First Erik encounter

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Hi Elisa! I had written a story to you about a month ago, and I included some orbs and faces I caught during my own mini paranormal hunting. This past Friday I had the absolute pleasure of having a reading with Jennifer Doran over the phone. Her first question was if I knew her from Channeling Erik and that Erik had come in for the reading on his own. It was so cool! He cracked me up with what he said about me (shes kinda hott LOL) and I thought it was so amazing that he was telling Jennifer about me so she could get to know me and my personality. It reassured me that I was definitely led to the blog, and I got to the root of why I had the fear of death as I did. (I died in a past life at this same age)! I also asked Jennifer if she could tell me who the orbs in my house might be. Erik said I had actually caught him in one of the orbs! As well as loved ones and guides. Just as you and the bloggers say, Erik definitely comes and visits the members and supporters just as he does his family. I hope to have a reading again soon and have time to ask Erik some questions and get his feedback. Thanks for coming in Erik! I was excited to hear that you were there.

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