In the recent past, I filmed YouTubes of three different healing sessions courtesy of Dr. Andy Hahn. The first was the sweet little boy, Daniel, who lives with FOP or Stone Man’s Disease. The second was that of Gavi whose healing was more targeted to emotional distress and the third was our own, Robert, who has suffered from a lifetime of PTSD. Watching them transform over an hour or so is one thing, but many of you wondered what their experiences were like in more detail and over a long period of time. This YouTube provides that!
But first, I want to share that this is the anniversary of my father’s death 5 years ago. I know there might be some haters out there who disapprove of what I’m going to say, but I don’t give a rat’s ass so here it is: That day, other than things like giving birth to my children and marrying my hubby, was one of the happiest days of my life. When I discovered that he had passed away, I squealed with delight at the top of my lungs. He was an evil, vindictive man who made the world a worse place than when he came here. So, raise a glass of anything and cheer the day!
Also, here’s a fun Erik prank: I had a Zoom session with Linda Hack about Light Language, and before we started, Linda said that Erik told her to ask me if zebras had any significance for me. I thought and thought, and finally I said, ‘Well, I kind of always thought it’d be cool to have one as a pet.’ That desire wasn’t super strong, so I was a bit confused. But no, Erik made it clear right after the end of the session. I walked into the den and glanced at the TV where I had Animal Planet on. What did I see? A zebra with a big ass penis hanging down…obviously super relaxed. It never gets old for that boy!
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Elisa: Hello everybody. We are recording, yes. It took a little while. Guys, we are here, very exciting, to follow up with the three people that underwent the wonderful life centered therapy by Dr. Andy Han. Tiffany and Daniel are not here yet, but they will be soon. So, I will just let you take the floor. Dr. Andy.
Andy: Okay. Well, none of us know what we’re doing here, so I’ll just. What I want everyone to do as just a starting place is just to pause and bring our attention from up and out to in and down. And just enjoy breathing. And let go of the devil we’re holding, because I know a lot of us have been running around.
Elisa: Oh yeah, he knows, Cause I was like, ah, I’m late. So, I’ve been running like a chicken with its head cut off.
Andy: Right. So we’re going to put your head back on, we’ll screw it back on.
Elisa: Got it.
Andy: We’re going to bring our breath down as far as we can, so it’s like, we’re just really getting ourselves grounded and rooted in what we call the mother, the earth that holds us with a kind of open hand. And then we’re just bringing our attention to life itself, which holds us in a whole different way. Just rest into life. And whatever emerges in life when we do our own healing work. And whatever’s here truly to support that process for health and help. Then, as we’re breathing deeply, we just ask to open all centers. So we’re here fully engaged, be present and be fully engaged and open minded and open hearted. And then just open to whatever it is that, when we touch into the heart and feel called the share. I think this is an opportunity for people who are here to come more deeply into whatever it is that was up to them and whatever they want to share. And whoever is watching this, you know, you can open also to your own inner knowing and the wisdom of your body. And if you need to get healing from this, that will be here. If you need to understand something more deeply, that can be here.
Andy: Whatever it is that life is asking you to bring your attention to, we can just surrender to that for all of us. So, I know that the stated possibility for today was just to have the people who’ve done this work, having experienced it either in two cases, once, or one case, twice, just to have a chance to follow up and to say, you know, what it was like for them. And what’s happened since. And, you know, if it felt like it was of some use, or it felt like, oh my God, what was I doing? Or, whatever it was. So, the experts are always the people who received the work, and you know, they know best. Therapists are certainly not the experts. They know something about, you know, guiding people someplace, but we’re not the ones who know if it’s useful or not. The only people who know if it’s useful are the people who have experienced it. And sometimes they don’t even know if it’s useful because they have to have some part of themselves that’s even bigger than the one that they’re aware of.
Andy: So, that’s what I see, and I see it as a chance for, you know, for right now for Gavi and Robert to have a chance to share anything about what their experience was. And if they have any reflections or questions, or if they need anything, that we’re here in service to life through them, because they gave us all a gift. And I know actually several people had said that they worked along with the people here. So, you really gave people a gift, because a lot of people said that they were able to do some of their own work while they were witnessing you. So, I think there are a lot of people out there who are grateful that you gave them something. So, that’s my introduction. And I should just muscle test and see where we start. And I can see if we start, who we start with. If you want me to do it that way or we can do it any other way you want, Elisa, because you’re the one who’s got us all together. So we’re all really grateful. Because without you, none of this would’ve happened.
Elisa: I need to start a dating service, that’s what I need to do. Now, you’re so humble. That’s so sweet. I think one thing, I don’t know if I want to say right now before we forget is that, our plan is to have, in the fall sometime, a big Erikpalooza where we’re going to have healers like Dr. Andy come and do their thing. Along with mediums, past life regressionists, et cetera. So, you guys, I will totally put it all over social media, on the blog, the radio show, et cetera. So, just keep watching and reading. Alright, so I guess muscle test on who gets to go first, unless you want to draw straws or play hot potato. One potato, two potato.
Andy: We can’t all sit in the same room, so the draw.
Elisa: I know. Yeah.
Andy: So I’ll just. Show us a yes, show us a no, show us a yes, we ask you fully in healing presence yes. We simply balance, yes, we check in, yes. Shall I find the order, yes. Well, I have no stakes. Let’s see what it says. Who goes first? We get to the right answer. I’ll just go backwards. Robert, no, Gavi, yes, me no. So Gavi, it says you get to go first.
Elisa: He’s the headliner.
Andy: I would say all of us just take a moment and see if there’s anything we want to say. So even though Gavi gets to go first, it’s useful to take 30 seconds just, or 20 seconds and say, “If I was really going to share something or reflect on something or ask for something, what it would be.” Including both of us, you and me also, Elisa, because we’re here too. So Gavi, whenever you’re ready, you can share anything you want or reflect on the work or where you’re at or anything, what you need, or you tell us.
Gavi: Okay, wonderful. Can you guys hear me okay?
Elisa: Oh yes.
Gavi: Perfect. Well, everybody thank you again for enabling this to happen. So lovely. And, I think with this kind of healing, it’s always such an interesting challenge to really quantify or define what kind of progress you see. It works on so many levels, and I feel like it’s the long term, it’s the journey of life. But, what I will say is, I did have the two sessions with Andy, and as far as the feelings that arose in my sessions, I definitely, you know, it’s kind of a weird thing to be like picturing some life somewhere else and associating it with like, it really bringing up feelings within you. And yet, it did, and it’s such an interesting. I had done a little bit of past life regression work, and that was my first experience a number of years ago with that. And so when this came up, it was that same familiar, just, you just know the storyline. And it means something to you and it hits you. And, I’m a big cry baby so I was crying about that.
Elisa: I’ve tried to regress a couple of my kids, including Erik. And they were like, oh yeah, right, whatever. It was like, come on, let me practice. And so the two that I did it on, that actually let me do it, they just started crying. I mean, they connected to who they were in that past life. And they were embarrassed, like, why? I don’t even know this guy or this girl. What’s going on? So, it’s really amazing.
Gavi: Yeah, I even struggled sometimes with the verbs. Do I say, I did that and I was there? Or do I say, they and she. And anyways, I just sort of go back and forth. But the point is sort of what, you know, I had to ask myself what kind of came out of it and what did that bring me? So I knew about these past lives and then what. But just, I think on like a deep level, I started recognizing this connection. Hey guys.
Elisa: Hi Tiffany, hi Daniel.
Gavi: So, I started it together on a deeper level. Just kind of, I always like to think of the universe as like a big supercomputer of God. And each one of us are sort of like connected into the program. And when we can experience a life, a different life, whether it’s a past life, a future life, some extension of ourself in some realm, that that is coming to us at that time to kind of help us integrate ourselves better into the whole. And so, I felt like after my sessions with Andy, a process of just more balance, a knowing calm that those things, even if I didn’t necessarily understand them on an intellectual level, how it would play out and what difference it would make, that it would. And I feel like just having that kind of faith in the process of it taking me places, you know, helps and enables it to happen. And I don’t try to understand it in my head and, you know, get all analytical about it.
Elisa: That’s probably a good idea, that’s probably a good idea. Let the process do its thing, I guess, right Andy?
Gavi: Yeah, exactly. And I had, there’s a lovely group of women here in my area in Wisconsin, and we got together after. And it was like an [inaudible 00:09:44] group. And I had, it was the second time I was going, and just the flow was there and the ease. And one of the ladies, we all kind of read each other. And, there’s no judgment, whatever comes out. And one of the ladies said, she’s like, I think you’re kind of working through a healing, some past lives and processing through this stuff. And the first thing that came to my head in that thought was my work with Andy. And what we had done together was really like coming to a new level of healing and some of the images and issues about the healing in my heart and stuff. It just, it all resonated and I felt like it was a little message for me of, this is taking you further and having faith in that.
Elisa: So you think it helped increase or strengthen your intuitive abilities? Is that what you’re saying?
Gavi: Yeah. That and also, I think just the integrating of previous live, and the negative emotional baggage that I didn’t even know I had on a subconscious level. That it was kind of, you know, bring it all together in some sort of completion. Again, it doesn’t end but just that next step of completion. And, so I really felt that that was kind of a sign that the sessions had really brought me somewhere.
Elisa: So, what are your future needs, do you think?
Gavi: My future needs?
Elisa: Yeah. Healing wise.
Gavi: I think a lot of it is just, me allowing myself the time. I think I always have these expectations of, well, I’m not here yet and I’m not here yet. And I thought I’d be here and I thought I’d be helping myself or more people more. You know? And I just keep telling myself, no, look at how far you’ve come through every step of the journey. When I came onto your channel, it was at a certain time where I had listened to something, someone talking, Erik talking through them. And it didn’t really resonate. But then like six months later, I came back to the channel, and I started listening. And I started gobbling everything up. And I was like, oh, this is all so good. Why didn’t I like stick with this earlier? And I said, you know, it wasn’t the right time. And now it is. And just kind of having my own little chats with Erik. And then, not too long after, I said, oh, there’s a volunteer option. Maybe I should try. I don’t know, who knows? And then it came up and I was like, Erik, okay wonderful. I guess you were kind of giving me a little winky wink there. And so, you know?
Gavi: I just see how it slowly plays out and I have to keep letting it take its time. The universe is going to do its thing and I just have to kind of sit back and ride the whole thing.
Elisa: Yeah, well said, well said. Now, this question’s for Dr. Andy. Seems like the healing either involves, or maybe any or all of the above. A past, a present, or a future life. And the past or future life can also include, not only just a human life on Earth but extraterrestrial lives as well. Is that pretty much the thing?
Andy: Where something crystallizes can be anywhere.
Elisa: Ah, okay.
Andy: There’s, you know, from our perspective, ultimately, there’s no such thing as time. So from that perspective, everything that has ever happened is here right now. It’s just here as a body sensation, right? So something gets crystallized at age two. In this lifetime, this lifetime counts. I mean, you know, they all count. Or it could be in your family tree. Something could’ve happened five generations ago.
Elisa: Oh, so it doesn’t have to be in your own life? It can be, it’s like, spiritual DNA or something that’s inherited?
Andy: Sure. I think that soul comes down in two ways. It comes down through blood, right, if you think about the past. And it comes through energy. And the bloodline, we call genealogical, so something could’ve happened, you know, to one or more of your ancestors five generations ago on your mother’s side. And it will crystallize and affect the whole field, that field. Or it could come down, you know, what we call karmically. That was, you know, with these guy’s stories, none of them were genealogical stories. And then, it’s coming down through your soul. Your soul line is coming down through the energetic line, not the bloodline. And it affects the whole energetic line. So it affects all your karmic lifetimes. And sometimes you can be your own, you could’ve, you know, you can be karmic and genealogical and then it’s really kind of cool Cause then you’re one of your own ancestors.
Elisa: Oh my God. What about that song, I’m my own grandpa.
Andy: Exactly. I’ve got a few of those. It’s very interesting. You know, if someone is as amazed about it being able to be as tuned as Robert, you can find that person. I mean, given enough details, either people say… And very few people find really famous people. But a lot of people find somewhat famous people. And they’ve had no idea about them and they go back and they find them. I mean, literally they say, I mean, and they knew nothing about you know this person from Germany that was there, you know, sort of at the turn of the century. But they can find them historically. It’s really kind of amazing.
Elisa: That is cool.
Andy: So you’re right. It can start in the past, it can start right now. Most things don’t start right now. But sometimes, something can literally be happening in this moment or it can happen in the future. The future, if something crystallizes in the future, it’s like dropping a pebble. Well, it reverberates in all directions, right? But it feels different. When people are crystallizing an event in the future, it feels more like a warning. And that tends to happen less than the ones that are in the past. And then, and you can have something that happens in a dimension that’s a parallel dimension that’s happening to a different version of you right now. And like, in Daniel’s case, you can have something that starts not in this world necessarily, but in some other world. And, you know, the people who are really, you asked about these sort of non-material stories. Those are amazing because, most people never consider non-material stories. They don’t consider that they were affected by aliens or that they were an alien. And, it doesn’t matter if you believe it, because you can always say, well, I feel alienated. Or I know what it feels like to be cursed. Or I know what it feels like to feel like I’m not running my own show.
Andy: So, you don’t have to think of it literally. But for those people who really something literally happened to them, and everyone has called them crazy. And then, you say, wait a second. The muscle testing says that when you’re eight years old, the dark energy took you over and that’s why you’re having all these troubles. And the person says, I know what happens. And I told one person, they told me I was crazy, and I vowed I would never tell anybody again. I told them, get muscle tested. And they say, does that make sense? And I say, of course it makes sense. And if it never occurs to you, right? So, if you have a story where it never occurred to you that the problem could’ve been that, how are you going to solve the problem? Right? So you can’t. I mean if, Daniel does a piece of work, and he says, “Wow, there’s a story about an alien here. Or there’s a story where I was like, I came down in a certain role as a savior. Or I was someone who like was protecting a whole lot of people and trying to make their lives better and something bad happened to me. But I was like an angel.” You never considered it, how are you going to find it?
Elisa: So, the spiritual, I mean the genealogical thing. Is it only like trauma, like, great great great great great great grandpa whatever had a spear go through his back because he was betrayed by one of his fellow soldiers. That trauma passes. But can it also be diseases like, for me, the diabetes for example?
Andy: Yeah. Everything can pass. But what you have to understand is a lot of those diseases, they’re trauma.
Elisa: Ah, okay.
Andy: So like, people come in all the time with auto-immune diseases or Crohn’s Disease or, I mean, asthma or allergies or all kinds of things. And they think it’s just physical, but it’s not. You know, and we had a woman who had this chronic back pain. And it was a story.
Elisa: Oh yeah.
Andy: Things go down generations. They can’t go down generations. But the beauty is, you can do a diagnostic. Like, a young man we saw had so much biological depression on each side. You’d say, well, of course, there must’ve been something genealogical. It turned out that it wasn’t genealogical at all. It was a story that happened when he was three that looked genealogical. But the answer is of course, that the stories come down. And if there’s a disease like diabetes or anything that seems genetic, you could say on one level, what is that? It’s a dense energy, that was something that couldn’t be handled and integrated. And the thing that you’re suffering about is a glue. And if it happens genealogically, you could pass that down in someway. And it looks like it’s genetic. And on one level, it is genetic. But on another level, it’s energetic, that’s showing up as something genetic. Because, genes are matter. So, the field, the energetic field can change your DNA, right?
Elisa: Oh yeah. Biology and believe by Bruce Lipton.
Andy: Yeah. The same idea. So all I’m doing is I’m doing applied biology of belief. Right? Or Lipton or Callen they’re all saying your biology is your biography and vice versa. All I have is a very like, a framework where I can do a diagnostic and say, you know that thing that you think is your biological depression? Well, it is your biological depression. But it just so happens that it’s a story that happened five years ago of someone who gave up all hope and like said I don’t care anymore. And it’s been coming down through the family as something called biological depression. But then when you look five generations ago, the depression for everybody starts to go away. And it was really good. Like, I had this mother. And I worked on something that was like a depression five generations ago with her son. And she was highly attuned. She came in after the session and she said, Did you do something in my family of origin, because I felt something lift. And I think I even know where it was. And she was right. She got it exactly right. So you could literally feel it changing the whole line. And of course, to go back to what you said, you’re right. I mean, things that are called diseases, from my point of view, on one level, they’re just things that couldn’t be handled and integrated.
Andy: The disease is a clue about the thing that couldn’t be handled and integrated. Like any other symptom.
Elisa: Wow. So if you have a session on someone with diabetes, is it easier for them to control their diabetes? How are they affected?
Andy: It really depends.
It depends on the person, yeah.
Andy: What I say to people is if you can just work long enough, one of two things is going to happen, right? Either your problem will go away, or your relation to it will change to such degree that you won’t have any anxiety about it. Or you won’t need to understand it, like Gavi said, you know, I don’t analyze it. Or you won’t compare yourself to anybody else, right? Or there won’t be any judgmentalism about it, at which point you don’t really have a problem.
Elisa: You don’t suffer over it.
Andy: All I promise is, if you stick with us long enough, and long enough might be a long time. Like, a lot of layers. And some of the things we’re working on, they’re like the most important things in our lives and they take a long time. I mean it’s sort of like the Buddha becomes free. But he had to sit under a Bodhi tree for 40 days, you know, just saying I’m going to be with everything that is until I can finally say yes. We can finally say yes, you can say yes to everything. You’re going to die but it’s not a problem because you don’t think there’s any such thing. There’s physical death, but it’s not really a dying of your soul. So you’re just, I’m not identified with it, right? And as soon as you are not attached and not identified with your body or your thoughts or your feelings or anything, you’re a free person. And it doesn’t, it’s not a big deal. That’s what I try to do with people is get them to a place of saying like, Cause, Elisa if you came and said, here’s my intention. I never want to die, right?
Elisa: That’s not me.
Andy: So I mean, like, you know. Anyway. But I feel complete about what I had to say about that. You want to go on to Robert or something?
Elisa: Yeah.
Robert: Okay.
Elisa: Hi, Robert.
Robert: Hello.
Elisa: Long time no see.
Robert: I know.
Elisa: He came over yesterday.
Robert: After my session, Elisa had asked me, so, how did it affect you and things like that. And just like Gavi, I couldn’t really answer it. It was so subtle. It was like this very subtle, gentle realization is the only way I can put it. But then, to try and verbalize what that realization was, it was difficult. I was like, I don’t know. It’s just like, whatever it was that I was worried about or obsessed over before, it just doesn’t matter now. Like, strange.
Elisa: Sometimes we don’t have, human language just doesn’t have the vocabulary.
Robert: Right, for me it was something emotional that I just couldn’t, there were no words for it. And I guess, if there are any words to put to it, it would be that, you know, for me I kept you know, at various points in my life especially over the last five to 10 years, I kept wondering what is the source of what’s causing me all these things that Cause me to hang up and stuff? I mean, I had gone through a lot of, Cause I felt like for me, everything kind of had a source, a root. I could see the point of origin is the way I look at it. Where everything converged into this one thing. You know, that was what created all these other offshoots, all these other paths and all these other directions. And I didn’t even know what that was. I was just like, if I can figure out what that is, then maybe it’ll figure out, you know, it’ll get rid of whatever this mantle of heaviness is over me. You know, and at the same time, there were a lot of experiences I’ve had which would’ve justified why that mantle was there.
Robert: You know, lots of traumas and things. But what’s funny is, like, the side of me that was, I don’t know, maybe it was the part of me that was more energetic or I’m not sure. But there was this part of me that was totally okay with all that stuff. But then there was this other side of me that was like, you know, I feel like upset about it and all that kind of stuff. Which I guess some people might label as PTSD or whatever. And that was one of the things, that was probably the reason why over the last several years, I was like, looking for what the source of all that. And outside of these experiences, you know? And in the session when Andy had brought up some stuff, all of a sudden it was like, oh my God, it’s like I never even thought of that. I mean, because I had always been focused on what was going on in this life.
Elisa: Right, yeah.
Robert: Cause that was the stuff that was right in front of me, you know? I was completely aware of past lives and how they can influence you and stuff. But, I don’t know. I just had this philosophy of, you know, but it’s this life is the one you’re living and focused on and your awareness of human beings.
Elisa: Yeah, I think part of it is because you have had so many traumas, why wouldn’t they Cause you to feel the way you do. That would make you feel like, I don’t need to look any further. I’ve been traumatized this lifetime so many times that we don’t even need to look back or the future or whatever. But it ended up being that it was from the past, from a past life. And that helped create all the other traumas in the current life?
Robert: What I was going to say is that it just seems like that particular life, when you brought it up for me, it suddenly, I don’t know. It was like it just suddenly made everything click. And it’s like I didn’t need to justify all that stuff that went on in this life and everything. It’s like, okay, suddenly I knew. And it was, when he mentioned the thing about the death wish, right? Well, that was something I had focused on almost my entire life. Ever since my grandmother, when my mother’s mom died. Before she died, I was very close to her. And when she passed away, I remember when I saw her, she was the first person I had seen who had passed away, she had no life to her, no glow to her. And I was like a little kid. And I was like, where did she go? Oh my God. Where did she go, Cause I can still feel her and hear her and stuff, which was strange. And she even visited me in dreams. And in fact, in a dream several months after she died, she was younger and I recognized who she was even though she didn’t look the way that I remembered her.
Robert: And she hugged me and she said, death is a sheep in wolf’s clothing. And I knew exactly what that meant. But when I woke up, I felt some peace about her. But I still don’t know where do they go, you know? Anyway. That was kind of what set me on the path of like this death wish kind of thing. At least as far as like, when I became, you know, like unconsciously aware of it, if there is such a word. And then when Andy brought that up, it’s like, all of a sudden, everything just rewound back to that one beginning event in this particular lifetime. And then when you reached into that other life time, it’s like, oh my God, well now I understand why I would’ve been inclined to even focus on that in this life. Because that other guy, with the things he had gone through. Which, by the way, I was able to find someone that I think is that person. Yeah. He lived in Missouri. And he actually got shot in the abdomen and developed peritonitis. He actually did not pass away from it, but he did later get shot in the neck. And I have been having neck problems on the same side he got shot on.
Robert: And that was the one that killed him.
Elisa: It’s really weird because when you channel, very often that side of your neck is really red. So, I don’t know if that’s related or not.
Robert: No, it was funny. But anyway, I was able to find all that. So, if that all makes sense, maybe it sounds convoluted, I don’t know. But it’s like, what he had said with the death wish and connecting it to that life. It’s like, all of a sudden it created this whole grid in this life that helped me to let go of that stuff.
Elisa: Well funny you say, the incident with your grandmother, her death. Why do you think that triggered everything possibly in this life? What’s the connection between that guy from the past, you in the past, and the experience with your grandmother.
Robert: The emotion.
Elisa: Related, theologically, I don’t know. Anything?
Robert: No, the emotion. The fact is that he, with what he experienced in that life, which my soul is connected to and the emotion he felt around that and what I felt when I saw my grandmother who had passed away and she had no light anymore in her body. It’s like, I guess that would be the connection, the key. An emotional connection that, you know, was heart-centered I reckon. And so, though all of that, I had thought about all that for a long time and in fact, my entire life was revolving around… It’s like everyone I met form that point on after my grandmother would die after I would meet them. Like, not a long time after either.
Elisa: I’m so glad you didn’t tell me that.
Robert: Yeah. I told you that when I first met you. I was, well, the thing was, like, not long after she passed and I had a good friend that I would visit with all the time. And he got killed by a deer hunter. And then all my friends throughout the 90’s, they all passed away, you know? From HIV/AIDS. And it was just like, it was over 30 people. Tons of people, all about death. And, you know, him bring up the whole death wish thing. I mean, it’s not like I wanted to kill myself or anything like that. You know, which some people may interpret it that way. It was more of, a wish for death and I’m wanting to understand it. What in the world, where do you go? You know? What does all of this mean? What is it that’s teaching us as human beings and helping us to create better and stronger connections with each other and all of that. You know, as a human being. Right? Cause the soul side of it, you’re always connected, and you’ll never not be connected. You know?
Elisa: Exactly.
Robert: So as I’m talking about all this, I guess that’s everything I got from all of this. I got my answer.
Elisa: That’s awesome. Alright. Well, Andy, do you want to do any debriefing or any discussion about Robert’s case before we go to Tiffany and Daniel?
Andy: I mean, the first thing about Robert’s case for me that was extraordinary is I’ve never, I had worked with a medium before, but I’ve never worked with someone who said, I can tell you the difference between what happens when I’m communicating with a dead person and I’m with my own dead person quote unquote from another life time. That was extraordinary to me.
Elisa: Wow.
Andy: And, you know, I guess, I think what Robert says is very true. We get traumatized in this lifetime so much. But, sometimes something crystallizes in this lifetime, it does. This lifetime counts too. But there are a lot of times that the most horrendous things happen in this lifetime. And you work and work and work on. And even with something good and it doesn’t shift it. And the reason is it’s because it’s just an echo of something else.
Robert: A trauma that happened somewhere else that you’re still fixated on because of experiences you’re having in this life.
Elisa: Ah yes.
Andy: Yeah, you’re fixated on it because you keep drawing it to you in order to master it. But of course, you don’t know that. So, it’s like, it just keeps on coming and coming and coming because life is like, I liken that level, life is like a classroom. And if you can’t handle and integrate something, you will energize to you. Right? The law of attraction basically says you will bring to you what you need in order to heal and grow. It’s just, it might not be something you think that you need in order to heal and grow. And your question about where did she go after death. And that’s a very moving question, because I think that some of these things do answer that. Because, people who go through these things, unless there’s something they need to work out in the time in between lives. Very few people have things they actually have to work out in this lifetime. A few won’t let go because they’re so concerned about they have to protect their children. Or they feel this unfinished business.
Andy: But then you just have to say to somebody, I’m sorry, you’re dead. And you can still, you know, you can still be with them. I mean, Erik, you know. He’s with somebody from afar. You don’t have to stay around here like a ghost. But, you know, some people will go right to the light. And some people will go to the time in between lives because they have something they have to work out there in terms of their own karma, the karma of other people. And it’s amazing because people who’ve just never done it, they’ll just go there and they’ll tell you exactly what it’s like.
Robert: Well, can I tell you too something that I mentioned, I didn’t mention. It’s kind of like this in between space with that whole, where do they go? You know, I did get my answer as far as like, where do they go? You know, from various loved ones that had passed away and stuff, you know? My friend Keith, who was kind of like an extremely important person in my life. And he passed away. And I had two visitations from him. And the first visitation, you know, he visited with me. And he said, this is the last time you’ll see me. Right? And then in the second visitation, when I went to visit him in a similar place to the first dream, he was not there. I did not see him anymore. But I could feel him all around me, everywhere. Inside the building I was in, outside the building, all of that. And then I heard this other voice that wasn’t Keith’s voice say, now you know where he is. He said you weren’t going to see him anymore. And that gave me my answer. It’s basically, when you die, you don’t go anyplace. You go everywhere. You’re in everything.
Robert: In the ground, in the sky, everything. Intellectually, I got what that meant, but my heart didn’t really get it as well as I wanted it to until this whole session with Andy. And it’s like it closed that whole loop over there, so then I didn’t have to focus and be wondering about that.
Elisa: You know, when you talk about we draw things to us, traumas for example, until we can master it. You know, manage it at least. It kind of reminds me of, you know, a person, maybe a daughter had an abusive father. So, she for some reason, we know what the reason is, takes an abusive boyfriend. And they break up and she picks another one. You know, trying so hard to bring closure and be able to master that relationship between abuser and abusee. And so that reminds me, your work reminds me a little bit of that.
Andy: Right. The only thing you then don’t know, because if something crystallized here, then you just say, okay, you’re trying to master your relationship with your father. But if like in another lifetime, you had abused power, and you were the betrayer. Then you could work on your relationship with your father for a long time and you’d get a result. But you would never get the part of you that was on the other side of it, saying, I had to learn what it was like to be the one who was the victim, Cause I was a victimizer, right? And that’s something the muscle testing, it will tell you. Do you go to your relationship with your father in this lifetime, or do you go into another lifetime where you were like a holy being. You took advantage of people so you felt like I have to know what that’s like. And, that’s, I mean, it’s this place of like, we don’t know. And the people who think they know the best are usually the ones that don’t know. I mean, they think, I know exactly what the problem is. I’ve got it figured out. Well, I think what Robert said, I’ll say two things about what Robert said.
Andy: I think he’s really right. There’s a resonance, there’s an emotional affect that you say, oh my God. What I’ve been experiencing in this lifetime around the reaction I had to death there, totally resonates with what it was like in the other lifetime when I found this story of this man is being shot. I think I’d have to go back. Because I think you had said that he got shot through the neck and it went out his abdomen somehow. So, I’d want to go back and listen to you, because I actually think you found the scene where he got shot through the neck and it went out through the abdomen. But I’m not sure that’s true. Now I want to go back and check.
Robert: Yeah, it was something like he got shot or stabbed in the abdomen. And I think in the [inaudible 00:36:22] session, I thought he had passed from that. But, this particular person that I had researched and stuff. Most of the details jived with what we were talking about. And that particular person, he lived through the abdominal wound. He developed peritonitis, but he lived and then later got shot in the neck and died.
Andy: Yeah, the interesting thing will be if you feel any difference in your neck and in your stomach.
Robert: Well, actually, yeah. Ever since then. And it changed my hair color too. No, I’m kidding.
Elisa: Oh my God, that was powerful stuff Andy. Wow.
Andy: Forget the bad stomach problems and neck. If you can change your hair color like that, then that’s the proof.
Robert: It made it go platinum. But anyway, no, no. Yeah, it’s funny because the neck issues and stuff, they did get better. And what’s funny about it is, I came to realize suddenly after that session that, you know, like most of those issues, I mean, they’re related to just tight muscles and things like that, you know? For a lot of people my age and stuff. But suddenly, it’s like it clicked into my head what I needed to do to resolve that. Because, before, I was so like stressed and tense and everything with all kinds of other stuff. And all the other emotional stuff that was going on. But suddenly, like, that whole area could release and I knew what I needed to do to physically resolve that. It was so strange. Because I was so distracted with so many other things. And, oh, are we going to do it like this?
Andy: I’ve had so many people who come to us from chiropractors or physical therapists and they’ve tried to do something to change the thing on the physical. But once you take care of the template, it’s amazing.
Robert: Yeah, because the physical, many of the things you hold into the physical, it’s because you’re not fully engaged in your body. And so you don’t have that intuitiveness about your body and what it needs. Because your resources are being put everywhere else.
Elisa: Well, what about, I’ve got a situation where I’ve got lower back and neck pain and the x-ray shows three different vertebra, a couple in the neck and one or two in the lower back that are just bone on bone. Now, therapy can’t help that, right? It’s old age.
Robert: Right, right. But what I’m talking about is…
Elisa: I know, I’m just asking Dr. Andy, what do you say to that? Sorry, Robert.
Robert: Oh, that’s okay.
Andy: I’d say, I don’t know. I’d say there are a lot of people who have bone on bone who don’t have the kind of pain that you’re talking about. So maybe it’s, you can’t clearly just attribute it to something physical. But the beauty is, I can muscle test at least that much, and say how much of this is something that’s purely like, we’ll call it physical. Bone on bone and you’re rubbing up against a nerve and it’s physical. Cause, that’s a denser thing. It’s harder to change. But let’s go to energetic where you were crushed in a compactor.
Elisa: Oh, that’s an awful. Better than a wood chipper though. I’ll take that over a wood chipper any day.
Andy: Well, I’m getting you squished. So, but you know. If it’s anything energetic, then we ought to be able to do something for it. The only other thing I wanted to say about what you said, Robert, is a death wish, it can play out in five levels. And only one of them is your beliefs, right? If it comes out in your head level, people will say, oh, I have suicidal thoughts. If it comes out in the heart, they’ll say, you know, I have know depression. But if it comes out in the body, it could be about boundaries or it could be about diseases. Well, you’d never know. If it comes up in relationship, it could be destroy relationships or you keep getting into car accidents. But you’d say, did it ever occur to you within 15 accidents that there might be something to that? And no, they were accidents, right? And it comes up in the spiritual level at which point it feels like a kind of existential alienation or I don’t understand something.
Robert: That was my instance, yeah.
Andy: Yeah, you really taught us a lot. Well, it probably also played out in the physical too, because you said your neck pain’s better. So, it’s a thing.
Elisa: Do you want to move onto Mr. Daniel?
Andy: Yeah, let’s definitely.
Elisa: Hi, Daniel. You get off early from school, yay. Tiffany, do you want to say some words first and then Daniel?
Robert: They don’t have any sound.
Elisa: Uh oh. Your sound is off. Do you see a thing where it’s muted? Let me look, let me look if I can do something.
Robert: They may not have told to allow to send audio through the computer.
Tiffany: How’s this?
Elisa: Oh, wow. There we go.
Tiffany: Yay.
Elisa: Hey, what did you do to make it work?
Tiffany: Daniel told me what to click. I don’t know. The audio input. He’s the techie one in the family. So, we really enjoyed, I really enjoyed watching Daniel at Elisa’s house talk to Andy in that first session. Because I wasn’t sure what to expect. So it was really, really cool to sit back and just watch it unfold. And hear the imagery that was coming to his mind. And, to hear the conclusions that he came up with himself. And then, I’m not going to say, like Robert, there hasn’t been this like major dramatic shift, but I have noticed this shift just in Daniel’s well-being. And, I will say, he is in a clinical trial for a medicine to help stop his body progressing bone that is experimental. But because this condition is so unpredictable, he had an injury to an ankle that bothered him for quite a while after our session. But it’s resolved, it’s resolved without bone. Which is, that was our prayer. That was our prayer that we could go through life’s normal knocks and injuries or whatever. And still maintain full flexibility. So we had that experience after the session with Andy.
Tiffany: And so, you know, part of it might be the physical thing that we’re working on, but also the energetic that we’re working on. But frankly I don’t really care, because if it’s working, it’s working. And we’ll take all the positive, you know, that’s my wish as a mother that Daniel will have just whatever he wants which is freedom and flexibility and health. And take it in any direction he can. So, I’m just incredibly grateful.
Elisa: Well, Daniel, do you feel like you have a different relationship, emotional relationship with FOP now than you did?
Daniel: Well, yeah, I kind of look at it in a different way after what I said, when I did my thing. And how I said that being normal is different and being different is normal, so kind of backwards.
Elisa: That’s very cool.
Daniel: Yeah, I feel like more, almost proud to have it than not wanting to have it.
Elisa: Like you’re a warrior, kind of, right?
Daniel: Yeah.
Tiffany: That’s very cool.
Robert: That’s really, really cool.
Elisa: And you could be a savior if this, if what you’re doing with the clinical trials works and you know, you’re volunteering for that could save a lot of people too. So, warrior and savior that’s is pretty dang good on your resume dude.
Tiffany: And doing this kind of work, being willing to go into these realms that we’re exploring here. I think that’s very warrior like to be able to be open minded and kind of look at that.
Elisa: Yeah. So, do you want to share some of your conclusions? Or is that something you want to keep on a personal level?
Tiffany: Just what you decided about it?
Elisa: You don’t have to, that’s fine.
Tiffany: Well he does. So, do you remember what we were talking about? After the session with Andy, he’s like, I have not thought that hard all day at school. Like, he was mentally kind of drained just because he didn’t know it would be like, I would have to think so hard. Or just focus so, I think it’s focus so much. So that was a challenge for you. But I was really intrigued by some of the imagery that Daniel was coming up with, right? And he was saying it was pretty cool, because in the moment, when Andy would interview him and ask him these questions and to follow the trail, you were saying, that was what you were seeing. Yeah. Do you remember some of the things that you were seeing?
Daniel: Not exactly. I only remember like, the doves and a frog or something.
Elisa: The spider web? The spider web?
Daniel: Oh yeah, yeah, I remember that.
Elisa: Did you arrive at any conclusions about what these are metaphors for? Or how this is all connected to the FOP?
Daniel: I don’t know honestly. Cause like, I was kind of talking about it to my mom. And I, I might not understand it but like, my higher self or whatever might understand it.
Elisa: Oh yeah. Good. Well, maybe another session would be warranted to sort of. Well, maybe it’s not necessarily. Dr. Andy could tell us that. To sort of try to figure out what these metaphors truly mean. And what truly happened.
Andy: You know, Elisa, I thought you were extraordinary. Because you had said if it was your situation, you really tuned into some of those metaphors. And I don’t know if you remember what you said to me, but I was saying, I couldn’t say this any better than you. You were really like…
Elisa: Well, I kind of don’t want to tell him because maybe it’s important for him to create those decisions on his own. I don’t want to mess things up, you know?
Andy: Well, you wouldn’t. If he wants to hear it, if you remember? I’m getting it won’t mess things up.
Elisa: Okay, good.
Andy: If he wants to hear it. But that’s up to him.
Elisa: Well, I just felt like that there was an interplanetary war. And that frog, I think, on the bridge was the diplomat that was trying to do a last ditch effort to salvage things, but it did not work. And I think the whole spider web thing. I think you were trapped like a mummy, rigid, in an escape pod. And the escape pod did not launch properly. And the planet blew up. The doves, I don’t know if they were star fighters or whatever. But, that’s all I can remember. Maybe I thought something else, but, maybe if I listened to it again, it would sort of repump my memory. But does that ring true to you, Daniel? Anything like that?
Daniel: It makes sense, yeah. I can kind of picture that, yeah.
Elisa: Maybe you should listen to the whole thing. It takes a lot of love folks, but yeah.Tiffany:
We haven’t listened to it again since, you know, the original recording of it.
Elisa: Well, he had to recuperate from the focusing. But maybe just kind of listen when you feel comfortable, and see if any connections click for you. And, you know, if any connections to these metaphors and bring them from imagery to reality, to really what happened. That might help.
Daniel: Yeah.
Tiffany: He didn’t have a big emotional reaction to the images or like draw some big conclusion or analogy from them. But like he said, he felt. I don’t really mind, because the product is still the same. He hasn’t analyzed it, but he just feels better. So that’s okay. Even if it doesn’t, and I know Dr. Andy had some ideas about what it meant, about what some of the metaphors and the symbols that were coming to him. And, Elisa, what you said might be just right on point. So, it’ll all be a mystery. I don’t know. Well, it doesn’t really matter. We all know what it is, we get the benefit of it anyway.
Elisa: I think it’s really cool that Daniel is surrendering it to his higher self. It’s like, hey, let that dude take care of it. I don’t have that kind of time. It’s really neat.
Tiffany: So thank you guys.
Andy: Go ahead. What did you want to say, Tiffany?
Tiffany: I was just saying thank you. This is fascinating to me. I just love all these levels of understanding and healing and surrender. It’s great.
Elisa: Yeah, I’ve learned so much. And I want to thank all three of you guys for having the courage, man, to be a guinea pig here. I’m just so grateful to you. And this is going to help so many people, you know? And thank you, Dr. Andy for your gift. And your skill, your expertise, and your humility. I just love it. But do you want to add anything to, before we close, on Daniel? And also I want to give everybody your site, your information.
Andy: And I want to give them, if you have 10, you know, 20 seconds if they want to say anything. Because it’s their time. But what I want to say to you is I think you’re really right on about a few different stories. One being about a warrior, which I think that story was about. And one being about a savior. And I do think that there’s a trauma structure around being a savior> And I think that, Cause it had muscle tested with Daniel, that at the very least I should do two levels with him. And we did one of them, which I think you exactly got. So, I’d say that. And I think you’re also really right that, everybody here, you know, gave me a gift and gave you a gift.
Elisa: Oh God, yes.
Andy: And you know, people, when you first put out the Daniel video. There were so many people who signed in a day. And they were watching the whole thing. I know people don’t usually do that. But I have some friends who do not like watching podcasts. And believe me, they wouldn’t do it. They said, we couldn’t stop watching it.
Elisa: I know. It’s so addictive.
Andy: Well, he was. It was like, oh my God.
Elisa: A story, an adventure story that was unraveling here.
Andy: Yeah. Three people told me, they said, I wanted to stop watching because I didn’t want to watch for an hour and 20 minutes. I couldn’t stop. They kept saying, I couldn’t stop. There was something that moved them so much about themselves and about the story.
Elisa: Hey Daniel, this could be a movie. Life is great, you’re just so cool.
Andy: Why don’t we give everybody just 20 seconds, including you, and then we’ll just call it a day and be grateful. So, if we just start. If each of us could take a second and if there’s anything more we want to say about how we are or about this conversation or about anything. If there isn’t, that’s great. It’s an invitation and we can call it a day. Cause I know we’re against some time. So, Gavi, is there anything at all you want to say as a way of completing this conversation or your own experience or anything before we stop?
Gavi: Sure. I did want to say, Tiffany and Daniel, that I really appreciate your little piece of your journey. I have a son who has special needs and who has a deletion, partial deletion syndrome genetic. And so, seeing Daniel rise to the occasion at such a young age and really has such a positive attitude. And you guys tripping along through it even though, there aren’t necessarily, so much is unknown. But it’s about going through the journey with that positive attitude. And I really see that emanate from you guys. And I just want to say that it’s inspiring to me. And I know that I’m going to look forward to in the future as well.
Elisa: And maybe your child can undergo, how old is he? He’s really young, right?
Gavi: He’s just turning five.
Elisa: Okay. Maybe.
Gavi: In the future, though.
Elisa: Yeah. Alright, Robert, you want to say anything? Thank you Gavi.
Robert: Yeah, the only thing I wanted to say is thank you to Dr. Andy and thank you Elisa. Cause goodness, it was like last second that somebody else was going to the session. And she was like, you want to do it? Yeah, okay, why not?
Elisa: So, but you did.
Robert: Yeah. So I was very thankful.
Elisa: You’re welcome.
Robert: And, I’m thankful to Gavi and Daniel and Tiffany and everybody who participated to. And that they’ve gotten help. And Daniel, you’re a cool little man. You are.
Elisa: Oh God, yes.
Robert: When you were describing the story and stuff, I was thinking, wow, this could be like this animated movie.
Elisa: I know, I’m telling you, Daniel, you should start learning how to write screenplays. Write a screenplay.
Tiffany: He has a media class
Elisa: Yeah. Like a video game.
Tiffany: It’s cool in his media class.
Elisa: Good.
Robert: It’s a great metaphor for, you know. And you are a great example. And a perfect person to be the example of how, with great strife and stuff, you know, you can do all these amazing things. I want to say it, like cuss a little bit like out of excitement and stuff because it’s so really cool. But I mean, it is. It’s true. I can just see you, you know? And how many people will be inspired by that. You know? Because everybody, they go through their own things. And from their perspective, you know, it’s like this great challenge and stuff, you know? And so, when somebody, like yourself, can go through and share that kind of story and show a different way of struggle. And how they actually, you know, they don’t necessarily have the ability to do things that other people can, but yet they still thrive. You know, it can put other people’s suffering and stuff in to perspective, you know for them and maybe help them not to obsess as much over things. And to realize that, you know, not to trivialize people’s issues and things, but you know, there’s a saying that says, don’t sweat the small stuff and everything is small stuff. You know?
Elisa: That’s right. So yeah, Daniel has a gift that so many people his age, and everybody’s age, don’t have. His tech abilities, et cetera. So.
Robert: Yeah.
Tiffany: Thank you for those kind words, Robert and Gavi. And what do you want to say?
Daniel: Thank you.
Gavi: You’re welcome.
Tiffany: Thank you, well thanks Elisa. Because you, when Dr. Andy at first approached you about doing this, you said, I’m going to tee up somebody and you called and said, Do you think Daniel would do it? I was like, I don’t know. Do you think you can do it? And he said yes. So I’m grateful that he was willing to kind of step into the unknown. And thank you to Dr. Andy, obviously, for your expertise. And, I think this is really cool. If anybody wants to follow Daniel’s journey, we have a website. It’s
Elisa: Yeah, I posted that on the blog.
Tiffany: Yeah. So, we try to post, you know, things we’re going to through. But also all the milestones and cool things like this. So, I’ll post this video on that website when it’s ready to go. So, thank you everybody. This has been awesome. I love all this.
Elisa: Thank you, Daniel. I’m so proud of you. I mean, most kids your age would’ve said, I’m not going to do this. So, good for you man. I just want to say thank you for y’all being guinea pigs, of course. And, also, I’d like, Dr. I need to say something. But I do want you to share your contact information.
Andy: The only thing I want to say is I never get a chance to do this with people I work with. So like, my heart is feeling, like I want to cry. I just feel like, so alive with this conversation. So, I want to tell you how grateful I am. If people want to get in touch with us, our website is And our email address is And our phone number is 781-891-7448. And I really do hope I get a chance to meet all of you live. I hope we all get together with Elisa at some point or other. And I hope I get a chance to come down and share with all of you. I mean, basically, to do healing work for whatever community is there. We can do something as a collective, and then we want to teach you how to do this. So I’m hoping, on a weekend, we can do it at the Erikpalooza. And if we can have a Friday night through a Sunday morning, I can teach you a simple version. And you guys can go home and start, which is a great thing.
Andy: Because that’s what we really want to do, is make it. We originally called this guided self healing in our short training. We called it guided self healing because you could do it yourself or you could pair up with your friends or anything. And it’s really a joy. And I’m so glad, just Gavi, I’m glad you have your group in Wisconsin, because I think we need each other, you know? We need community. Because, we’re all [inaudible 00:56:59] ourselves, but it also helps to have a real community and the real thing. That’s what I want to say. And I want to say thank you Elisa, because without you none of this would have happened.
Elisa: Oh, it probably would have. But thank you. Yeah, I felt choked up during all this too. Just the satisfaction of seeing so many people change in such a positive way in so much suffering. And it’s so awesome to be able to learn a tool like this. I definitely would not pass up that offer. So, also, I wanted to tell you guys we’re trying to get a reality TV show going on. And of course, Dr. Han’s going to be a part of it. But, the producer said I need more social media hits. So you guys, help me out. You know, share the posts, the YouTubes. Tell those people to share. Tell those people to tell those people to share. Follow me on Twitter. It’s channeling, wait what is it? @channelingerik. And then, Instagram is, channeling_erik. And then of course, the YouTube channel, you can just search for it by putting channeling Erik in it. And subscribe, subscribe, subscribe. Thank you.
Tiffany: Thank you guys.
Gavi: Thank you so much.
Elisa: Bye.
Gavi: Bye.
Get your nap, Daniel. Looks like you need one.
Bye, Robert.
Bye guys.
Bye Gavi.
By Dr. Andy. Thank you.