Enjoy last night’s radio show, the first with my new co-host, Veronica Drake. She was very nervous at first, understandably so, but she got better and better with each caller and blew them away with her accuracy. Erik, as always, was the bomb.
Enjoy today’s Best of Erik. Short but sweet.
Me: Okay, Erik, I want to talk to you about your favorite subject—sex.
Jamie (giggling): He already said it must be either sex or drugs!
Me: The blog member says we already know we can get sick physically, but what about spiritually or energetically? What are the nature and consequences at these levels? How do you recognize our state of health, and what can we do about it? What is he talking about sick from sex? I don’t understand. Is he talking about STDs?
Erik: He’s talking about energetic patterns when you share intimacy with someone, that you can take them on yourself, So, it’s not, uh, of course we can get STDs. Like, hello. That’s been advertised enough. AIDS has been advertised enough. This is more of an energetic sickness, which, you know, I think is a lot like addictions and their energetic sickness, because there are addictions that are not based on doing something physical like sex or drugs or drinking. People can be addicted to other people or addicted to emotions—wanting to feel a certain way. And addiction can be seen as a very positive thing, or it can be really fucked up and be seen as a negative thing.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Such as when someone is with another person and they are energetically—just for an example right now, let’s say that they’re a vampire, and you’re a type of person that loves to give guidance or answers. You know, you fill in the hole. But then you pair up with someone who is a vampire, which feels good at first, because what you give is what they need, but the hole never gets filled up. There’s a consistent pattern that can get tiring. It can drain a person to a point where they can no longer take care of themselves in the proper way.
Me: I see.
Erik: So, that shit can happen when you’re having sex. So, yes, people can get energetically sick when they’re having sex. I mean, it’s the same thing when we talk about if you meet someone for the first time, and you feel like embracing them, or you meet someone for the first time and you feel all gross.
Jamie and I giggle.
Jamie: He curled up his arm like, “Ew!” like a girl would.
Erik: That right there is a quick snapshot of the energy that you’re absorbing from that person.
Me: Interesting. Anything else.
Jamie (laughing): He just told me, “Everybody must put on their spiritual condom, right Jamie?”
Jamie and I chuckle.
Jamie: Nicely done, Erik!
Me: Yes that was very good.
Erik: White light spiritual condom.

Spiritual Condoms?
Last but not least, be sure you support Erik and me by purchasing a copy of our books! My Son and the Afterlife and My Life After Death. Both make great holiday presents, too, and your life will be all the better for reading them. Plus, I’m trying to reach the break even point after all the expenses like hiring a publicist. Thanks, guys!
I love you guys!