Is 2012 the End?

Last time I channeled Erik through psychic medium, Kim O’Neill, I asked him a question that seems to cause a great deal of concern to people the world over. Does the year 2012 mark the end of the world as predicted by the Mayans? With the world economy in historic distress, with Iran and North Korea threatening the West with nuclear attack, with the United States losing a grip on its superpower status, we do seem to be racing through a Venturi tube to some sort of climax. Let’s find out what Erik has to say:

Me: Erik, is there any truth behind the whole 2012 prediction?

Erik: Hell no!

Me: Well what about the Mayan calendar? After all, it ends in the year 2012.

Erik: That calendar was all channeled to the Mayans. It stops at 2012 because there wasn’t anything else channeled to them.

Me: What about Nostradamus’s predictions? I think he also foretold the end of the world in 2012, but I’m not really sure.

Erik: The universe is a sea of information. All that information is interconnected and quantum in nature. It includes information about the past, the present and the future, but it also includes the infinite quantum possibilities: all probable pasts, all probable presents, and all probable futures. There is an infinite number of universes, an infinite numbers of “you’s” and an infinite number of possible realities. Nostradamus and others just happened to tap into that sea of information, seeing possibilities that will not happen.

Me: So we don’t need to protect ourselves, start hoarding supplies, build underground shelter or make any other doomsday preparations?

Erik: Nope. It’ll be just like any other day, just like the whole Y2K thing. That was lame. We’re not going anywhere.

Me: Good to know. Good to know.

So I guess we can breathe a little easier knowing that our very existence isn’t being threatened after all. Thanks Erik. Peace, light and love, my angel.

Erik's Knowing Smile

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Elisa Medhus

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