Enjoy these great Erik pranks!
Story #1
Hi Elisa, I am almost finished reading your book and I have read Erik’s book and find them very fascinating and educational about the other side. Good for you for doing what you do and bringing Erik in through his channellers, that is fascinating in itself. I was wondering what kind of music Erik favoured as I have been hearing a song by Queen come on the radio every time I turn it on. Do you know if this was one of Erik’s favourite bands? The same song Bohemian Rhapsody keeps playing and the lyrics are interesting to listen too. I just thought I would ask in case I am sensing his presence. Thanks for your time and keep doing what you are doing. We need more light workers like yourself and your posse. Take care from Moe.
Story #2
For months I have been unable to open a flash drive replete with files, both personal and professional. I’ve been sick about it. I made calls and the computer companies want $300 if they’re successful, but there’s no guarantee they would be.
I located a company but they had the flash drive for 2 weeks and couldn’t open it. It would have been a long and arduous undertaking to recreate the files, but I was resigning myself to it. One night I couldn’t sleep, and was awake until 5 am running files through my head. There’s a children’s book I wrote on it, an homage to a child I have mentored, and it was my intention to have the book published.
As a last desperate attempt, I took the flash drive to another computer repair shop for their advice. The techie fell right on it. (They’re a hungry bunch. Kinda like me and chocolate!). Although I was told they couldn’t guarantee anything, because the flash drive was damaged, they tried inserting it without the sleeve (risky). Three computers and almost a half hour later, it was apparent that nothing was showing up.
I prayed hard, and pleaded to Erik: “Erik, please help me. My life’s blood is on that flash drive. If he can’t do it, you do it!” Suddenly as the tech was going to remove the drive and return it to me, he said: “Wow! Are these your files?” The list appeared on the screen. I handed him the new flash drive to dump the files. Phew!
Then, under my breath I said: “And Erik, don’t let him charge me too much.” The tech handed me the new drive and said $35! Unbelievable!
In the truck I bowed my head on the steering wheel: “Oh, Mother of God — at last!” Erik appeared on the passenger’s side and said: “Mother of Me!” That night Erik requested that I light a candle and send him prayers. If we could only harness the energy he has in the quantum field.