I’ve learned so much about myself, life and the greater reality from Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, that I feel compelled to share some nuggets with you all from time to time. I’m paraphrasing here, but the message is still powerful. Erik was the one who urged me to read this book, and I’m so glad he did.
When you say, “my life,” the life you are referring to is all about content: your age, your finances, your profession, your mental and emotional condition, your past, present and future and all that happens to you.
So what is other than this content? That which enables content to be. If you know yourself only through content as so many of us do, then you will also think you know what is good or bad for you. You also differentiate events that are good for you and bad for you. But when you label, sort, judge, compare and categorize, this fragments your perception of the wholeness of life in which everything is interconnected and everything has its place and function within the totality. It helps create that illusion of separation. But totality is greater than the surface appearance of things–more than that sum total of its parts, more than whatever your life or whatever the world contains. Although life seems often like a random and chaotic succession of events, there is more. Life conceals a higher order and purpose. This Zen saying says it best: “The snow falls, each flake in its appropriate place.”
We can never understand this higher order by thinking about it, because whatever we think about is content. The higher order emanates from the formless realm of consciousness from the universal intelligence of which we are a part. But we can glimpse it and align ourselves with it which means: We can be a conscious participant in the unfolding of that higher purpose.
If you haven’t done so already, please vote for the blog by clicking on the big yellow star. I really would be grateful.
Also, how many of you would be willing to have a phone conference call channeling? Maybe we could get the CE channelers to help! I can also ask Jamie if she’s channel Erik for us. If so, would you be willing to pay a small fee to her—maybe just 5-10 bucks? I’ll take a head count so let me know if you’re interested.
Last, we have so many new members. Welcome all. I hope you introduce yourself on the appropriate forum thread. Be sure to work your way from the first post on, because there is so much channeled info about death, the afterlife, the nature of reality and time, aliens, bigfoot, you name it.
Really last: don’t forget to friend Erik and me on Facebook!
Have a wonderful weekend!