Fun with Erik

Okay, guys. I’m going to publish the first Bigfoot YouTube Monday morning, so be sure you subscribe to the Channeling Erik YouTube channel so that you can get a notification for the second and third one. Should be fun!

Be sure to read these great Erik stories. He loves it when you do.

Story #1

Hi Elisa,

I just wanted to congratulate you on all the work you are doing with Erik and Jamie, your strength and to thank you as your channel has greatly impacted my life for the better. Every week I can’t wait to check your channel to see what new video you’ve put up. There was a while where you didn’t post anything and I was so happy when you started up again. You’re videos are such an escape and relief for me. The majority of information Erik gives is exactly what I have instinctively always known and feel a sense of calm hearing this. At times I find life hard and struggle to keep going but your videos help me to keep pushing forward and do better in this life.

I can imagine for every one mean comment in every couple hundred of nice comments it hurts but please don’t take it in. What you are doing is so wonderful and impacting so many lives in such a positive way. Those meanies that leave the horrible comments obviously have no substantial lives of their own. I always remind myself that people who are mean are so unhappy and sad inside and it must be a horrible way of life for them.

So please keep producing the videos – they mean so much to so many people. Mending one soul at time!

I’m a singer songwriter and have written a few self-help songs. My new year’s resolution is to film/record my songs and post them on Youtube. I’ve written these with the intention to promote self-love and also write lyrics which people can relate to and not feel alone. My music has been my savior and has got me through a lot of dark times.

Please don’t ever stop the videos and I can’t wait for next weeks’ video.

Jules x

Story #2


A day before I was to pick out my next audiobook on Amazon I was driving to school to pick up my kids.
A man on the side of the road caught my eye, stared HARD at me and followed my gaze until I was out of his sight. It gave me chills. I actually prayed for protection.

When I saw the picture of Erik on the cover of the book My Son and the Afterlife, I KNEW. It was the man’s stare. It WAS ERIK. Being intuitive and quite psychic at times, I bought the book immediately and went on the journey about Erik’s life in the afterlife.

Mid-book I asked Erik for his assistance in helping me connect better with the other side. About that time, I got to the part of the book where he talked about how busy he was with all the requests he got from this side. I laughed and told him whenever he could get around to it would be fine. No sooner had I done this my cell phone rang. It was a friend and spiritual guide/teacher appropriately named Eric. We had a bad connection, so he hung up and called again. He again had a bad connection and told me he would call later on that day. I thanked Erik and said, well, if that was truly from YOU, then send me a sign. AND once again my cell phone rang. It was Eric. He decided he HAD to speak to me right then and tried another method to get through. No coincidences there.

I look forward to more interactions with Erik, when his spiritual time “allows.”
Thank you so much for allowing all of us to embark on this journey!!!

Story #3

While I was reading Erik’s book, a HUGE hawk flew into the window in front of me!
I don’t know if this was a prank or just a weird occurrence but it certainly got my attention.

I love Erik’s book, it was very sad at first – I can’t imagine what you all went through, but then reading about his growth as a spirit and learning about heaven is so enlightening.
I am ready for another book. I’d like to know more about why the human race was created and by who (who, what, when, where and why) in detail. It’s fascinating and answers the questions that I have asked for so long and could not glean from the bible.

Thank you for sharing this deeply personal experience and for sharing your son!

Story #4

What the fuck was that?!! Pardon my language, but seriously, what the hell was that?

I went to bed at about 1:30 a.m. It’s now 4:30 a.m. as I type this.

About 3:45 a.m., I was fast asleep, but was suddenly awakened. My hand flew up and swept through the air in order to swipe something away from me in front of my face right at the same time as my eyes flew open.

How do I describe this? It was like a little soap bubble. A smoky gray soap bubble, maybe about half an inch across. It’s as though someone did one of those bubbles where they blow some cigarette smoke into it.

As the back of my hand came into contact with it to swipe it away from me, it instantly burst and disappeared just like a soap bubble would. I felt something solid as my hand hit it. It was like a very light tickle on the back of my hand, but I physically felt it.

I literally said out loud, “What the fuck was that?!!!! What?? What the hell???” I was just so startled and my brain was trying to process what I’d just experienced. I tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but my brain was just going, “Huh?” So I ended up sitting up and then decided that I might as well go upstairs and use the bathroom. Now I’m sitting at the computer, trying to figure out what that could possibly have been.

I keep turning around to scan the room, but there’s nothing there.


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