I WANT ONE! What does this incredibly complex suit NOT do. Out technology pales in comparison to that from extraterrestrials. This suit is out there, but not available to anyone but the military. We, the citizens who play taxes that fund the military, should have access to these suits! (Not that I could afford one! LOL) Thanks, Michelle Gray (thehealingh-art.com) for such a great job channeling my boy! DON’T MISS FUTURE CONTENT LIKE THIS! Hit the NOTIFICATION BELL and SUBSCRIBE!
Enjoy! And thank you SO much to those of you who have donated to CE to help defray a portion of the overhead costs. It tells me (and Erik) that you enjoy the content we provide, which means, to me as a mother, that his death was not simply a tragic waste. That’s incredibly important as a balm to soothe the heart of a (slightly and forever) broken woman. I truly appreciate it to the bottom of my heart and soul.
By the way, the producer/director is returning to my home for more filming for the documentary, but they have to wait until there’s no travel ban between Canada and the United States. Just wanted to keep you posted.
Oh, and as many of you may already know, Raylene Nuañes at angelmedium7.com is working with law enforcement to locate missing persons. Here is important news from her. Monday, I will post an amazing video where she validates the location of a law officer to prove that she’s the real deal And she is. However, I can’t post that here because the format of the video she sent me was something incompatible with posting on WordPress. I have asked her to convert it to a link via Mediafire.com so that when you click on it, it’ll download as an mp4 file to your desktop.
Here’s her message:
Beautiful friends,

Have a wonderful weekend and know that I LOVE each and every one of you!
Featured image courtesy of Pinterest.
For those of you who are hearing impaired, click on the CC/subtitle icon at the bottom of the YouTube.
Important links:
Blog: https://channelingerik.com
Watch our Tuesday night Radio show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hour-of-enlightenment
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PLEASE subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChannelingErik2121
PLEASE follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CHANNELINGERIK
Check out my new YouTube channel (Two and a Half Dogs): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYJ2NDvcf9IG3eMu7KyXIdQ