Erik’s Doing Tricks Again!


Last night was another Great Broadcast on Blog talk Radio, Erik’s Hour Of Enlightenment!

We had guest, and friend Michael Roser of DarkHourParanormal.  If you guys have not checked

Out his YouTube channel, you really should!  On the show last night, I was telling Elisa, and Michael about what Erik did the other day.  I was doing a healing session for someone, and I

Was just starting out in meditative state.  I had lit my Frankincense stick just seconds before, so

It still had a way to burn down.  Suddenly a POP and SNAP sound came at me!  I opened my eyes and felt the heat right away!  Before me, was my same frankincense stick that was secured

In its holder and now lay directly in front of me.   It was also now burning on BOTH ends!

Once before during a session, Erik sent an incense stick flying and it sounded like a mini missile!

I remember both the client and I looking at each other with our eyes wide open!   It is fun when Erik does that stuff, and we love to hear your stories with him too!  Do not forget to share your story, by hitting the “share your Erik story” here!  Check out the photo here of Erik’s double ended Magic trick! “Hey Erik, how about you make one appear next time??? That would be interesting!  Just be careful with the hot, flame part!”

Thankyou so much for All of the ASK ERIK questions!  We have so many great ones!  Do not forget to check out the first Friday of each new month, here for Erik’s Answers!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT~ starting tomorrow, Thursday March 18/21, @ 4pmPST,5pmMST,6pmCST, &7pmEST. and every 4th Thursday

Will be, Elisa, Erik and Michelle for “ASK ERIK LIVE” on our Channeling Erik YouTube channel!  Bring your smile, an open heart, and your questions for Erik! See you there!

Erik’s message today is a simple one, but a good reminder for us all.  See you all Tomorrow on YouTube Live!

Michelle Gray~


From Erik:   Hey guys!  If you are feeling overwhelmed, or having a hard time deciding.

Ask yourself what emotional state are you in right now?  What do you need to honor in yourself?  When your mind is going a million miles a minute, do not expect to receive all the answers right now, but rather take the path of least resistance.  Honor the emotion or feeling you have right now.  If you do that, you will create opportunity for it to be expressed.  When you express it, you will soon feel the confusion and overwhelm lift.  Nothing is permanent, and if you accept and allow yourself to be, to express, then you allow yourself some compassion.  You allow yourself time out of the pressure cooker that has been squeezing you!  Write, walk, play with a pet, sit quietly, create some art, phone a friend, or do anything that helps you become present, and express.  When you try to push through something, you will create more grief, and more confusion.  When you practice patience and surrender, all kinds of space will be  created within you.  Helping you then, to feel less overwhelmed, and make better decisions aligned to you!

Love Erik xo









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Elisa Medhus

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