Below is a video of the trance channeling event from 4/2/14. Notice that, when Erik takes over Jamie’s body, her facial expression, posture, etc. changes drastically. I know it’s a long video, but take the time to watch it all, even if you have to divide it up over a few days. It’s worth it. There are some real zingers throughout. Amy, Jamie’s assistant, is adorable and fun to watch, especially when she’s frustrated!
Sorry the window with Jamie and Amy is so small. They plan on changing that for the next one.
Note: This recording will be the only one I plan to make public, for obvious reasons. If I publicized them all, then no one would sign up for the live event. Consider this a teaser for future events, and don’t miss the next one! If you do join us for the next event, please be sure not to post the recording on YouTube.