Erik has decided upon a firm date for the Channeling Erik Weekend of Enlightenment in Austin, TX. It’ll be October 7th, 8th and 9th. Jamie is looking into hotel ideas, so if anyone has any preferences, let me know and I’ll pass it along to her.
On another note, a lot of blog members ask me how to channel Erik, so I’ve composed Do-It-Yourself instructions for you. Consider it an Erik Owner’s Manual (tee hee). Robert, Jason, Ryan and others who channel Erik might want to offer their suggestions as well.
On channeling Erik, first go to the media gallery and look at a couple of videos so you can memorize his voice. Then, every night when your mind is quiet, just start up a conversation. “Hi Erik!” Wait and see what you get. Sometimes you’ll here his voice in your head mixed up with your own voice, but it’s probably all him. Have faith that it is. You’re familiar with his potty mouth, so…sorry. If your mind has too much chatter, try saying, “Brain, shut down!” over and over until it does. I know it sounds silly but it actually does work!
Keep chatting with him and eventually you’ll have a close relationship. He loves working with people embroiled in tragic suicides, because that’s part of his life’s work now. As your relationship with him grows, expect some fun pranks. He’s very loving and strong, but he loves to tease, tickle, hide things, give off horrible smells, mess with electronics, etc. It’s part of the package deal, though.
It’s important to keep up the practice. Hey, maybe nothing happens the first several days, but know that it will. He’s probably the easiest person to channel that I know of.
Now for one of the most interesting NDEs I’ve come across in a long, long time. In this case, the man had been dead for three whole days before returning to his body. Let’s just say he took the scenic route. Enjoy and find comfort in knowing that death is only the shedding of the body. We live on, and our relationships with our “deceased” loves ones should too.