Lots of Good Stuff!

My first encounter(!?) with Erik happened just hours after I started reading the book. I was driving my kids home from school and a car turned in front of me – it was only in front of me for half a block but that was enough time for me to notice the license plate, “ERICA.” I thought.. well hey, close enough!.. just as a white butterfly flew past my windshield.

A short while later I was reading about how spirits can manipulate electrical energy when one after another light bulbs started going out in my kitchen. My husband remarked that he had changed them recently so I found that particularly odd. To top it off the one in our pantry went back on and now continues to randomly go off and on – I just say hi Erik when that happens 😉

Little did I know the fun wasn’t over! A couple hours after that I was taking my kids to karate and as soon as we got out of the car, there was a strong skunk smell. My kids even commented on it. When we got about 15 feet away from the car the smell had totally disappeared. That’s when I was certain it was Erik.
Finally, shortly before bed that night I plugged my phone in to charge it. Literally a minute later I went back over to it to text someone and there was a layer of dust covering the screen. Huh?? I just plugged it in, walked out of the room and walked right back in! Didn’t touch or move anything! I don’t know why that would be Erik but I certainly cannot explain it!

After that the unusual things slowed down (except my one light continues to “malfunction”). I kept talking to Erik however. Well yesterday I got the biggest surprise! I was sitting in my car and pulled a piece of fuzz of my shirt. As I released my shirt a dime literally flew “out” of it and landed between my feet in the car. My shirt had no pockets, no buttons, no collar..I have no idea where that dime could have been hiding or how it would have even got there to begin with! I found it quite odd but yet I did not think of Erik at that time – it was not until later that I saw a blog post mentioning dimes and I remembered the part of the book where Erik left a dime in Elisa’s car. I got the chills. Wow. That was a good one Erik.

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Elisa Medhus

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