Well, we got up early to head for our first destination, Wetherford, TX, and right as we leave the house, Annika decides to cancel her summer school course (Logic, gross) to come with her. Of course it took her 30 minutes of agonizing pros and cons weighing, then what seemed like three years to pack. We’ll get there much later than we planned, but at least I’ll have my baby with me.
Be sure to join Erik, Kim and me tonight at 8:00 PM CT on the Joy Ride Radio Show. Many of you submitted questions. Find out if yours was answered by listening HERE during the hour long show.
Kim: Hi, again.
Me: Hi, Kimberly. Hi, Erik.
Erik: Hi, Mom.
Me: We’re about to start an interesting experiment. We’re going to see if Erik can get into Kim’s body and take her over like a puppet! It’s called trance channeling.
Kim (pulling back her hair in a ponytail): Yeah. So I’ll be his puppet for sure. I’ve trance channeled Erik a few times and—
Me: Yeah, tell us a little bit about that experience.
Kim: It’s pretty incredible. He always complains about my hair, so I’m going to try to keep my hair pulled back so it’s not down in my face. When I trance channel Erik, I just basically sit back and close my eyes and allow this transition to occur. I feel as though I stay very close to myself. I step outside just behind myself and allow Erik to come in. He guides the transition in and out. It’s pretty interesting. It’s like I’m standing off in a corner when some other people are having a conversation, and I don’t really remember what’s being discussed. I just remember being present for it. It’s kind of strange.
Me: Wow.
Kim: When I come back in, that part is a little more challenging, but each time I trance channel him, it gets easier. The very first time I did it, when I came back in I was extremely emotional, very nauseated, crying; I was a mess!
Me: Poor you!
Kim: I realized that I was realigning with my emotions and my body so there’s a little bit of nausea with the energy transfer, but each time it’s gotten much better. I don’t cry anymore, and I don’t get sick anymore. I don’t feel sick.
Kim chuckles.
Me: I hope not! Erik, you can help her with that, right?
Erik (turning the bill of his cap around to the back): Mom, I got this.
We chuckle.
Me: Oh, good!
Kim: And then after those feelings wear off, I have this insane high where I feel like nothing in the world can get me down. I just have so much energy and feel so incredibly good! I know that’s Erik working on me, I guess!
Kim laughs.
Me: That’s awesome!
Kim: It’s been a lot of fun, and some friends have sat with me during it and asked Erik some pretty cool questions. So yeah, it’s definitely a learning experience, but it’s a lot of fun.
Me: Good.
Kim: So, what I do is kind of sit, get comfortable and quiet, close my eyes—and I keep my eyes closed throughout the entire thing—and the way I feel it and perceive it is I feel him come in through the back, my middle back. Then, I guess he’ll greet you when he gets here. When you’re finished, Elisa, you have some questions for him, just let him know you’re finished, and he will prompt the transition back.
Me: Okay.
Kim: Fair enough?
Me: Bye, Kim!
Kim: All right. Adios! I’m going to sit back and get comfortable.
Kim settles back in her chair and closes her eyes. Then, her head slumps to her left and forward.
Erik (in Kim): What’s up! What’s up, everybody!
Me: Hey, Erik! (in a sappy tone) How are you, Sweetie?
Erik: Oh, that was good. That was easy! She’s getting better. She’s getting better.
Me: Awesome! Make sure you leave her body in better shape than when you got there, though. Those are the rules!
Erik (rubbing his hands together): All right, all right. Whatever you say.
Me: I think it’s so cool, for example, when Jamie trance channels you, and I hug you slash Jamie, it feels like you. It’s much firmer. It’s not that mushy gushy Jamie body. That’s pretty cool. Why is that?
Erik: Well, when I come in, no matter what body I come into because there are so many people that can actually trance channel me, I have a whole Erikness that I try to keep. So even though I have female body parts, which would be a lot of fun [to touch,] but you know, I’ll be respectful.
Well, thank god.
Me: Yes, please keep your hands to yourself.
Erik (chuckling): Fine!
It’s amazing to see all of Erik’s familiar hand and body gestures.
Erik: I keep the whole essence of who I am so that no matter who’s hugging me that they can still feel me because you can get trippy in your mind hugging Jamie, hugging Kim, hugging anybody with me being inside because people have that visual. They have that visual of Jamie or of Kim, but then they go hug and they feel Erik. So I bring that energy forward so you can feel the true essence of me, otherwise it really doesn’t defeat the purpose, but you know what I mean.
Me: Sure. Boy, you move your hands just like you used to when you were alive. The same hand gestures. That’s pretty cool.
But it makes me miss him in the physical. A lot.
Erik (rubbing his hands together then pounding one fist on top of the other): Well, you know me. Nothing changes. I grow and evolve, but I still keep me.
Me: You’re still Erik. Good. I want it that way.
I get a little choked up.
Me: What do you want to talk about?
Erik blows into a curled up fist.
Erik: Well, one thing I see a lot of people dealing with is this. A lot of people are struggling with grasping themselves and keeping themselves no matter what shit they’re going through. A lot of people, you know, everything seems circumstantial to them and they go, “When I get to X, then I’ll be happy,” or “When I get to X, then things will be better.” But I’m here to tell you, people, that if you keep thinking all this happiness and all this great shit is out there for you to go get, you’re going to—it’s all about manifesting. People want to manifest things for themselves. “How can I manifest the right partner or this new house that I want in this great location?” If you keep thinking, “When I” or “I’m gonna go,” and you keep acknowledging that it’s outside of you, you’re going to continue to manifest being stuck in the absence of it. So many people are not understanding how the subconscious works, Mom. If they knew, so much shit would change so easily and so quickly, and I just wish I could get people to truly understand how to manifest what they want, shit, even if it’s a new fucking dog.
Erik laughs.
Erik: A lot of people seem to get caught up in thinking, “Well, when I get the money, I’m gonna,” or “When I get this promotion, it’s gonna,” but what you CAN do to manifest that is to align with that existence, align with that frequency because it exists. What you want is already in existence. You just have to merge with it to bring it into your reality, into your state of being.
Me: So, how do you align with it? I don’t understand.
Erik: You have to start with your thoughts, so even if someone is single and they go, “Well, I’m single, and I’ve been single forever, and I just want my lover. I just want my partner.” In thinking that way: “I just want it” and “How am I going to get?” “When am I going to meet”—instead, start to be excited. Feel that excitement. It’s kind of like having seeds for your garden knowing you’re going to grow a garden but you don’t have a garden yet. You don’t even have the land yet, so you start knowing and holding onto the fact that it’s going to happen. The same thing goes for manifesting your partner or financial increase. If you want to manifest it, act as if it exists. Act as if you’re excited about it.
Me: So have thoughts and feelings about it, right? Think that it exists and feel the feelings you’d have if you did have a partner or more money. Is that what you’re saying?
Erik: That’s exactly it, Mom, because when you align with the whole reality of it, and the more you can do that, the more you merge with that reality. The same goes for no matter what you’re trying to manifest, even if it’s just a happier state of being in life. “I’ve been down and depressed. I’ve had these health issues.” If you’re trying to manifest better health, align with acting—not pretending. You can’t pretend because if you begin to pretend, Mom, people think—All right. Let me explain this so you don’t get confused.
Yes, please.
Erik: You pretend vs. you believe. Pretending ain’t gonna get you shit. It won’t get you anywhere. But if you believe something is possible, you can align with it. If you go, “Well, I know I’m going to get this promotion,” but you don’t actually believe it, then you’re just putting thoughts out there without the energy behind it. If you don’t truly believe it, you’re not going to put the energy behind it, so you’re not going to manifest it. So you have to believe what you’re telling yourself, and trust me, you can’t trick your subconscious. Your subconscious is your truth. So if people can understand how the subconscious works, it’s much easier to manifest anything. If you can get your subconscious into your awareness and be more aware of your actual truth, manifesting anything is going to be easier. The whole reason I bring this up is because so many people want to change their life, their situation, their circumstances, but they don’t know how. They don’t know where to start or what to do, but if you understand how to talk to your subconscious and allow it to surface, you’ll be much better off in understanding how to manifest different things in your life. And just like you said, merging with it as if it exists, part of it is visualizing it. Visualize yourself there in that situation.
Me: But that’s so easy to do for a few brief moments or five minutes or whatever, but to sustain that alignment, to sustain that feeling that you already have it and thinking that you already have it is hard.
Erik: Well, that’s true because it’s a higher vibration so it’s hard to maintain because no matter what you’re going through in life, being human is hard. It’s a lower vibration.
Tell me about it.
Erik: It’s not only higher; it’s different. Stepping into that different frequency or that different vibration, it’s like a channel. There are all these different channels, and this one channel is where you have, “I’m going to manifest my lover, and so I start to step into everything that exists in that reality, in that channel.” It’s a different vibration. So part of that is letting go of the vibration that you’re currently in to better match what you’re trying to manifest. It’s tricky. It’s hard. Some people have a natural knack for it. They don’t quite know how, but they can just manifest things left and right.
Yeah, and they’re called lucky bastards.
Erik: For some people, it’s much harder.

Our first destination, Oak Creek. Not much to look at, but we’re leaving in the morning anyway.