in that way. Veronica and I had a session and Zoom crashed three times. That never has happened before. So I have to splice the three clips. Might look a little wonky, but I’ll try my best.
Enjoy today’s YouTube channeled by Denise Ramon! Please HIT THE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON so I can get to the 100K mark.
Here’s the transcript, but PLEASE let the YouTube roll or I don’t get any compensation for the hard work I did on this. I don’t get much ad revenue, but every little bit helps. Plus, it’s your way of showing me a little bit of love, right?
Elisa: Hello, Miss Denise and my lovely boy, Erik. I love you both.
Erik: Hi, Momma. I love you.
Denise: He’s, I don’t know why, but he’s in yellow again. What is the—I don’t know what the yellow is. He’s always, like, yellow or pink, it seems like.
Elisa: He’s in yellow. Doesn’t it mean happy?
Denise: Maybe. He’s like in yellow, he’s in yellow.
Elisa: Well, that’s what Arlene says, “Yellow means happy,” but I don’t know. That’s just a kid’s take on it.
Erik: Well, I am happy.
Elisa: All right!
Denise: But his energy is yellow.
Elisa: Oh, that’s all a mother could hope for.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Her babies to be happy. That’s all I care about.
Denise: Yes, yes.
Elisa: And grandbabies. All right, so we are going—Paola from Acquamarina Productions brought up this whole topic of hybrid children, and it sounds fascinating, these part-human, part-ET kids that are apparently in some little community, and I don’t, I don’t know. First of all, Erik, do hybrid children exist? We’ll start off with, number one.
Erik: Yes, they do exist, absolutely they do, and you have a few people in the Channeling Erik community who have witnessed to having hybrid children.
Elisa: They themselves have hybrid children?
Erik: Yes, but we’ll get into that more later.
Denise: Because I feel like there’s questions that are going to talk about that.
Elisa: Yeah, I’ll bet. Yeah, like, how? Did ET sneak in in the dead of night and creep up under the covers or what?
Erik: No, it’s definitely an arranged, it’s an agreement. It’s very consensual. It’s all consensual because they don’t do things like we do here, as far as, like, rape women or anything like that. So, it’s all very consensual. It’s very good consensual.
Denise: (laughing) He’s saying that, like, it’s like they have outer space sex. I don’t know how to, I don’t know how the—
Elisa: [unintelligible]
Denise: Yes, and the way he—
Elisa: Beaming the human up to the mother ship or something, and?
Denise: It’s like they connect energetically. I don’t know, or they come down, but he says it’s—they don’t have the—now, not—
Erik: You can’t categorize them all that way.
Denise: And I’m asking him, “Is it like how they did on that movie Cocoon, which was, like, ancient. I mean, that movie’s probably 30-plus years old—but how their energy just connected and—
Elisa: Mm.
Denise: ―but how their energy just connected and it was very, they had an orgasm just by their energy connecting like that and Erik—
Elisa: I remember that. That was a great movie.
Denise: Oh, wasn’t it? Wasn’t that a great movie?
Erik: Yes, it’s very enjoyable for both people.
Elisa: Well, is it body to body or spirit to spirit? Or body to spirit? I don’t know.
Erik: It’s more energy to energy.
Denise: So, I guess you could say spirit to spirit, but he’s showing me, like, the energy.
Elisa: Energy, yeah.
Erik: And you’re just connected, but even though there’s not a physicalness, per se, there is the presence or the essence of all the physicalness.
Elisa: Weird. I kinda get that. So, how does the biology take place? How is their implantation of an embryo or those cells in the human uterus? Is it the human that carries the baby or the alien, or either?
Erik: In the very beginning, they—it’s like it’s implanted in the womb of the human—
Elisa: Mm hm.
Erik: ―and it’s almost like when that gets germinated for a certain period of time, then it finishes its duration, like in a—
Elisa: Incubator or something?
Denise: Yeah, is what he’s showing me.
Elisa: Oh, Kari Mena has described this whole thing, and I thought, “Really, Kari?” but yeah, she had sex with an alien, I can’t remember his name. Gary? I don’t know, I can’t remember, and the baby started out inside her and then was removed to an incubator. Is that what we’re talking about with hybrid kids?
Erik: That’s exactly what it is.
Elisa: Whoa! So, the human doesn’t get to give birth to the hybrid child and raise them? Or [unintelligible]
Erik: No, no, but that’s an agreement that was already had, and all of this was prearranged, so it’s not like, what do you mean, I can’t raise my child.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: But I don’t get the feeling like there’s a—of course, this isn’t like 100% all in stone—but I don’t get that there’s, like, if they, if we gave birth and then somebody took our baby away and how we would mourn the loss of that child.
Elisa: Mm hm.
Erik: It’s not that, there’s an agreement prior to this already made.
Denise: And I feel like the people, the women who are in agreement with this, know this intuitively.
Elisa: Yeah, I was gonna ask. See, Kari knew it on a conscious level.
Denise: Mm hm.
Elisa: Do all of them know it on a conscious level, or do some of them have no idea.
Erik: They do. No, they all know. They all know. It’s—
Elisa: Oh, okay. So, they know and recall the act of sex, and they know something’s growing inside of them, and they know it’s removed to an incubator or some other place to finish development, right?
Erik: Yes, because it’s all consensual.
Elisa: Oh, okay. Does it hurt? I mean, how do they take the baby out?
Erik: No, no it doesn’t hurt.
Denise: I feel like that they’re so advanced in the medical field, per se, that how they take the—I want to say the seedling—but how they take—
Elisa: The seedling.
Denise: ―the baby or kind of the embryo. It’s not that either, but I don’t know how you would call it.
Elisa: Well, seedling sounds cool.
Denise: That’s what I keep feeling like.
Elisa: Yeah, that sounds fine.
Denise: I mean, I keep getting like a seedling. How they, I’m gonna say “export it,” but that’s not the correct word—how they—
Elisa: (joking) Come with me if you want to live, little seedling1
Denise: ―how they retrieve it, it’s like they’re able to—he’s showing me how they’re able to come in there and get the baby out and seal you back up, or however, and it’s just—
Elisa: Well, how? Do they just do a turkey baster and (making sucking sound) suck it out or what?
Denise: Erik is showing me how, like, somehow they cut you a little bit on your stomach or something—
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: ―like right underneath your navel or something.
Elisa: Oh!
Erik: Though some people have experienced maybe a little scratch or something.
Denise: Because they got—I’m sure it’s not medicine, but I’m gonna call it that—like medicine to put on you to heal you up instantly.
Elisa: Oh, wow. And they probably put something so you don’t feel the, the little—
Denise: Oh, yes, oh yes, oh yes.
Erik: Because their intent is not to cause harm or pain on anybody, and that’s part of why these hybrid children are coming up. Some of them are already here.
Elisa: Yeah, I want to talk about that—
Denise: [unintelligible—audio issue] Yeah.
Elisa: Hm, that was weird. But I want to finish with this kind of thing.
Denise: Okay.
Elisa: So, they’re taken out and they’re put in something like an incubator. What is it, like is it a little garden with dirt and fertilizing every once in a while? I mean, where do they grow to the point—what kind of environment—to the point where they are self-sufficient. I mean, do they have to nurse? I mean, yeah, what?
Denise: Erik is showing me, and it’s so bizarre because you see this on some movies or something, and I’m like, “Oh, my god,” and I can’t remember the name of the movies either, but it’s jogging a memory, but it’s like they have these little seedlings, embryos, babies, or whatever, and it’s almost like in a capsule, and it’s like, I feel like it’s continuing in fluid. It still continuing in—
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: I guess kind of similar to the mother’s womb being in all that fluid. So, he’s showing me—and I’m, from what I’m understanding, this is one way how it’s done, because from what I’m understanding and getting, it’s like it’s not one way for everyone.
Elisa: Oh, so there’s more than one way.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: But that’s maybe a more common, one of the more common ways/
Denise: I’m thinking yes because as Erik is showing me, I feel like this is—and it’s—
Erik: It’s just a more gentler way for people to hear this.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: Because this is kind of bizarre.
Elisa: Yeah. So, how long is the gestation period until they hatch? When do they hatch? And also, who is, is somebody overseeing all this kind of, all these little eggs?
Erik: Yes, it’s the males.
Elisa: [unintelligible]
Erik: But they also, the males are watching, the males are raising the babies, for the most part, but they have like a village that also helps out.
Elisa: Hm!
Erik: It’s not like here where you’re on your own.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: They have like a village-type community. The males are very active parents—
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: Role models, but there are medical-type people observing and watching and nurturing and taking care of everything—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: ―as time goes on,
Denise: And I’m asking him, “How long is the gestation period, the period before the—”
Elisa: Before they’re taken out of the capsule or whatever?
Denise: He’s giving me 9 to 12 months.
Elisa: Oh, okay. So, they are hatched automatically, or the males say, “All right, time’s up.”
Denise: Erik’s showing me they just start—it’s like they start showing, like, they’re ready to, to progress—
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: ―to the next stage. Like they’re ready to move from that to the crib, so to speak.
Elisa: Yeah. And so, the male aliens, they somehow get them out of the capsule, like, break it open or something, right?
Denise: They open it. It’s just—
Elisa: Or just open it.
Denise: Eventually, it just opens—
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: ―it just opens is how he’s showing—
Elisa: Maybe they’re programmed when they reach a certain maturation to open up on its own. [unintelligible] levels and all that.
Erik: They’re very intelligent. Yes, yes. Yes, there’s—
Elisa: [unintelligible] the baby. Oh, okay. The baby comes out. Does it cry like a regular human baby. Does somebody take it? Do they nurse it? Do they feed it? I mean, what, tell me what happens in the first month [unintelligible].
Erik: They don’t nurse the babies like we do because they’re not requiring that, per se.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: Because for us the purpose for nursing is to give them the antibodies and blah blah blah and all that.
Elisa: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Denise: Erik says they don’t need that, that type of—but they do get fed something that’s similar to, like, a formula, but it has other minerals or something in there.
Elisa: Yeah, it’s all they need, I guess.
Erik: It’s a special blend because it’s a hybrid child.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: So, you gotta have something that’s accommodating to both because the majority of these children will make it to here, will come to the planet Earth.
Elisa: Oh! So, where are these little seedling farms? Are they on another planet or a mother ship or on Earth?
Erik: Yes, they’re on other planets.
Denise: But I also feel like I see ships, so they’re on ships as well.
Erik: Yes, they are. Yes.
Elisa: Okay. Do they suckle from a bottle?
Erik: It’s equivalent to something like that, but you have to remember, these hybrid children are further advanced than us here. So, the purposes of us, like, sucking on a bottle and stuff like that, because we need those kind of sucking skills to help form our brain.
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: Those kind of motor skills.
Elisa: Oh, yes.
Erik: All of that’s needed for the functions of our body.
Denise: ―and these kids—not that our children here are dumb by any means, that’s not what Erik is saying—these children are bred for higher, they evolve. They’re bred to evolve in a much higher dimension and stuff like that.
Elisa: Oh. So, when they get, when they’re out of the capsule, are they loved? Are they nurtured?
Erik: Oh, yes, oh yes.
Elisa: They get love, right?
Erik: Yes. There’s none of this abandonment stuff. None of this leaving the stuff at the fire station. None of this, I wish I wouldn’t have done this—
Elisa: All right, but do they get human emotion kind of love? First of all—
Denise: Erik says—
Elisa: What part alien race is it, that half of the hybrid? Or maybe there’s more than one, I don’t know.
Erik: There’s more than one, like the Starseed, the planets in there. They’re all—
Elisa: Like Pleiadians, maybe?
Denise: Yeah, Pleiadians and one that starts with an “A,” he’s telling me.
Elisa: A—Antares? I don’t know.
Denise: Something, I don’t know.
Elisa: I just made that up! (laughing)
Denise: I’m not very good with—
Elisa: Arcturian? Acturian [sic]?
Erik: Yes, you’re close. Yeah. And there’s others in there, but they come from other planets.
Denise: He’s showing me there’s a blue planet or something with blue—
Elisa: Mm.
Denise Like it’s—mm hm.
Elisa: Who’s there, Erik? Maybe tall whites, are they part of it?
Erik: Yeah, they are.
Elisa: All right. What is the—well, it’s not important what the blue planet is, I guess, but . . . All right, what is the purpose?
Denise: Erik says there’s a lot of rea—one is they’re vibrating in higher dimension than what we are in now, and it’s, as Erik is showing me, they’re like helping us to raise up our vibration and get into that dimension as we go into this shift as we’ve been going into it. It’s kinda like you go, when you’re having trouble in math, you go to somebody who’s very versed in it for help, and these children are coming in to help us, and there’s some children that are here doing this but they’re extremely sensitive to what’s going on, so some of them have a real challenging time being here—
Elisa: Yeah. Are they in, all—
Denise: Because they don’t need everything.
Elisa: Are they all in one place, like in one community, or are they in among us, being raised by, finished being raised by humans, or, where are they?
Erik: Both, but if you google, you will see that there are people who have questioned their children or know that they have these children, and so there is a community here on Earth to where people can talk about this.
Denise: I’m gonna have to google that when I get off.
Elisa: Okay, but these must be people who adopt them, since they have already been raised, at least in part, by male aliens.
Erik: Some of these are children who have been born here, and there’s some walk-ins.
Elisa: Oh! Okay. Okay, so is there one big community somewhere. I mean, there’s this Bridget Neilsen that’s apparently an expert in that, and I don’t know in what way, but so maybe we can discuss her, and also is there some big community, like inside of a mountain in Utah, I don’t know, whatever, that has a lot of these hybrid kids?
Erik: That Bridget lady has done tons and tons and tons of research.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: On this because somehow or another, this affects her personally, and I feel like—
Elisa: How? How come?
Denise: ―she has a connection some way in there with it? From what I’m understanding, I feel like her privacy and that kind of stuff is respected, so I don’t know if she’s talked about that. I’m thinking she would’ve, though. But she has done a lot of research on this.
Erik: A lot of findings. Are they tucked away in, like, a cave in Utah or a mountain? They’re not tucked away and that, but it’s almost like there’s a community of them. There’s pods of them where they’re being homeschooled and stuff like that because, you know, our school systems are not the greatest here.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: Because we want all our kids to be in this little box, and these children are not for this box.
Elisa: Yeah. Oh, I can imagine. Okay, so how does the diaspora happen? How do they—raised by the male aliens—how do they find their way into the human population, into human families. For example, does one hybrid go back to the mother that conceived it? Or I mean, how does—just everything, anything you know, and then some.
Erik: Yes, that can happen that it can go back to the mother. Sometimes, the mother chooses to leave, and she has a walk-in, and she goes where they are.
Elisa: Oh.
Erik: And finds the tribe, so to speak.
Elisa: Oh, wow.
Denise: But then, I don’t know if there’s, like, a soul exchange, and I guess that would be a walk- in, though, like a soul exchange, is how he’s showing me. A soul exchange.
Elisa: Hm.
Denise: It’s like, okay, Susie go, Sam’s coming.
Elisa: That your hybrid kid is coming.
Denise: Yeah, like they just—
Elisa: Does it make Sam’s body change? Or whoever, Susie, whatever. Does it change to look more like a hybrid, and I want to talk about physical appearance too, so.
Erik: There is a distinct (audio distortion) why the parents are questioning things about their children because they notice that there is a difference, not that they’re freakishly different, but there’s a difference.
Elisa: Like larger eyes, right?
Denise: He just said that, bigger eyes, bigger eyes. He’s showing me, like, the forehead is different.
Erik: It’s—
Elisa: In what way? [unintelligible]
Erik: ―more space in between here. There’s more space, like the forehead’s just bigger.
Elisa: Okay. Well, I thought everybody was conscious about it. So, these parents have no idea they’re raising, some of them don’t have any idea they’re raising hybrids? The conscious thing is the humans that conceive it, right?
Denise: Correct.
Elisa: And they know what’s going on. But these other parents are the ones that somehow, maybe they get a walk-in exchange of their own child with a hybrid, and they don’t know what [unintelligible]
Erik: But they agreed to that, though. It’s all contractual.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: It’s all, it’s not like Switched at Birth-type thing where you then—
Elisa: Oh.
Erik: ―wind up with the wrong baby.
Elisa: I love that series! I wish it was on again!
Denise: I know.
Erik: Everybody knows, and that’s why some parents, sometimes the dad recognizes it first, or the mom, or with a sibling, and then they’ll have this thought, like, something’s different with this child. And then the—
Elisa: Wait, so, “Wow, Susie, you have changed overnight? Your forehead’s bigger and your eyes are bigger?”
Erik: And sometimes they look—
Elisa: [unintelligible] like something happens in, before birth that the switch happens.
Erik: Yes, yes.
Elisa: Oh, I see.
Erik: And sometimes these children, they’ll look nothing like the rest of the family. They do—
Elisa: Uh oh, the postman has been busy!
Erik: ―try to stay close.
Denise: (laughing)
Erik: They do try to stay close, some resemblance, especially when they know they’re gonna be coming back.
Elisa: That makes sense.
Denise: I guess you’re not a brunette coming into an all blonde, blue-eyed family—
Elisa: Yeah, yeah.
Denise: ―or something like that.
Elisa: Okay. So, but the ones that are created in capsules and are raised by the male aliens, how do they work themselves into human society?
Erik: There’s some that choose to wait. They—
Denise: And I’m asking him because he says, like, “They’re walk-ins,” but I’m, like, “Okay, so how does that switch the body, and how does all that work,” and he’s showing me, and how he’s showing me, it’s like, it’s almost like the body changes—
Elisa: Hm.
Denise: ―when there’s a walk-in, that the appearances change and stuff like that, and when he’s saying that it makes me think of—because I personally know of a walk-in that I met 20-plus years ago, she showed me her pictures before and after, and she is completely different. Everything about her is different.
Elisa: Yeah, I know one, too, a blog member.
Denise: Yeah, and I mean, it’s like bizarre how different.
Elisa: Wow. So, Erik, if you want—it might help—can you bring in one of the, or a spokesperson for the hybrid kids or a hybrid kid or two, so we can, if we need a little extra help with this, we have them to go to?
Denise: Erik says he will bring in like a spokesperson because, from my understanding, they’re pretty protective of their children.
Elisa: Oh, gosh, I can imagine. So, well, we’re gonna talk to somebody who is not a hybrid but a spokesman for the hybrid community.
Erik: Yes, yes.
Elisa: All right. So, do some of them just grow up to be adults and then, like, they go out, and it’s like, “Okay, here’s my resume. I want a job,” and then they enter the job force. They get married to—whatever. I mean, does that sometimes happen?
Erik: Yes, yes, if that was the agreement of what was going to happen with the purpose. A lot of this is already arranged before the human—
Elisa: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Erik: ―and the alien consummate. Like, they know that they’re not gonna be having their children—
Elisa: Right.
Erik: ―but somehow on an energetic level, or you can travel, like astral travel in your sleep, because some people are extremely gifted at that—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: ―do that very well and connect and stuff. And that’s how they connect with their children, and that’s how—because some of these women really enjoy being a part of this, but they really don’t want to be the ones raising their children.
Elisa: So, is it always the female human that carries the seedling? I mean initially until they get popped into a capsule?
Erik: Here, yes.
Elisa: Oh, okay. So, they probably have them on other planets. Yeah, but—(some crosstalk)
Denise: I’m asking him, is it ever role reversal to where—
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: I asked him if it’s role reversal where they use a male here for a female there. I’m asking him if there’s role reversal with that.
Elisa: Ooh, cool!
Erik: That happens sometimes but not as often as female to the ET type. It’s more—
Elisa: Of the human female, ET male.
Denise: Mm hm.
Elisa: Okay. So, the one thing I don’t get is you have walk-ins, but that’s just the spirit goes into a body before birth, but what about all these ones that are hatching in the capsules? I mean, where do they go? How do they intersperse with humans?
Denise: Erik is showing me it’s almost like—
Erik: I’m doing this so we can better understand.
Denise: ―but do you know how, like, on Star Trek and they’d say, “Beam me up, Scotty,” and they’d have those fluid lights are going to the [unintelligible]—
Elisa: Oh, yeah, right.
Denise: Erik is showing me that it is kinda similar to that because those children then come down here, and it—but they don’t have to take light-years to get here. They can just—they know how to say, “I’m gonna be here,” and then they’re here.
Elisa: Yeah, but how do the—what age are they usually when they just beam themselves down here? I mean, are they self-sufficient by that time, or are they—
Denise: No, no. They still need guidance.
Erik: They’re not as needy children as ours are.
Elisa: But do they beam themselves—
Denise: And he doesn’t mean that in an ugly way, either.
Elisa: Yeah, no. But do they just beam themselves into a family that’s already expecting the child and all that? I mean, just, if you can give me details, and you, Mr. or Mrs. Spokesperson, you can step up to the plate and elucidate the matter, if you could.
Denise: And I hear in a very strong male, masculine energy voice, “Thank you.”
Elisa: (chuckling).
Denise: It’s not that they’re dropping off kids like parachutes drop on things. It’s, from what I’m understanding, it’s like it’s been prearranged, and whoever the family is—and a lot of times it’s the people who gave birth, and I’m asking, “Okay, so how,” because it’s like they’re showing me where they have the kid at 6 years old or something like that, and I’m saying, “How do they—” You know, they’re not really showing me how that part gets here—
Elisa: Oh, well, maybe it should be, maybe it’s a secret.
Denise: Because I’m like, “Is it adopted?” and I don’t get that it’s, it’s adopted.
Elisa: Okay, so we’re not supposed to know [unintelligible].
Denise: I’m, I’m just not getting everything, and I’m thinking, read the Bridget book, maybe. She—
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: I don’t know.
Elisa: So, cool. Maybe my character, Itty Bitty Betty, which I’ve told those stories to the kids since they were little (hushed voice) maybe she’s one of those hybrid kids. But she’s super tiny.
Denise: (laughing).
Elisa: Maybe she’s an ET. A little small, creepy ET.
Denise: You know, my mother used to talk about aliens back in the 60s and early 70s, and she would say, “You know, they could be, look just like you,” and we used to think she was nuts, and she was just [unintelligible]—
Elisa: But we are, we were! Okay, so I’m gonna talk more about the differences. Well, first of all, how many are there on Earth now, and how many are in capsules or in some form of gestational stage on planets or mother ships or whatever? So, let’s talk about Earth first. How many? Mas o menos?
Denise: Thousands.
Elisa: Wow. Where are most of ‘em? I mean, what part of the world?
Denise: They’re all over the world. They’re strategically placed because their energy is needed on different parts of the earth.
Elisa: Ah. Is there one place that they have more than—
Denise: But I feel like when—what I’m understanding—when they’re strategically placed because that energy is needing balance, I do not feel like they’re put in harm’s way.
Elisa: Oh, good.
Denise: So, I don’t feel like they’re put in a country that’s real volatile or anything like that right now.
Elisa: Oh good. So, how many are not on Earth but in space or planets or mother ships, etcetera?
Denise: I’m getting hundreds of thousands.
Elisa: Wow. Okay, I’m going to ask more about what they’re here to do, but first, let’s back up and go to what they look like. Larger eyes, larger forehead. Anything else with their digits, their anything, the internal organs, any other subtle or not so subtle differences?
Erik: Their DNA is very different from ours. Very, very different.
Elisa: But made of the same, like, carbon and all that, or is it based on something else like silicone?
Erik: Yes, it’s based on what we have in us, but it’s more defined.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: More defined, whatever that means, it’s more defined. But there’s something to do with their teeth. I don’t know, he’s showing me their teeth. I don’t know if they have, like—I feel like maybe they might not have as many roots on their molars or something, that might be—
Elisa: Well, [unintelligible] the spokesperson. Tell us. What’s up with the teeth? They gonna put dentists out of work?
Mr. Spokesperson: Their teeth are just more solid.
Denise: There’s something about them that’s more solid. There’s something that he’s showing me, and I’m, what I’m getting and understanding is, is that the root structure and everything in there, and their teeth don’t—it doesn’t succumb to decay as quickly as ours would.
Elisa: Okay. Are their personalities or emotions different than humans?
Denise: They’re both saying no. They’re the same because they’re a hybrid, they’re a half us, but—
Elisa: Maybe they’re more stable, less inclined to—
Denise: They’re more serious because there’s such an understanding. They have such an understanding of things.
Elisa: Mm hm.
Denise: And they can pick up on energy, and so they don’t gravitate into fear as quickly—
Elisa: Ah.
Denise: ―as some of us would, and I also am getting that they’re very protected, very guarded. So, I don’t feel like they would be in a family where you would see a 3-year-old walking in the middle of the street at night.
Elisa: No abuse or things like that, right?
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Okay. So—
Erik: Sometimes that can happen, and that was already arranged—
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: ―but for the most part they’re pretty protected because they’re so, as we say, very sensitive because of their energy. They just pick up on so much, and they’re very mature soul-wise—
Elisa: Mm hm.
Erik: Very mature.
Elisa: All right, do they have any differences in their senses compared to—the five senses—compared to humans, and do they have abilities that human children don’t have, like telepathy, whatever. I don’t know.
Denise: Their hearing is real keen.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: Very keen. The hearing is real keen, and they intuitively know to study their inside vibration. They’re showing me, it’s like they know to go in and study that, like check their vibration on the inside to see what’s going on.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: Instead of us. We go out and reach for a pack of cigarettes or cake or gum or whatever, and they just know to go inside and kinda, like, regulate themselves.
Elisa: Oh, I see. Okay. Do they have a longer or shorter lifespan than we do? Obviously, it seems like they probably heal better or don’t even get diseases as easily, right?
Denise: Yeah. When you asked that, they’re showing me sometimes it can be shorter here, but it continues on the other side, and it’s not, I don’t feel like it’s the same continuation like as if I [unintelligible/audio distortion] today and then crossed over. I feel like—
Elisa: Really? How is [unintelligible/audio distortion]
Denise: Hybrids.
Elisa: Wow.
Denise: They just jump into another body automatically over there.
Elisa: Oh, wow. Okay. Over where?
Denise: Wherever they’re from. Mm hm.
Elisa: Oh, okay, okay. Are they more alien or more human or does it just depend.
Erik: It just depends.
Denise: Because when you’re asking that, it’s like it just depends on where they are. And it is challenging. That’s why they don’t like to send them here too young or have too many here too young unless—
Elisa: Mm.
Denise: (sighs) I just don’t have a large vocabulary to explain what they’re saying.
Elisa: Well, there isn’t a vocabulary, probably, for this kind of—
Denise: Well, I don’t feel like there is, but it’s like—what was the question? My mind just went blank, and I’m trying to figure out what they’re saying.
Elisa: What lifespan? Oh no—
Denise: Oh—
Elisa: ―are they more human or more—the lifespan varies, and they don’t get as sick as easily because—
Denise: Correct.
Erik: Because they know to go in and check out where their—
Elisa: Mm.
Erik: ―imbalance is, and so they go there and do stuff. They’re not—
Elisa: So, they can heal themselves.
Erik: Yes, and they’re very sensitive to the intake of food that we eat here.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: Because a lot of our food can make people sick. Just even us.
Elisa: So, they take care of their bodies probably better than we do?
Erik: Yes. They don’t have Oreos on whatever planet they’re on.
Elisa: What?
Erik: They don’t have Oreos on they’re—
Elisa: Oh, wow. Poor guys! That’s horrible! I don’t like Oreos, they’re gross. Oh, do they have other abilities like telepathy? I can’t remember if I—
Denise: You did ask that and I didn’t answer.
Elisa: Oh, okay, that’s right.
Erik: Yes, they do have telepathy. They know how to—
Elisa: Self-healing, probably. I’m sorry, go ahead.
Erik: Yes. They know how to create.
Denise: They know how to—communication is not an issue, from what I’m understanding, like how here we have a communication problem, you know, like, “I’m sorry, I perceived you said this, but—
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: ―but their—the communication is very clear and understanding. I don’t feel like they get—
Elisa: [unintelligible] each other. I mean, because they have to deal and talk to our asses, and we don’t—
Denise: I don’t feel like that, as my daughter would say, I don’t feel like they get butthurt as much over there like we do here, and that’s some of the things, from what I’m understanding what’s being said is that the children here, these hybrids that are starting to come in, they’re like, not understanding why certain things are being said or done or whatever because they’re not used to so much violence.
Elisa: Yeah. Are any of them—have any of them reached the point of adulthood yet, or are they still children.
Erik: You know, we do have people here living that are in adulthood from other planets.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: Are they the hybrid children—
Elisa: Hybrid, yeah.
Denise: ―like we’re talking about?
Erik: Yes, there are some. Yes.
Elisa: Okay. Does the government know about hybrid children, and if so, what’s going on with them?
Denise: When you asked that, I’m getting that the government probably knows, but they don’t have their hand in it dictating what it and isn’t happening.
Elisa: Good. Okay, well, Erik, is it, do they? I mean, do they know, most of the government?
Denise: He’s showing me a small portion does.
Elisa: Do they have nefarious plans for these kids?
Erik: No, because that’s not the arrangement.
Elisa: [unintelligible]
Erik: No, women would not agree to have this.
Elisa: Oh, okay. All right. Now, will these children grow to breed with humans and create a “gen 2” hybrid race?
Erik: Yeah, yeah, a good portion of ‘em will. Yeah.
Elisa: Okay. Why are they here? That’s the main question. It feels like they’re here to raise the vibration of the planet, but that’s kinda general, so maybe you or the spokesperson—who’s been very silent to date—can explain. What’s the purpose, and how will they achieve the purpose?
Mr. Spokesperson: They’re here to help bring us into the other dimensions that we’re shifting into.
Elisa: Oh, oh, like ascension. Hey, what’s going on with this hairpiece? God, what is this, like, a little comet tail.
Denise: (laughing) Lick it.
Elisa: Yeah [unintelligible], It was just, like, ugh, it’s goin’ rogue!
Denise: But it’s to help equalize.
Elisa: What do you mean?
Mr. Spokesperson: Like when your pool is not in balance, the pH is high or whatever and you have to bring things in to make it where everything is balanced, so that your pool doesn’t turn green or done burn your eyeballs, and these children are here, these hybrids are here to bring balance to this planet.
Denise: When you say it’s generalized, he’s showing me it sounds generalized but it really isn’t because this is what we’ve been striving for, us as humans—
Elisa: Mm hm.
Denise: ―been striving for for—he’s right over here, too, by the way. What we’ve been striving for, and we’re, like, we get whatever order or we’re lost. We need direction, so we’re callin’ in the troops, so to speak.
Elisa: Ah, so that’s why. So they said, “Oh, you guys are messed u-u-up!”
Denise: And so—
Elisa: Bring in the cavalry!
Denise: Yes, and so—
Elisa: So, this was decided when, when in our human history did aliens say, “Oh, god, they are really a major F-up, let’s intervene with hybrid children.”—when did that happen? With Adam and Eve-ha, I’m kidding.
Denise: I know. Well, when you said that, this decision was made a long time ago because it’s, like, okay were all coming here from all these different places and—
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: ―we’re kinda doing okay, but we start runnin’ stupid, and it’s like, okay now—and Erik says not to get too worried about it.
Erik: Because it really is just a game.
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Denise: But, and I’ve heard this before, like, there’s no way we’re gonna to destroy this planet. We’ll destroy ourselves first.
Elisa: Oh yeah, of course.
Denise: And so, these children, these hybrids are here to help us to get to that next level, and when I say that, they’re showing me, like, bring awareness to the pollution, the lack of whatever it is that we’re running out of, resources, like we’re abusing one, and it’s helping to bring awareness to a lot of things, and these hybrids don’t require a lot of stuff, like, like say I did, you know, to make us content or happy or what we think is content and happy. They’re just—
Elisa: Nice.
Denise: Because they know how to go in and just kind of tweak their insides to get ‘em in balance, and that’s the only reason why we search on the outside for all these things because we’re not in balance on the inside.
Elisa: Yeah, the four roommates you talk about, Erik, the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical—they have to be in alignment. Have they done this before in human history, like in the Egyptian times—I don’t care, whatever—that all of a sudden inserting hybrid kids to raise the vibration, or is this something that’s just now happening [unintelligible]?
Erik: No, this happened eons ago too.
Elisa: Oh, so there’ve been, what, more than one time where—
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: They’ve intervened by creating hybrid children?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: That is so cool.
Denise: That is.
Elisa: How do they help us with ascension? Is it just their mere presence, their energy, or are there specific things that they do?
Erik: All of that. Their energy is huge, though, because it’s like you just cannot be in that energy and behave stupid anymore.
Elisa: Yeah, okay.
Erik: And they bring a lot of what we would call disruption to the planet, but what they’re bringing is awareness and light on things also.
Elisa: Wow.
Denise: Yeah, this is what they’re doing, because when he’s saying this, something about—some of these young kids, like really young kids under the age of 10, and I can’t think of anything specific, but I just remember these phenomenal young kids inventing things that it’s like—
Elisa: Oh.
Denise: ―duh, just basic, simple things.
Erik: You’re onto something, Denise. You’re onto something, yes.
Elisa: So, these are very, what do you call it? Prodigal kids, I guess. So, are there any of these hybrid kids anywhere in my family or will there be? It’s okay to say no.
Erik: No, Momma, there isn’t, but you’ll be the first to know when there is one.
Elisa: Okay. Do—well, could there be one in the future? Like a grandkid or something?
Erik: There’s not any arrangements at this time.
Elisa: Okay. All right, well how do they decide who needs to get the hybrid kid, grandkid, whatever. I know we have to close pretty soon. I got one more question.
Erik: Well, these women search these things out. It’s like they have a fascination with this extraterrestrial-type environment, and then they get involved or they have contacts somehow, and they’re not fearful of it.
Elisa: Yes, they know it’s a contract, right?
Erik: It’s just very familiar to them, and—
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Erik: ―and so then they start like what we would start, like a courting procedure, like they’re dating or something—
Elisa: Oh, okay.
Erik: ―and then from there. But it is very physical—
Elisa: Like [unintelligible]
Erik: It’s a—
Elisa: [unintelligible] ETs!
Erik: ―it’s a physical type of the attraction, but yet it isn’t.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: Because if feel like their body responds physically.
Elisa: Yeah. All right, so let’s say a hybrid child is kinda close by. Would you recognize his or her energy, and would it affect your own energy? I mean, would it seem like a little higher energy or whatever?
Erik: Yes, yes, yes. One of the things, if you have just even a little bit of awareness, you would pick up real easy, like there’s something special about that kid.
Elisa: I gotcha.
Erik: And then if you’re around—
Elisa: [unintelligible] high energy, that kind of thing?
Erik: Just the energy is different, and you would just know, and then if you’re around that kid, like, say a week or two weeks or something, you would notice how they’re real intelligent but not so intelligent to where you can’t converse with them.
Elisa: This freakish carnie intelligence.
Denise: Right.
Elisa: All right, last question, and then I want you to give your information, or I will. How do they choose the moms to carry, to conceive these hybrid children? I know it’s by contract, but how? What happens?
Erik: It’s like how you chose Dad to marry. You got married—it’s a mutual agreement. They just start meeting each other, and then, they’re like, yeah!
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: I feel like a lot of that has to do with, though, because of how they feel physically when there’s relationships going on, how they feel inside physically is just kinda like, “I gotta have more and—(laughing)
Elisa: Yeah, wow.
Denise: Yeah, and then it’s like then they start having this amazing relationship and talking and stuff.
Elisa: ET-human porn channel! I see the future!
Denise: (laughing)
Elisa: One more question and then, all right, when you talk about intelligence, is it, are we talking about emotional intelligence or intellect intelligence or both?
Erik: Both, both, both.
Elisa: All right, so y’all. Anything else you want to add, guys? Oh, oh, we got one more. Ooh, do any of the followers in Channeling Erik have hybrid children?
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Ooh, how many?
Erik: There’s quite a few, and they’re quiet about it, but they know who they are.
Elisa: Oh, okay, that’s—
Erik: A lot of these children have this amazing purple energy around them—
Elisa: Ooh.
Erik: Like their aura is this amazing purple color.
Elisa: Maybe they should start a Parents of Hybrid Children CE blog member group. Ha, that’d be funny.
Erik: There’s a Facebook out.
Elisa: Oh!
Denise: So, I’ll have to look that up.
Elisa: All right, so anything else you want to share, Mr. Spokesperson or Erik on hybrid children? I think we’ve covered a lot.
Mr. Spokesperson: Mr. Erik has done a very good job of translating for them.
Denise: I feel like he’s just here to, like, say, “No, that’s not correct.”
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: He’s more critiquing it more, but he’s, he’s very pleased with Erik. He’s really complimenting him on how—
Elisa: Oh, my boy!
Denise: I know.
Elisa: Mm. I love you, Erik. I’m so proud of you, and thank you, Denise, for doing this. You guys got to check her out,, which I’ll put here. She’s gonna be part of a three-medium group reading at my house. I don’t know if I’ll post this before, but anyway, it’s gonna be October 26, 2019, and so I plug it all the time on social media and the blog. Talk to you later, guys!
Denise: Bye.
Erik: Bye, Momma. I love you.
Elisa: I love you more.
Denise: Aw, he’s just giving you big kisses, aw.
Elisa: Bye.
Denise: Bye. Take care.
Elisa: Bye.
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