Got Pranked (Country: Guatemala)

I discovered your blog and videos just a couple of months ago and I’m already a huge fan. Reading and listening to Erik through Jamie has been extremely enlightening. Because of you guys I have grown spiritually in such a great way! More than I had done through years of reading other authors.

So yesterday I was coming back from work and I was watching one of your videos on my way home. As I was watching it on my phone, I took a moment to thank Erik, I told him that he was the coolest guy ever to take the time to teach us so much in a way that was so simple and so much fun. Then I sent him my blessings and I extended those good vibes to Jamie, Elisa and her family. I arrived home and I was still in the middle of the video but I decided to close the youtube app and just carry on with stuff I had to do at home. I even blocked my phone. About 15 minutes later my phone started making sounds. I grabbed it and it was still blocked but I could hear Jamie’s voice. I unblocked it and the youtube app was not open, it was just the home screen, but I kept listening to the video I was watching before. So I opened the youtube app and yes, it was running that video. I thought to myself that there was something wrong with the phone, so I closed everything again, blocked my phone and kept doing my stuff. Two minutes later, it happened again! That’s when I realized I was getting pranked by Erik! Even though I had been very specific to him not to ever do it. I had read that no one escaped if we were active in his blog and I was hoping to escape from it, but no, he decided to come all the way down to my country and be noticed.

Once I realized it was him and I sent him a big “stop it Erik” with a big smile, my phone went back to normal.

You rock guys!!! Erik, Jamie and Elisa, thank you for bringing so much light to so many people and making it so easily accessible!!!


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