I know it’s been a long time since I posted Non-Human Emotions, Part One, but I gave our hard-working CE mediums a couple of weeks break. Well-deserved, I might add. But I want to show you this hilarious prank Erik played on medium, Shruti Kamble while she was having a session with a sitter. By the way, I know you’re probably wondering why I haven’t had any recent sessions with her. That’s because her father in India was suffering from a terminal illness and recently passed away. Please send her family and her prayers and love and light. It’s been a very difficult process. I think that may be why Erik pulled this pranks. He knows she’s very shy and that this would make her laugh (and blush.) Go to 52:30 on the video.
As some of you know, I have an idea for a reality TV show that, of course, includes Erik. A previous guest on our radio show is a writer living in Burbank who approached me with her own idea for a show, specifically one where I interview celebrities that Erik brings in. This is an idea Jamie and I already bounced around and pitched years ago and it never got anywhere. I told her about my idea, and she was very excited about it. She sent me a sample of her writing and it’s truly amazing. She’s quite gifted. I wrote up a treatment (pitch) and registered it with the Screen Actors Guild and TV Writer’s Vault. She also created her own treatment and a sizzle reel (a trailer) using mostly my video clips. I never asked her to do that, but she did a great job.
Then, she told me we should have some sort of collaborative agreement. Unfortunately, she insisted that she should be co-creator and receive 50% of everything. My entertainment lawyer was taken aback since the idea was all mine and the story on which it’s based belongs to my family and me built on a foundation that includes hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment, thousands of hours in labor and, most important, an enormous amount of pain and sacrifice. The one thing she brings to the table is supposed connections so my lawyer said the fair things to do would be to give her the same percentage any agent would receive. She refused, took down the link to the sizzle reel on YouTube, and now wants $3000 for the treatment and reel. My husband doesn’t want to spend that kind of money, especially this close to tax day! So, I’m probably going to hire someone to make a new reel from various clips of mine along with stock video and audio. And my lawyer is going to help me find an agent.
One more thing. We have a very interesting radio show planned tomorrow night at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET. Click on the “LISTEN” icon on the right sidebar of the blog or click on this link through http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hour-of-enlightenment.
Our special guest, Sonia Rinaldi, a renown world class researcher specializing in Instrumental TransCommunication for 30 years, will discuss the technology behind how she receives images, and Class A EVP Audios of deceased loved ones from the Other Side. Sonia is an expert in the field of ITC research and has been featured as a keynote speaker at various conferences such as the Afterlife Research and Education Conference, We Don’t Die Boston and We Don’t Die Orlando. Her work is results driven, bringing through evidence of the continuity of life beyond the grave and the existence of consciousness independent of the physical body. After 20-30 minutes of discussion, Erik will answer questions from callers channeled by Jennifer. THE CALL IN NUMBER HAS CHANGED. IT IS NOW: 646-716-9735. You can find out more about Jennifer by visiting psychicmediumjenniferdoran.com.
Okay, no more stalling. Here’s the long-awaited Part Two, thanks to the awesome channeling of Michelle Gray. Click HERE to check out what she has to offer! Also please be sure to subscribe to my channel and share my videos on all of your social media because TV producers check stats like that.
Elisa: Hello Michelle!
Michelle: Hi, Elisa! I’m good, how are you?
Elisa: I’m good, how’s Erik doing? Hi, Sweetie, I love you.
Erik: Hi, Mom, I love you.
Michelle: He’s doing awesome, he’s very, very excited and just before we connected today his energy came really, really fast, like running up to me and I started to sit in my seat like this, like side to side, I started to wiggle in my seat and get excited and I could feel my heart chakra connecting and him very excited to see you.
Erik: Mom, I’m giving you a great big bear hug.
Elisa: Awe.
Michelle: He wants you to know that you’re getting a bear hug from him today.
Elisa: I can see him doing the wigglies, he was a wiggly kid.
Michelle: Yeah, he’s like very.
Elisa: Uh-huh.
Michelle: Yeah.
Elisa: Okay, I love you. All right we are going to do part two, our final part of emotions, of non-humans, so.
Michelle: Yes.
Elisa: We’ll never get off the emotions of humans so why bother with that. (laughing). I think this is going to be kind of short but okay. Let’s talk about dolphins, I mean we’ve talked about the emotions in general of mammals but I don’t know there are some dolphins that humans seem to connect, some mammals that humans seem to connect to a little bit better. So, dolphins, can we talk about the emotions of them.
Erik: Mom, interestingly enough, along with the primates the dolphins are the most like we are. Their consciousness is closer to ours or able to perceive closer to ours.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: He’s talking about some of the make up being similar.
Erik: They have.
Michelle: What do you mean Erik, like interdimensional? He’s saying like an ancient species.
Elisa: Oh Wow!
Michelle: Like there’s more to them, than what we understand, they are such an important part of our eco-system.
Erik: But they are far more intelligent than what the current tools or the current studies.
Michelle: And he means emotionally.
Erik: Not all mammals are the same, it also depends on, in the wild they are known to do things, they are known to swim with the boats, they’re known to come up to people, but you will have some that will develop relationships. There have been instances where people have reported seeing the same dolphin or having the same relationship with the dolphin in their area or where they would frequent in some sort of harbour or something, and that’s because they have that longing for emotional connection, they have that same thing that we as human being have that longs for connection. Regardless, of what anything else is going on, we always have the longing or the emotional connection, they emotional intelligence.
Elisa: Well, I saw I think it was on unusual animal friends or something like that, there was this dog in I don’t know, Ireland, or some place that used to jump into the water, every morning to go swim with this dolphin that was a buddy. The dolphin would should up, and the dog would just swim all day, and sometimes the dolphin had to buoy him up and carry him back to and help him get back to shore.
Michelle: Awe, that’s sweet.
Elisa: Were they part of Atlantis? We’re they from another dimension? What’s that all about?
Erik: Both, they are inter-dimensional.
Michelle: He’s talking about them being ancient, being back in Lemerian, Atlantean times.
Erik: If you look at, a good example is just to look at what’s put on a lot of spiritual text and tarot cards, more oracle cards, they always show mermaids with dolphins.
Elisa: Oh!
Erik: You’ll often see a dolphin that has some sort of meaning of fertility or abundance, that goes back, they are interdimensional.
Elisa: (inaudible 4:54)
Michelle: Yeah.
Elisa: A dolphin here go to another dimension?
Michelle: Yes, they’re inter-dimensional, but there is another realm where they exist so that they are the same creature.
Erik: Whereas with mermaids, and you get into a little different situation, we don’t have, they’re not on the same dimension.
Elisa: Okay. That’s why we never see them, I guess.
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: Okay. What about horses? Some people have a real big connection, especially little girls, you know how it is.
Erik: Absolutely! A lot of animals like horses, cats, dogs.
Michelle: He’s even showing me ducks, pigs.
Erik: A lot of them have more intelligence, and emotional intelligence than some give credit for. Horses do carry natural bonds, they do carry bond.
Michelle: Oh, okay, there’s healing with children.
Erik: There’s a lot of spiritual contracts between children and horses. It also has a meaning of a free spirit, it’s able to connect with the inner child in someone. So, a lot of adults that really appreciate horses, like to ride horses or admire horses are also connecting with the inner spirit of themselves. Horses have a magical sense to them, they always have had a mysterious sense to them, we get that from looking at them. They have very human eyes, they way that they look at you, have you ever stared down a horse, Mom? Have you ever gone eye to eye with a horse?
Elisa: Well, I didn’t have any staring contest with them but why, what happens?
Erik: Try it some time! It’s very interesting to see what telepathically you can receive because they are very curious and they do connect on an emotional intelligence that is limited. Like you have with your cats and dogs, there’s a limited amount of the consciousness or how far it goes. Horses have a commonality we as human beings have which is with scarring, or with emotional scarring.
Michelle: He’s talking about if you look at if a horse is abused or a horse has been abandoned or anything else like that how much work and how much work and how much effort, there is sanctuaries and people that dedicate their lives to helping these horses.
Erik: That is something that as human beings we connect with that, because if you look at someone who has been themselves through emotional abuse and scarring physical abuse of any type, that it takes a lot of work for us to go through that. That is something that we have in common. Horses the way that they are built, they way that they are structured, it’s a little bit more than say some animals.
Elisa: Okay. Do they have healing abilities, is that what you said before?
Erik: Yes.
Elisa: I’ve heard that equine therapy is super good with Autistic kids, and other types of disabled kids.
Erik: That’s that magical ability. Horses do have a sense of awe and wonder for children, because they are majestic looking creatures.
Elisa: Horses?
Michelle: Yes.
Elisa: Oh, yeah, yeah. They are.
Erik: Especially, to a small child who looks up at a horse, at how large they are. They have a presence to them, and they are often portrayed in like children story books and nursey rhymes and like Disney movies and all those sorts of things. So, children get this sense of wonderment and magic when it comes to horses but horses also do have this innate ability and a lot of them do have spiritual agreements or spiritual contracts to help a child, help a situation, help a family, there’s always some sort of a connection. Just look at all the stories you can read or all the movies you can read about somebody and a horse.
Elisa: Oh! Cool. Okay, what about chimps and gorillas? Emotionally.
Erik: The dolphins are a bit more expanded, it’s just slightly different, so I don’t really want to relate it as one is smarter than another or anything else like that, it’s not really like that. They’re a bit different, although the primates have a lot of similarities to human beings they also have more of an instinct, we’re (humans) are not accustomed to using our instincts in the same way, and so they are very instinct driven and so they’re emotions only go so far but they do experience loss, they do experience grief, they do experience loneliness and again it also depends on where they would be located, like what’s their story. What is their purpose? Were they here to have a lifetime to experience as a gorilla to be in that natural habitat, the natural eco-system or were they a gorilla like we’ve talked to before, like Koko, who had an experience in captivity and had a relationship that was (inaudible 11:24) in that way to helps study, that depends on a lot of different things but that’s just kind of an over all.
Elisa: No, that’s cool. What about pigs? They’re kind of interesting, I mean they say their DNA is kind of close to ours and that’s why we use like porcine, we used to insulin and porcine heart valves and things like that.
Michelle: Did you say pigs?
Elisa: Uh-huh.
Erik: This is something that causes a lot of controversy because you know we understand that they do have feelings and emotions and again it does depend on the animal, there are some that are not the same as others but they do have an ability to love, they do have an instinct and ability to bond and they do have habit. Bond over time, so a pig can get to know a family, can follow a family member, can recognize certain people, can wag its tail in excitement to receive a treat or anything else like that.
Elisa: So, wait back up, when you were talking about the primates, you said they relied on instincts more than we do, I’m wondering if that’s because humans adopted an actual verbal and mental language, that made us rely more on that instead of our intuition, seems like if you can’t verbalize then you’ve got to really listen to your inner voice more.
Erik: That’s right, Mom. That’s exactly right. So, it has a lot to do with the evolution, once language enters the communication, then we’re in a whole new expansion of consciousness. Language changes everything.
Elisa: Okay. When an animal is domesticated, any animal, do their emotions change at all? I mean are domesticated cats and dogs and things like that different than their wild counterparts? As far as their emotions are concerned.
Erik: Kind of, their focus is different, so where one is domesticated, often their life purpose is different and so they will be prone to have that bond with a human being and they will learn from the human being because the human being already has an expanded consciousness, so they’re learning, growing and evolving where as animal that is in the wild, a lot of times those life purposes are very much to be in that eco-system, to be away from human interaction and to be able to experience the balance of the eco-system and just rely on intuition, and instinct and to only have crossed species of communication.
Elisa: Okay. All right, let’s talk about birds and the emotions of birds and you know the raptors like hawks and owls and eagles and stuff and the non-raptors, so I kind of want to know if there are any differences, I mean in general about birds and also the difference between the raptors and the non-raptors.
Michelle: I said Erik, I don’t want to say this because it sounds like I’m insulting birds.
Erik: Well now we’re going to talk about the bird brains. They’re very intelligent, depending on the species what they are capable of doing. Domesticated, it follows the same type of thing that I was saying about any other animal and species. If you have a bird or anything in captivity, its going to learn habits, its going to be able to create bonds, where as in the wild it has a love for its young but as a bird the instinct then becomes to leave the young, becomes to separate, so there’s not that emotional bond in that sense, although there are instances.
Michelle: He wants to impress, that everything you hear is not a solid that’s the way it always is.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Michelle: And it can never be any other way, so its really important to remember when you are hearing these things, we live in a world of creation.
Erik: Animals are manifesting as well.
Elisa: Oh, wow!
Erik: Animals also doing that, so never put a label on, it could never happen or I don’t believe that.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: He wants to add that to it for some reason.
Elisa: Well, okay you have some birds that parent for life, like peeping cranes and some maybe penguins, is that they can actually love, or is that purely instinct?
Erik: It’s very instinct driven but there’s bond to it. It’s what they would express as love, we wouldn’t compare it to the same way that we would experience love.
Elisa: Can they feel fondness, for example?
Erik: Yes. They can, and you’ll notice this in many different species where some animals may not prefer another animal.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: We see this in dogs and cats, where, some of them just get along great and they’re the best of friends and other ones just really can’t stand the smell or sight of each other, so it really does depend.
Elisa: Okay. What about the really intelligent birds, like African Grays, Ravens, Crows, I mean they say crows and ravens have the intelligence of a 3-year-old, that they have funerals and things like that, they mourn their dead.
Michelle: He just used the word niftiness and cleverness.
Elisa: Oh! Okay.
Michelle: That they’re very clever.
Erik: How their patterns are, there’s a bit of a memory to them as well, they do have groups.
Michelle: They must go into groups or sleep together because he’s showing them going together.
Erik: If there is one sick, or if some get sick, they do experience a difference in their behaviour, but it is more instinctive.
Michelle: He is putting more of an energy of their cleverness, survival skills.
Elisa: Okay, but we’re talking about crows and ravens for the most part, right?
Erik: Yes,
Elisa: Okay, now what about like an African Gray, they’re so smart these parrots, or just the parrot family in general.
Erik: They are a little different, how they are built, the type of birds that they are. Okay, explain it this way, if we were to look at dog breeds, there are some dog breeds that are really easy to train to do this or do that and maybe one dog breed heals really well, or another one does trick really well or one’s known for being really intelligent or hunting. So, if we apply that the same to the birds, these birds, they tend to bond really well with the same family, they can go through a lot of stress, conditions are really important for these birds especially they’re being kept as a pet because they don’t have that natural habitat, so they depend on their normalcy, they depend on their people. So, they can build, they are very smart, the repetitiveness does have some knowing to it.
Michelle: Because I just asked him, do they just say it because they hear it and they have the ability just to make the sound or is there actually something behind that.
Erik: There is because, if you even look on YouTube, you’ll see videos of people, somebody crying or somebody having an action and where they seem to respond to it, where it’s not so much about words but they’re sensing something in somebody, so they don’t so to speak behave as a cat or dog would but any person that has owned a bird or a parrot would stand up very tall and say I absolutely know that my bird loves me, because they do create a bond and that also comes over time and habit. When they’re in the right conditions, they can live a really long time in a family.
Elisa: And it seems like a lot of the tropical birds, individually, one will prefer only males and the other will prefer only female humans, it’s weird. Anyway, I don’t mean to ask you a question like that. Oh, I forgot about the raptors, is there anything significantly different emotionally of raptors with other birds? Like owls, eagles, hawks?
Michelle: He’s just showing again about the crows, about a sharpness, about them having a very specific instinct, like more of a prey instinct to them and that overdrives other things.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: And just like with the crows it might be a different type of prey or what they go after but.
Erik: Crows have a little bit of manipulative behaviour to them.
Elisa: Oh, I bet. All right, let’s talk about reptiles and amphibians.
Michelle: Okay. So, he’s showing me a lizard, and he’s showing me if somebody has a pet lizard and he’s not saying they don’t become attached in the sense that they become familiar and comfortable with their human, some species are more friendly than others, but again it’s not the same type of love that a human being would project. If someone has a lizard that lizard is feeling more comfortable with the fact that it’s used to feeling this warm body that it’s leaning up against, rather than thinking, oh my goodness, Angie is the best lizard owner ever, and I’m so glad I have her as an owner.
Erik: It’s not really quite that way.
Elisa: Yeah, some people really adore their pet snakes, it’s weird.
Erik: All creatures have their habits and their quirks, and their likes and their dislikes and again it’s all about the environment and the nurturing and the time that you’re willing to spend with an animal or whatever your creature is, to be able to help them expand their consciousness. You can work with them and help them just like anyone, help them reach their potential.
Elisa: Well what about those reptiles and amphibians that are not pets that are in the wild, something interesting about their emotions at all?
Michelle: He is showing with alligators having a motherly bond, it feels maternal with the baby.
Elisa: I channelled that, when you said alligators, I thought motherly bond. Wow!
Michelle: Yeah, yeah. Having a maternal bond.
Erik: Some that might have a little bit of that but in the wild it really isn’t quite the same that they are a little bit different type of a creature.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: And again, he’s showing them being very instinct driven.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Michelle: But yeah, the alligator, there’s that Mumma bear protective bond.
Elisa: All right let’s talk about, oh what about dinosaurs, what kind of emotional capacity did they have?
Michelle: He actually just gave me a visual of 2, long necks, wrapping, like going around each other like that.
Elisa: Making a heart.
Michelle: Yeah (laughs).
Erik: They would bond, they would mate and they would bond. Some of the smaller dinosaurs, would look for a mate, and they would fight, they would get very jealous, but it was very primal in the sense that I love her, she’s mine. The dinosaurs would court each other, it’s not quite the same.
Michelle: But he is showing me that the T-Rex has a very similar energy as the alligator, that same type of motherly.
Elisa: What about insects? Their emotional capacity and are any of the species of insects different from the other species on insects?
Michelle: He showed me and this really interesting, he just showed me a little lady bug.
Erik: Lady bugs have.
Michelle: This isn’t really quite emotional Erik.
Erik: Because there is a lot of focus put on lady bugs, energetically there’s an attraction that lady bugs have with human beings, because they are pretty, lady bugs are a sign of good luck, so people often have a fond feeling for lady bugs.
Elisa: My eldest is scared to death of lady bugs, I don’t know why.
Michelle: Really?
Elisa: Yeah.
Michelle: That’s funny.
Erik: Yeah, there’s nothing scarier than a big, bad lady bug. (laughs)
Michelle: Okay, so is there any other ones Erik?
Erik: You know, I hate to be the one to say it this way, you know when somebody uses the word or the phrase “about as smart as a gnat, or the brain of a gnat? There is not that capacity there, there’s a little bit of a social awareness or an awareness of other beings like grasshoppers.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: And some of those other bugs, caterpillars also have a slight awareness but not on an emotional intelligence scale.
Elisa: Butterflies?
Erik: No, butterflies have a little bit of a magical.
Michelle: Again, he’s tying the butterflies to what he said with the dolphins in the earlier part.
Erik: Butterflies are something that is a spiritual symbol, and spirits often use butterflies and will use energy to, it’s not really the butterfly but the energy being projected to the butterfly to communicate or to kind of edge the over in front of somebody or have some sort of experience in that sense.
Elisa: Dragonflies are the same right?
Michelle: Yes, that’s exactly what he was just about to say is that dragonflies are the same.
Elisa: Wow! Because I remember, relatively soon after you died, Poppa went racing and there was this one dragonfly that just would just sit on his shoulder for a long period of time, it would go away and come back for 3 days.
Michelle: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: Yup, I well aware of that one.
Michelle: That was Erik.
Elisa: That’s cool. Why are they just easier to maneuver like little drones?
Erik: Yeah. Actually butterflies and dragonflies go back into ancient text, they have a magical type energy to them, it’s also again when we go into the Law of Attraction, when there is something that many, many people believe into and have a focus into, it starts to enhance that focus and makes it like a totem, like something that’s magical, something that’s spiritual and so when somebody get a visit from a dragonfly, not only is it magical, but it doesn’t happen very often when they come up to you in such away, that it’s like “hey, that dragonfly seems awful friendly with me”, like it really wants to be around me. So, it’s like a unique very beautiful specimen, just as our pure energy is.
Elisa: Yeah. Okay, what about fish? I won’t talk about cockroaches, they’re gross.
Michelle: Okay, frogs, he’s actually showing me that frogs have, again he’s not saying it’s very high on the emotional intelligence scale but they have a companionship, Bull frogs? They way they mate or how they stay together.
Elisa: Okay
(inaudible 31:34)
Michelle: Is that instinct as well Erik?
Erik: As far as anything as fish or anything else like that, the consciousness is very, very, the awareness, is very minute.
Michelle: Okay, I don’t know if this makes sense but he saying it’s like an empty vessel in a way.
Elisa: Okay.
Michelle: So, it’s like there’s not something that’s constantly there thinking.
Elisa: Oh, okay. Got it.
Michelle: It’s almost like it.
Erik: Now remember that there’s a little bit of a variance to the type of fish we’re talking about.
Michelle: And he’s showing me little minnows and things like that.
Erik: There are some bigger creatures and it’s a little bit different, but when we’re talking about little fish like the minnows and little fish in the lake, it’s not quite the same as what we would imagine it would be.
Elisa: Yup. What about sharks?
Erik: Sharks have, they do have a little more emotional intelligence than what we would consider, say a fish or anything else like that. Sharks are higher on the scale, not quite like a dolphin but their instinct to survive and they protect themselves. They are either hunting or keeping to themselves.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: They’re not actively, unless they’re hungry or they’re looking for food for some reason, they are not really out to get anybody.
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Erik: That type of focus is what is front and center. Although there has been studies and it has been shown that they do have preferences or that there is a mating, different things that they do that might seem that it’s a little more on a choosing type of way or a shark that continues to return to a certain area or a boat, but it’s nothing close to the way the dolphins are.
Elisa: Yeah, they seem like just eating machines, pretty much. All right, let’s go on to plants and tress and things like that. I mean that whole book that I told you all about, The Secret Life of Plants, I mean it’s actually on YouTube, you should check that out, they do have some sort of emotions.
Erik: Yes, not the same again as what we would consider with ours but if you look at a plant.
Michelle: He’s talking about an experiment, if you were to have 2 plants and talk cruelly to one plant and kindly to another plant.
Erik: You’re going to see a reaction to it, because again not, you can’t hurt a plant’s feelings if you are, it’s a vibrational thing, it’s what you are speaking because we are manifesting has a vibrational quality and that’s how the plants are receiving everything is through vibration, so its not understanding that you’re hurting my feelings, so it’s not the plant sitting there turning to the other plant and going, that guys a real jerk, he just ripped that leaf off me!
Elisa: Well one of the things that showed in this Secret Life of Plants, was the scientist got this whole contraption where at a certain time this little container of brine shrimp would be poured into a beaker of boiling water and then he went on a walk because he didn’t want to influence it and he had plants hooked up to sensors, kind of like brainwaves, you know like an EEG but not because they don’t have brains. At the time the thing poured the brine shrimp into the boiling water, all those plants just essentially on the sensors started screaming and there was another one where the scientists all had white coats but one of them when to this plant and in front of all the other plants ripped it apart and then left, and then one by one each scientist marches in front of the plants and only when the murder passed, came into the room, did the sensors go off, and they just started screaming. So, maybe their emotions like fear? Do they have the ability to feel fear?
Erik: Yes. Again, it’s all by vibration and it’s how they receive it because there is no mind.
Elisa: So, there is no (inaudible 36.23) I’m afraid because I don’t want you to be mean?
Erik: Right, it’s reacting. So, it’s vibration and reaction but the mind is not there to comprehend what is happening.
Elisa: All right what about inanimate objects like rocks, they don’t have emotions do they?
Erik: No. You’re not going to get much from a rock.
Elisa: Can you describe the emotions of any alien group that you might thing we’ll find interesting?
Erik: The Pleiadeans, they can be direct but emotionally very empathic, very soft and healing. A lot of healer and lightworkers that are highly empathic and sensitive have a Pleiadean or a have had a Pleiadeans lifetime or several lifetimes as a Pleiadeans, have that connection.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: They’re one of the most, not necessarily emotional, because there are other ones but they are the ones that understand human emotion the best.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: There are other races.
Michelle: I’m just trying to get him to show me, if he can tell me which race that is that he is talking about.
Erik: Orion or in Orion’s belt.
Michelle: He’s talking about there being, beings that are studying our ascension process and also studying our reactiveness, how we heal. They are learning about how we heal because the emotions are not present on all planets, the way it is on Earth, so there is interest.
Erik: We’re receiving a lot of help during the ascension period but there’s also a lot of observation, a lot of learning that we’re providing as well.
Elisa: Okay, so what’s the weirdest emotional style of one alien race?
Erik: This is Arthurian, connecting feet.
Elisa: What?
Michelle: As something, he’s showing me (laughing), I’m serious, he’s showing me like as a pair, as a love, as a connection, he shows laying down, length wise and connecting foot to food, it’s an emotional transmission.
Elisa: So, people here who have foot fetishes probably have had lives in Arcturid or whatever you call it. Arcturus, I don’t know.
Erik: Mom, you’re right, not just from that, there is some of that because there’s a lot of little things that we’ve had many lifetimes, a lot of people that maybe haven’t had many lifetimes on Earth and have maybe had more in star systems, may have a lot of little, what they would consider quirks or oddities that they don’t really have a place to put it, that really has something to do with their other lifetimes.
Elisa: Wow! How about Coprophilia? That’s kind of weird.
Michelle: What is that?
Elisa: Eating each other’s poop, well anyway we won’t get into that but you know.
Elisa: A lot of people (inaudible 40:26), but really or I’m whatever, but really, we don’t originate from any place because we always were, there’s no beginning, so it’s just like we’ve been in Pleiades more than we have in other places.
Erik: Yes, there are some souls that maybe had, you know if you’re one of these souls, you will know it in your gut, if you really feel like you have a hard time belonging on Earth, that is what we would consider a Star Seed but there are some people really have had more lifetimes on other planets. The truth is that we’ve all been everything, we’ve been everything in every circumstance, so you might feel something more in one direction, because maybe that influences some part of your life right now and that might be why you feel it more but in another lifetime, you may have tapped into something else because that was something that had to be dealt with healed or understood.
Elisa: Yeah, all right one more question, well before, anything else on aliens at all?
Erik: They’re really cool.
Elisa: Okay! Awesome, that’s funny. Okay, so what would we look like if we never developed a language, a spoken or a written language? What would our emotions be like, I mean yeah, anything?
Erik: We would have been further along with developing our emotions because there would have been a lot more focus that was put to expression. Think of how easily for somebody to just flip off some words to somebody or to just respond and just say something like yeah whatever or things like that. When there is no ability to speak or communicate with the mouth one has to find other ways to communicate. For example, look at Autism, look at different people in our society that don’t communicate with their mouths, well the look for other ways to communicate that often will increase the sensitivity in other ways, it will increase those parts that maybe get ignored a little bit because one’s in the front of themselves.
Elisa: Yeah, exactly. Oh, that’s really interesting because you know emotions, it is a form of communication, right? More powerful are you able to communicate more through emotions than through words?
Erik: Yes, we are emotional being, love is the highest frequency, and so with being emotional beings that’s who we are in the first place, that’s what we are intended to be and that’s what we are coming back into in ascension, is coming back into the heart space and coming into not pushing emotions away, but accepting them, understanding them and releasing the ones we don’t need.
Elisa: It’s pretty cool! Anything else you want to add before we close?
Erik: No.
Michelle: He’s all smiles and little silly today, he’s just very excited, his energy’s right up and he’s got my cats all wound up because they’re bouncing all over the place.
Elisa: Oh my God! Okay, well thank you Erik, I love you. Thank you, Michelle, I love you.
Michelle: I love you.
Elisa: And you guys check her out at thehealingh-arts.com, I’ll put it right here. Bye everybody.
Michelle: Thank you, bye!
Elisa: Have a great weekend.
Erik: Bye.
Elisa: Bye.
Featured image courtesy of rd.com.
