You guys have been begging for me to ask Erik about a variety of diseases, some of which still hold an element of mystery: Morgellon’s, ALS, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue Disease and more! But first, I really want you guys to do a big favor for me:
For my new YouTube channel, Two and a Half Dogs, please enter the fun contest I have going on. For a chance to win a $100 Chewy gift card, submit a video (not a photo) of your dog pooping. Whoever’s dog looks the cutest or silliest while doing the deed gets the prize. Send your videos (and you can submit more than one) to It should be fun (and hilarious!).
Here’s the latest Two and a Half Dogs video, Wolf vs. Lambie. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE!
Don’t forget about Erik’s Hour of Enlightenment radio show tomorrow at 4:00 PM PT/6:00 PM CT/7:00 PM ET.
Tomorrow, Erik will first discuss how free will and spiritual contracts work in concert. We make spiritual contracts before incarnating, but sometimes, it seems like our free will or that of others derails us and the spiritual path set by those contracts. Then, after 20 minutes, Erik will take questions from listeners, and the answers will be channeled by the very gifted medium, Raylene Nuañes. You can find her at Really explore her website because she has more to offer than just channeling spirit. If you want to talk to Erik, call in to 646-716-9735.
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And now for today’s video! Please help me get to 100,000 subscribers! Denise Ramon did a fantastic job channeling our sweet spirit boy! Check her out at Her accuracy is uncanny!
Here is the transcript. Please let the video roll so I get ad revenue. If you just read, I get nothing for all this hard work! Mute it if you have to. 🙂 Thanks!
Elisa: Hello, one and all, and hello, Denise.
Denise: Hi, how are you?
Elisa: I’m fine. I love you. I love Erik.
Denise: Love you.
Elisa: And you are coming to do a group reading at my place—at our place—October 26.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: From 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. You guys need to register. Facebook blocked me from putting links down, so I’ll figure it out, but just go to the blog, Channeling Erik. Keep up with that, check it every day. Check my social media, and until I get out of Facebook jail, I’ll, I mean, what is it, October the frickin’ 13th, this is the way it’s gonna be. All right, so, I thought, Erik and Denise, that it would be fun to talk about disease. Oh, god. To talk about some interesting and very misunderstood diseases, and one of those, one of the biggest ones besides Morgellons disease, is Lyme disease, and a lot of blog members have questions about that and other things, like Lou Gehrig’s disease. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, say that 15 times real fast, and you get a prize. But there’s a lot of people suffering out there with diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and it’s no fun. So, Erik, I hope you can help them.
Denise: He says, yes, because he told me we were going to be talking about diseases prior to―
Elisa: Wow.
Denise: Yes, and I said like what? And then, of course, my mind went to cancer, and I said, well, we already discussed that. He goes, “No, disease,” so yeah―
Elisa: Cool. Oh, by the way, I will say that at the event there were so many people who came up to me and just praised you to the high heavens. I mean, God, they adore you and you have helped so many of them. That’s really cool.
Denise: Wow, thank you, wow.
Elisa: I need to talk to you about something for weekend after next, but anyway ―
Denise: Okay.
Elisa: I don’t want to take you down that rabbit hole. We will start asking questions.
Denise: Okay.
Elisa: Here’s one from a blog member, and I have not proofread these at all. “Why do doctors seem to know so little—Well, they know so little, number 1 ― but about chronic Lyme disease and how to treat it. What is it about that?”
Erik: It’s not fair to blame the doctors that they know so little about it, because the doctors aren’t doing the research.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s true.
Erik: What they do is get the research, and then they further it and study it and go from there with what’s been researched. There just hasn’t been a lot of emphasis put on Lyme disease, it’s because it hasn’t been getting publicity, but it is becoming more widely talked about because well-known people are starting to get Lyme disease.
Elisa: Wow.
Erik: The reason why it doesn’t get, why the doctors know so little, is because of the research.
Elisa: Oh, I see. All right, so I’ve heard, there’s a question here about that, that a government experiment went awry, and they released, I don’t know, ticks in the northeast of the U.S. with Lyme disease, and that has caused this whole epidemic. Is that conspiracy theory true?
(Denise sighs) Talk, so I don’t have to look at my face!
Denise: (laughing) I know, so, Erik, he’s showing me situations going on.
Erik: You know, animals carry diseases of their own, too, that just aren’t compatible with us, yes.
Denise: He’s just not saying, yes, that’s 100% true, is what he’s telling me. He makes me feel like these ticks and stuff like that, it’s like, they carry―
Elisa: They make a protection?
Denise: Like their venom or something, so we stay away from them. It’s like protection or whatever, and when he’s saying that―
Elisa: But it doesn’t hurt the tics.
Denise: Right. It doesn’t hurt them at all. They’re immune to it completely, and I’m asking him, “Well, how about is this with dogs and stuff the ticks and that?
Erik: It’s really ticks in certain areas. It’s not like ticks in my yard or something like that, but it’s just ticks in certain areas, and I feel like, how Erik is telling me, that some of this is, there’s something about with trees or something with it. So, I don’t know if it―
Elisa: Spill it, Erik, what’s the thing? ―
Denise: He’s making me feel like it’s something that, something that they digest or something, and when I’m asking, I said, Well, they don’t eat trees. They eat other things. I don’t even know what ticks eats other than blood.
Elisa: Blood, yeah.
Denise: So, I just feel like it’s something that they pick up in the wilderness, is what he’s showing me, and it’s like from them crawling around and stuff like is what he’s showing. And I’m asking him, “Is it true about the government doing this. Is something—is there any kind of truth to this?
Elisa: If so, what percent?
Erik: It’s a small percentage.
Denise: And I feel like the way he’s saying that is because they may have taken some in the labs and seen this stuff or whatever, I guess. I don’t, that’s what he makes me, that’s what he’s showing me.
Elisa: Okay. They’re saying why is there not better testing for Lyme and all its coinfections. I will say that I love Zoom because I got this place—I’m cheating—that I can click to and make my face look better. Iron out the wrinkles. Yes, it’s awesome. I love it! Okay.
Denise: You gotta do mine too.
Elisa: Yeah, you got it, you got it. Done, done.
Denise: So, what was the question, I’m sorry.
Elisa: Well, I’m sorry. Why is there not better testing for Lyme disease and all of its coinfections?
Erik: Because it’s like the squeaky wheel. The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
Denise: He’s says with that he said, he’s showing me a president that had polio. Who was that?
Elisa: Oh, yeah, FDR.
Denise: FDR.
Erik: It wasn’t until somebody like him got polio that they came up with a vaccine. Because it’s the same way, if something comes up, then they start to do this.
Denise: He says, they show, it’s almost like it’s not enough to do any further research.
Elisa: There’s probably not enough money in it. That is―
Denise: Well, there’s not enough money, but it’s just like it’s, there’s not enough yelling about what’s happening, because people like me wouldn’t be able to have a voice out there, but there’s a singer, he’s showing me, that has it, and she’s bringing a voice to it.
Elisa: So, that’s with more famous people.
Denise: Yes and people don’t realize how debilitating this is, he’s showing me.
Erik: People just have no clue how debilitating this Lyme disease is, and it can be deadly, too.
Elisa: Oh, absolutely. I just got through studying something about Lyme disease. Of course, I’ve completely forgot it, but― So, they say, and I actually didn’t know this, that Lyme disease is so expensive to treat, but I thought it was just doxycycline for x amount, but, so, apparently it’s so unattainable for most, and this person’s asking why so many people have to spend their life savings and just go broke just trying to get a diagnosis, let alone proper treatment.
Erik: That’s the Pharma. That is the Pharma right there. They know you need it, and so they can put a price on it, because they know you’ll purchase it.
Elisa: Oh, god. Because, they― desperation sells. They’re desperate.
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: Is there a spiritual reason for people to contract and suffer from Lyme disease?
Erik: Everything’s spiritual.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s true.
Denise: Some of it is, for some―and I feel like for a good portion―it’s to help bring awareness to this, and then another part of it is his and it’s, it’s about teaching them to go inward, he’s saying. It’s almost like to go inward to find answers for their own cells, because―
Elisa: Like what?
Denise: Some of these people that have gotten it have either—and this isn’t for everyone—but he’s showing me how dependent on other people for things, or they just were not in touch within their own self.
Erik: It’s all about spiritual stuff, spirituality, and spirituality doesn’t mean like God, Jesus. It’s about going within and knowing your own self. Believe it or not, everybody can heal themselves from this if they wanted to, but it’s about them believing in themselves.
Denise: It’s almost like they’ve got to know that their health and well-being doesn’t depend on somebody else.
Elisa: Right, and they have the power.
Denise: Yes, absolutely, they do.
Elisa: They have all the power, but I do hate to see patient’s suffer from this.
Erik: There’s a chronic fatigue with it.
Elisa: Yes, yeah, chronic fatigue syndrome. Before we get into that—
Denise: Okay.
Elisa: (sighs) I forgot. I’m old. I forgot. Oh, wait, wait, it’s coming from the tip of my tongue. Read it (sticking out her tongue, Denise laughing, Elisa making funny tongue-sticking-out sounds) Oh, shit. It was really important too, god dang it! Oh yeah! So, maybe part of it is humility. I mean, do you have to depend on practitioners, other people, etc., because you’re so tired and all that, and you have this other symptomatology. So, maybe it’s, the big lesson is, I don’t know.
Erik: You’re right, mom. There is something to do with that.
Denise: And also, too, he makes me feel like there’s, it’s like a continuation of another life that’s bleeding through, is to help you to continue your journey about digging within and going.
Erik: These people that have this, they have the abilities to teach people how to heal themselves through this.
Elisa: Wow.
Denise: But he’s telling me they have chronic fatigue with it—and I don’t know much about Lyme disease other than it’s just debilitating—but he’s telling me the fatigue that comes with, and then also there’s depression that comes with because it just totally wiped them out, and they just―
Elisa: Is the depression something pathologically going wrong with the brain, or is it because they are so disabled from fatigue, or a little bit of both?
Erik: It’s because they are so disabled from the fatigue.
Denise: And he’s showing me how, he’s showing me like—and I guess it’s your bones or muscles that ache from this?
Elisa: Yeah, yes, yes.
Denise: Something happened, there you go. Okay. Like your bones or muscles ache, he’s having me feel like that’s hurting, and it’s just—he says it does, he’s not minimizing. It takes a lot of effort every day to get somebody out of bed, and it also is about allowing somebody to help you because you do need help.
Elisa: Yeah, that’s where this humility comes in, and also that’s what—taking life for granted. You’re just so vibrant and full of life and energetic and all of a sudden, boom! [unintelligible]
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: ―and it’s gone. All right, so one person says, why are most doctors who have successfully treated—I didn’t know this was true, okay—successfully treated chronic Lyme patient’s, treated like criminals, and some doctors even forced out of their practices or have their license to practice taken away. I didn’t know that. Oh, that’s terrible.
Denise: I didn’t either.
Elisa: Don’t make people feel better because Big Pharma wants to have bigger, more expensive drugs to help. No, I don’t know. I’m just throwing that out.
Erik: That’s part of it, that’s part of it, and it’s all about money and fear.
Denise: And he’s also telling me, and I’m saying when he’s telling me this, I’m like, but I thought there—I feel like this has something to do with control, something about control, about—
Elisa: Really?
Denise: Yeah there’s something, and I’m saying, I thought you said the government wasn’t involved.
Erik: It’s not so much they’re involved with you getting the Lyme disease, but it’s about control about―
Elisa: The treatment.
Erik: Yeah, and getting you well and that. These doctors that know how to heal people from this, cure people from this, a lot of doctors that know how to do things don’t last long because they do know. It’s about fear but it’s about money, and then it’s just you knowing more than somebody else, and they don’t like that.
Elisa: Yeah, I mean, there’s been—and we’ve covered this before, maybe with somebody else, I’m not sure—that there’s so many alternative medicine doctors who have been murdered, it’s like really ―
Denise: That’s what he’s telling me yes.
Elisa: Ooh, god.
Erik: Like, a lot.
Elisa: What tr…, well, wait a minute. I’m going to ask about the C60, C60. This controversial treatment with buckyballs. They’re fullerene balls. I don’t know, it’s by Dr. Bucky. I don’t know, people, you look it up, okay? But, okay, does that work? I mean, does that work for anything? Is it dangerous? Tell me about buckyball treatment [unintelligible] buckyball, buckyball.
Denise: I have no idea what buckyball treatment is, but Erik is telling me when it is done, whatever it is, and he’s showing me yellow, so I don’t know if that has something to do with it, but he’s showing me yellow.
Erik: No, it’s not dangerous.
Denise: But I feel like it’s not dangerous if it’s done by following directions and that, is what he’s showing me.
Elisa: Does it help anything?
Erik: Oh, yeah, it does help.
Elisa: Really! Like what—
Erik: But not everybody, but not everybody.
Elisa: Oh.
Erik: And that’s why there’s some controversy about it because some say it does, some say it doesn’t, but there’s not a one cure-all for everything. What may work for one might not work for the other.
Elisa: And what is going on there. I mean, why does it work in some people and not others? Is it some sort of chromosome one person has, or I mean, they don’t—
Erik: It’s in their belief system.
Elisa: Oh, okay. So, if they still believe and—
Erik: Of course, these people desperately want to heal and that, but there’s an underlying part that they’re questioning it, they’re doubting it. It’s kind of like, okay, you’re my last hope. I hope this works instead of going in—
Elisa: Yeah, but then your soul may have so much disappointment in things that they would—I mean, I’m just guessing—probably work and didn’t, so it’s really hard for them to really anchor a belief to . . . What does it help in some people? Does it help Lyme disease? Fibromyalgia? Chronic fatigue syndrome? I mean, anything?
Erik: It helps to realign the energy inside of you, like your balancing in you.
Denise: I feel like whatever it is, I don’t know if it’s a pill or syrup or whatever.
Elisa: I have really, I—
Denise: But he’s showing me when this treatment is being done, you can feel somewhat off kilter, but it’s just realigning you, and I don’t know, it’s like it’s clearing you out of the stuff that doesn’t belong in there. It’s like a vacuum almost, is what he makes me feel like.
Elisa: Can you list, like, five conditions or diseases that we have not covered, or that we have covered, actually, that buckyballs could help? It sounds like you have to join a team. Buckyball team! Yeah, it’s dodgeball!
Denise: When you say that, I think of Bucky’s here in Houston.
Elisa: Oh, I love Bucky’s, Denise!
Denise: I do, too. I do, too.
Elisa: It’s the best.
Denise: One of the things when you said about that is he mentioned, he’s talking about inflammation.
Elisa: Oh?
Denise: So, with the inflammation, I feel like that can also help with arthritis because, obviously you know. And with the inflammation is, he’s showing me, fibromyalgia, because there’s a lot of inflammation that goes on in there.
Erik: With the Lyme disease, it can help with the symptoms.
Elisa: Okay. So, but inflammation, that’s interesting because inflammation is pretty much the root of almost every disease, even autism, heart disease, cancer, etc., so that could have widespread benefits, I think. What about low-dose naltrexone, which also triples your endorphin release, so it modulates the immune system and combats the pathologic immune response, which again, is the root of so many conditions and diseases. Would that help with Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, those three, the triad?
Erik: Yes, but one of the hard things is finding a doctor to give it to you.
Elisa: Oh, my god, go Google. Find an LDN provider.
Erik: They don’t get the correlation of it.
Elisa: Oh, I know.
Erik: So, that’s why you have a hard time, but yes, it would definitely help, and you will have some relief. So, when you have relief, you can think clearer.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: And it’s just like the difference between a foggy day in a non-foggy day, you’re able to see clearer and make clearer decisions about the direction you want to go. It makes it easier for you to sit with yourself and start hearing what it is your body really is needing and wanting, because now without, with the pain and everything going on, all you hear is you want relief.
Elisa: Yeah, and any kind of disease or condition, it’s your soul using your body to give you a message that something aint right, and [unintelligible] it could be that in some people it’s a signal that they take life for granted, for example.
Erik: And some are, they’re very sensitive to energy, and they just don’t know that, and then some of it is about changing how they eat. Because they’re so sensitive, they can’t eat some of the foods that they’re eating, and some people—
Denise: And he’s not advocating the one way or the other, he’s saying.
Erik: Some people can’t eat meat because they can feel the vibration of the meat, of how the animal was killed, and so they pick up on that, and then they pick up on other things.
Elisa: Interesting. Now, what about the spiritual basis or reason for people contracting Lyme disease? Is there any difference between that and why people, for spiritual reasons, get fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome?
Erik: It’s really the same. There’s no difference, like, if you’re this way you’re gonna catch this, or this way you’re gonna catch that, but the fibromyalgia is a lot about standing up for yourself.
Elisa: Oh, wow!
Denise: That’s what he’s showing me. It’s all about standing up for yourself and—
Elisa: Some of us don’t because we have been, it’s beaten into us that we’re not able, we don’t, we’re not enough.
Erik: Yes, a lot of it has to do with that, standing up for yourself, appreciating yourself. Like, really appreciating yourself. Not everybody is . . . that’s not the reason for everyone with it—
Elisa: No, yeah.
Erik: ―but that’s a good portion.
Denise: But there’s, I feel like the way he’s showing me, there’s a spiritual connection. All of it is the same, but yet each person has their own properties with it.
Elisa: Okay. Now, Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium, what do you think about him, Erik? Is he legit?
Denise: I’m asking Erik because I like him a lot.
Erik: Yes, he is.
Elisa: Oh, awesome.
Erik: But because he is really good, there’s a lot of controversy about him because a lot of people are still trying to prove him wrong.
Elisa: Well, when the light grows brighter, the dark reacts violently. So, that’s what we’re seeing there. So, Anthony Williams, who hears directly from the spirit of compassion—I’m reading this question of somebody’s—says that autoimmune diseases are viral based, some, of course mixed with toxic heavy metals, and depending on where in the body, they create these diseases. Also, because the liver gets overburdened, and along with the virus and heavy metals, can no longer filter properly. I’m paraphrasing, blah blah blah, and also the juice of fresh celery kills and releases the virus, not instantly but over time. So, what does Erik think about that, and can he speak to the spirit of compassion, which apparently is pure energy and no soul. That is a mouthful, but, good luck with that.
Denise: I know.
Erik: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Denise: He’s saying a lot to it and to the spirit of compassion.
Elisa: That does exist, then, huh? And he’s channeling it?
Erik: Yes, he does, yes.
Denise: And he says some of the reasons why we haven’t heard—he’s showing me how, little by little, this stuff has been stuff that Anthony talks about, has been put into our diet, and one of the things when you’re talking about the metals, he’s showing me deodorant, how it has aluminum in it.
Elisa: Aluminum, yeah. Mm.
Denise: Mm hm.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: And I can remember when they didn’t put aluminum in deodorant.
Elisa: Yeah, so it was just a deodorant not an antiperspirant, I guess.
Denise: Yeah, mm hm.
Elisa: So—
Denise: And there’s metals in a lot of our foods that we don’t realize, and Erik is showing that we cook on a lot of these metals.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: And we’re taking that into our bodies.
Erik: Of course, you can go to one extreme and another. So, this is not just about following Anthony Williams. It’s not just following him, but it’s also listening to your insides when you’re taking stuff, to see, like, is this for me? Is this for me? Is this for me?
Denise: Because I don’t feel like there’s a one set diet for anyone, for anyone, for everybody. Elisa: Do you set the intent, like, I’m not gonna get this frickin’ disease, or I’m free of toxic heavy metals, or whatever. Can you do something like that? I guess you really have to do that thought creates reality thing, the law of attraction thing, like, totally employing every, all of your senses, your emotions, your thoughts, your—
Erik: Yes, and then you just have to not take ownership of what everybody else has been saying or doing or not doing. If you can believe with all your heart and soul and just know that you’re not picking up any of this and that you’re shielded from whatever it is, you can, that can happen because it’s all about our belief system, and it’s our vibration is what bring this.
Denise: And it’s funny you talk about Lyme disease because I’m terrified of tics.
Elisa: And I’ve never had a tick on me, but just terrified of ticks, like, I will not go into, like a forest or a real heavily wooded area, because I’m, like, so freaked out about ticks. I have no clue. I mean, I’ve never had a tick on me, but I’m just scared of ticks, so—
Elisa: Oh. Ugh, they’re nasty.
Denise: So that I would, that would, that would for me, because of that fear, I would not go into a wooded environment because a tick would get on me—
Elisa: So, what is the—
Denise: ―because I would attract it?
Elisa: ―purpose for ticks? I mean, every living creature has a place on Mother Gaia, so, [unintelligible] but what about ticks? What’s their purpose here?
Erik: They help to, they’re real good about recycling.
Denise: And, I guess, maybe what they eat, Erik? And they also help with eating, like, parasites or whatever it is, he’s showing me, off of other plant life and—
Elisa: I guess you’re right. They don’t just eat blood. I mean, that’s the female, right? They must eat other things, the male, so that’s interesting. Okay? [unintelligible]
Denise: But he’s showing me how they eat, like, parasites or whatever. So, I’m asking Erik, so Erik, when they eat parasites, the parasites, he’s showing me, off of plant life, he’s saying, it all comes from, but it just doesn’t affect the ticks itself, when they’re eating this stuff, like the stuff that they eat would affect us, but he says they eat parasites and stuff like that.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: Mm hm.
Elisa: Somebody wants to know, is there a natural oil or remedy, herbal drink, whatever, that we could try for Lyme disease that we have not that would work? And/or is there a natural oil or whatever product that could be a deterrent to ticks to keep them away? That’s a two-fer. I had to throw that in there.
Denise: When you said oil, Erik is showing me like a thick oil, and when he says, “thick oil,” I’m, like, well, like castor oil, ‘cause that stuff’s thick.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: That is, like, real thick. And, I’m, like, “Is it something like that, something thick like that?”
Erik: Even motor oil or something thick. If you know you’re gonna go out into the woods, or whatever, put an oil like that on.
Denise: And he’s mentioning those kind of oils because they’re cheap.
Erik: If you want to fluff it up, you can add something in it to make it smell good.
Elisa: That’s good.
Denise: And he’s showing me how the ticks can’t—
Elisa: Attach?
Denise: Yeah, they can’t grab on and latch onto anything with that.
Elisa: What about Crisco? Crisco!
Denise: What about what, I’m sorry?
Elisa: Maybe Crisco, right? Would that work?
Erik: No, because it’s not thick.
Elisa: Oh, it’s not thick enough. Oh, yeah, because, oh yeah, I can imagine.
Denise: He says it’s not think, but Erik is telling me, to help relieve the symptoms and stuff is, and some states will provide it, but cannabis can help with relieving that.
Elisa: Oh!
Denise: Because cannabis helps with, he’s showing me, with inflammation, because he said it just helps to relax everything in the way he’s showing me, and I’m, yeah, that’s what he’s showing me. Because I’m asking him, “Well, what happens if you don’t use those products?” and he’s just telling me that that would help with that.
Elisa: So, we just talked about how ticks have some value in the world, and here’s the next question: “Is there a predator where we can introduce to cull the tick population and get rid of those suckers,” like a bird or whatever. Is there something that we should, some natural predator to decrease the tick population. Leave the one tick, though!
Denise: I’m asking him because I know vultures can eat anything because they have something in their system to where they don’t get sick from the dead—
Elisa: Ugh!
Denise: ―the roadkill.
Erik: They’re not gonna mess with that tick.
Denise: [Denise laughing].Talking about the ticks. He’s showing me beetles.
Elisa: Oh, okay!
Denise: Beetles eat that, eat them.
Elisa: Okay. That’s good. Well, before I forget because it’s not on the list, I see. Morgellons disease. That’s highly controversial and I can’t remember all the symptoms, but the major is that they get these little black threads that come out of their skin. What in the heck is that all about? Is it, like, aliens induced or whatever. I don’t know. I don’t know why—I shouldn’t have said that, but what is that? Is it a real disease?
Erik: It really is a real disease. The problem with it is a lot of people think they’re crazy.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: And a lot of people think they’re crazy.
Elisa: Yeah, exactly. They think they’re crazy for picking these black—but then the doctors or health care providers of any sort, yeah.
Denise: They think they’re crazy, so they treat it as a psychological issue.
Elisa: Is it a new disease, or has it been around forever?
Denise: I don’t feel like it’s been around forever. Erik is showing me it’s because of all the crap we’ve got in our—
Elisa: Oh, yeah.
Denise: ―food and drinks and everything, but he’s showing me it is real because their skin bleeds from that stuff coming out, and when they do pick it and they get this stuff out, it makes it, it’s very little, small, and people collected it and brought it to the doctors, and they right away call in a psychiatrist because they think they’re nuts.
Elisa: Yeah, it sounds kinda fishy, but yeah. So, what are all these black threads made from? What are they, and what is the etiology? Is it a virus, a bacteria, or a prion, a—
Erik: It’s a lot to do with your autoimmune—
Elisa: Oh, okay? So, it’s an autoimmune disease. What, okay, go ahead.
Erik: It has a lot to do with that. It also has to do with, you really have to just, like, clean everything out of your diet when it comes to that, and just clean everything out and just make sure that everything’s—you almost, like, have to start from water and then bring in stuff back in, from detergents to soaps to—
Elisa: Oh, god.
Erik: ―everything.
Denise: And when you’re asking about the threads, that—because it almost feels like it’s just a thread, but he says it almost feel—it’s painful when it comes out.
Elisa: Yeah, but what’s it made from? Is it carbon, is it connective tissue, I mean, what is it? Little pieces of [unintelligible] rays from outer space, I don’t know! I’m just throwing it out there just in case.
Erik: It’s a great theory, but it’s not from outer space, but it’s—
Elisa: I’m kidding.
Denise: I know.
Erik: It is made from inside.
Denise: When you said carbon, I don’t feel like it’s carbon, but he’s telling me, I guess it’s, I don’t get carbon, I don’t get carbon.
Elisa: Okay.
Denise: It’s the chemistry within you, and it comes out black, and I’m asking him, “Is it coming out black because it’s toxic or whatever it is?”
Erik: It’s just how it passes through. It’s kinda like our poop comes out brown even though we’ve had green, yellow, and orange, and whatever colors in it, it still comes out brown.
Elisa: Except when we have beets or—
Denise: I’m sorry?
Elisa: Except when we have beets or bismuth. Okay, so what is it? Is it carbon based? Maybe it’s not pure carbon. I mean, what is it and how does it get to the skin and through the skin?
Denise: When you said is it carbon based, it’s like a lot of the metals and stuff that are in you—
Elisa: Ah, oh!
Denise: ―that’s creating that. He’s showing me how it just goes through our body like that, and he makes me feel like it’s not really just, like, a thread or a hair coming out. It’s kinda—it’s not hard, hard, but it’s not as soft as a piece of thread, he’s telling me, which is so bizarre.
Elisa: Oh, okay. So, it’s almost like a metal, metallic [unintelligible]—
Denise: Yes, that’s what he’s saying and, yeah, and—
Elisa: So what, is it an antib—It’s an autoimmune disease, you say, Erik—and by the way, I still love you—is it an antibody against what in our body? What is this auto-antibody attacking?
Denise: He’s showing me intestines because there’s something going on in the intestines that’s not filtering through, but he’s showing me everything in people’s bodies like that is so out of whack, and they really need to get it in alignment in so many ways, and he’s showing me almost like you gotta take everything out of your body, like, just start with water and then go from there and bring things in, but you have to be real careful what you eat.
Elisa: Yeah.
Denise: Because you just can’t pull things off the shelf, and it—
Elisa: So, is there a [unintelligible] antigen, like the cell surface of a parietal cell, I mean, any antigen? And, I’m sorry, go ahead with what you were going to say first, sorry.
Denise: I forgot what I was going to say, go ahead—
Elisa: I forgot what it—oh my god.
Denise: About the antigen.
Elisa: What is this antibody attacking? What antigen? Is it like a receptor on parietal cells, like, I don’t know, I’m just making up stuff. Is it, what?
Denise: He’s showing me it’s like a, it’s almost like there’s a war inside of you, he’s showing me, and it’s just attacking, he’s showing me it’s attacking within—
Elisa: The GI tract?
Denise: Yeah, that’s what he’s showing me. It’s attacking, but he also says it affects the hormones also.
Elisa: Oh!
Denise: It’s affecting your hormones.
Elisa: So, it’s an autoimmune response to many things, it sounds like. What, what’s—
Denise: Yeah.
Elisa: Anything else about taking care of it besides just starting all over again, water, and reintroducing things? Any other cure or treatment of any sort?
Erik: There’s not a cure known for this. It’s such a mystery, but—
Elisa: What about unknown? Go ahead, yeah.
Denise: You really need to get back to, like, what we would say, basics, because he’s showing me you really need to get into prayer time, meditation time, whatever you want to call it. Get back into just eating the purest form of foods because this has a lot to do with it, and not just that, but when you’re doing that, you’re helping to balance yourself. Stress is another big one. You really have to eliminate stress because, he says, that affects your autoimmune is your stress, and just—
Elisa: Yes, yeah.
Denise: He says there are some things on the Internet where people have done their own research, and what has helped them and stuff.
Erik: There’s so little on there because people don’t believe anybody.
Elisa: Yeah. It’ll get there. So, what is the spiritual reason why people would contract this disease. It’s like, “I’m wired from stress, so this little wire is coming out of me,” and I just guessed (laughing) I don’t know what I’m doing—but go ahead.
Erik: Because that’s what gets your attention.
Elisa: Mm. I would think so. You think about Epstein-Barr syndrome. For a long time, they thought that was just a bunch of bull, but it can cause all sorts of different kind of chronic problems.
Denise: Yes, it can.
Elisa: With lymphoma, by the way, Burkitt’s lymphoma.
Erik: Yes, it can. They now know that it’s more serious than what they thought it was years ago.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: Yes, but now there’s more people who are diagnosed with it aren’t diagnosed with it as a “kissing disease.” It’s diagnosed as something else, and they take it more serious.
Elisa: Good, good, good. Any advice about people with EBV, Epstein-Barr syndrome?
Denise: He doesn’t want to sound like a broken record, but he says this also has to do with the autoimmune.
Elisa: Oh, yeah. Oh, definitely. I totally agree and—
Denise: Yeah.
Elisa: ―[Unintelligible] the same thing as, like, either the purest of the pure and all that kind of stuff.
Erik: Mom, they put so much synthetic stuff in our foods. We cannot but get sick from this stuff.
Elisa: Yeah, okay. So, some people, this one blog member said, a magnesium deficiency was detected in her, and when she started taking magnesium supplements, she became functional again, and she had fibromyalgia. Does magnesium—I think a lot of people are deficient in things like magnesium and zinc, especially. So, what are those two things behind? Is it behind fibromyalgia and other diseases.
Erik: Part, but there’s more to it than just that because then everyone could take magnesium and it’d be over with—
Elisa: Yeah, that’s true.
Erik: ―but yes, a lot of us do have a severe deficiency in magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D, and—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: ―but a lot of us don’t know it because insurance doesn’t cover blood work to cover a lot of what’s going on, but you don’t have to go get your blood work to see if you are low in it. Go get some.
Elisa: It’s really hard to overdose on it, except for—
Denise: That’s what he’s saying.
Erik: You’re not going to want to overdose on it.
Elisa: [Unintelligible], Erik! No, but seriously, there are certain fat-soluble vitamins that you can overdose on like A, D, E, K, ADEK.
Erik: You would have to take an awful lot of magnesium, and you wouldn’t be able to stomach it, but that is good for people, like it helps with leg cramps and stuff. Go try it. It’s really good also for people with depression.
Elisa: Yeah, and zinc really helps fertility issues and acne, skin issues. All right, so—
Denise: Yes.
Elisa: ―somebody talks about this—I have never heard of this—the Royal Rife machine. Does it cure diseases like cancer? I never heard of it.
Denise: I haven’t either.
Erik: You heal yourself.
Elisa: Yeah, so no. The answer’s no? Maybe your intention, like this machine’s gonna cure me, maybe that’s what it does, I don’t know.
Erik: It can help you get to the place where you need to be. It can help with that, but you heal you.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: Machines don’t heal you. Medicines don’t heal you. You heal you.
Elisa: God, it’s too much work! Jesus, just, you know! I’m kidding, I’m kidding.
Denise: It is a lot of work.
Elisa: It is a lot of work! All right, so, ooh, this is interesting. Oh, this is what I was referring to before. I think we already answered it, kinda. The government engaged in biological warfare experiments on Plum Island off the coast of Connecticut, including releasing infected ticks onto the island to study the effects on birds and animals. This is all documented and laid out in the meticulously researched book, Lab 257.
Denise: Ooh.
Elisa: Can you confirm that the Borrelia burgdorferi—ugh, I hate saying that—bacteria that cause Lyme disease was included in these experiments, or was the bacteria accidentally released from the lab through faulty ventilation system, blah blah blah. Either way, will the government ever admit to—Oh, forget that!
Denise: (laughing) Yeah.
Elisa: Not gonna happen. So, is there a truth to that on Plum Island?
Erik: Yes, there’s truth, but the intent was not to go there and create havoc—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: ―like it sounds, but when you send people to do stuff that are inexperienced at what they do and don’t.
Denise: And I feel like they didn’t even really know what they had in their hands, but was it intentional, let’s go do this and kill and do this—
Erik: No, it wasn’t like that. It wasn’t a malicious thing. That’s why I said earlier the government really didn’t just do this because the ticks also do carry a disease.
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: It’s a protection thing. But did they do stuff? Of course, they do stuff like that, of course.
Elisa: Yeah, but I don’t think they intended to spread Lyme disease through parts of the human population with fibromyalgia and—
Erik: No, no.
Elisa: Why would—they were trying to see how it affected birds and other animals. That’s kinda weird. Why would they do that? What were they trying to achieve? Or maybe they just put ticks out and didn’t know they were infected with this thing and just wanted to see what—I don’t know. You tell me, Erik.
Erik: They’re always preparing and wanting to do stuff to protect for the next war.
Elisa: Oh, ooh. Mm. All right, anything you can tell me about ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Oh, god, when I say that, I sound so much smarter than I really am. It’s true. But anyway, Lou Gehrig’s disease. Anything that will help prevent it and anything that would be good for treating it.
Denise: Erik is telling me, I feel like they are working on a test to see if they either could get it or [unintelligible] or are gonna get it or something, or maybe they’re working on like a gene or something, like how they can test to see if you have that, what is it?
Elisa: Risk?
Denise: That BRCA or something. I forget that—with women to see if they have that.
Erik: They’re working on something with that because that has affected a lot of famous people.
Elisa: Yeah. Of course. That’s how it gets attention.
Erik: Yes. They signed up for that. There is stem cell treatment.
Elisa: Okay.
Erik: But this stuff is so expensive.
Elisa: Yeah. Well, what can us little people do that come down with this disease? What’s our best option? It could be low-dose naltrexone. That costs less than a penny a day, and it is, I think, it’s an autoimmune kind of inflammatory kind of disease, but or what?
Erik: The thing of it is that when most people find out they have it, they’ve had it for a while.
Elisa: Yeah, yeah.
Erik: And people say, “God, in six months he or she was bedridden,” but they had it way before they were ever diagnosed with it.
Denise: It’s almost like a sleeper-type—
Elisa: Mm.
Denise: ―disease where you don’t feel nothing until it—
Erik: It’s kind of like lupus. You don’t know you have lupus because it’s so hard to detect and that. It gets misdiagnosed for a lot of things.
Elisa: A lot of things, yeah.
Erik: Definitely give it a try, because you don’t know what it can—
Elisa: [Unintelligible] Yeah.
Denise: Yeah.
Elisa: Well, when they have this genetic test, whatever, should most people get that test at a certain age or whatever to see if they’re at risk, or only a subset of the population? Like with the BRCA breast cancer gene or the BRAF gene for melanoma.
Erik: Yes, we should all get that test when they start making it, yes. Because then we can change things about ourselves on how we do things. Not to get into a panic but just do things differently.
Elisa: Is that mostly nutrition based that you’re talking about?
Erik: It is nutrition but it’s also how we are with our own selves, but when we eat nutritionally well—
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: ―then we treat ourselves better. That automatically comes in also.
Elisa: That is so true. It’s like a way of pampering ourselves.
Denise: It is.
Elisa: Only two more questions, and then we’ll close. What’s the spiritual basis for polycystic ovarian syndrome? Also on my list.
Erik: It’s a denial of your feminine self, denial of you being a woman.
Elisa: I bet that’s so true because they get hirsutism, hair grows and all that kind of stuff. Wow. All right, this is the last one: “Are there any cures we don’t know about for these or any other diseases that you want to share with us?”
Erik: We’ve talked about this before, but there are cures for cancer and stuff like that. It’s just—There’s a cure for AIDS. There’s a cure for a lot of things, but—
Elisa: Well, don’t be holding, what is it? C’mon, I’m sure there is—
Erik: It all comes down to money and control, about giving that out. Oh, my god, where would MD Anderson be?
Elisa: Yeah.
Erik: And that’s why we have to be our own—
Elisa: Best advocate, for sure, and we’ve got to—
Erik: Yes, our own police person in this—
Elisa: Mm hm.
Erik: ―and us taking control, and this is part of what it’s about, about us taking back our control, because—
Elisa: That’s the overaching—
Erik: ―there are people wanting to control us. This is a way of us taking back our control of our own self.
Elisa: So that, again, is probably the big overarching lesson: to take our control back from this little oligarchy that’s so powerful in our lives.
Erik: That’s exactly it, Mom. That’s exactly it.
Elisa: Yeah. I think you just gave it to me because I don’t come up with that kind of stuff. All right, so you guys, Denise Ramon is coming to my house pretty soon here. I will keep you guys posted if Facebook ever lets me post the link again. And we’re gonna have a group panel reading with her, Veronica, and Michelle. It’s going to be so much fun and at my place.
Denise: I can’t wait.
Elisa: I can’t wait, and y’all check her out at, which I will put right here. Love you, guys! I love you, Erik! I love you, Denise!
Denise: Love you!
Erik: I love you, Mom.
Denise: He’s giving you a big squeeze.
Elisa: Bye.
Denise: Bye.
Featured image courtesy of Newsweek.
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