I’d like to announce a couple of upcoming events in Houston that you guys might like. My lovely friend, Sara Kujawa (Of Doing Grief Differently fame) is having a healing event in her home Friday the 8th of November. Here is the information you need:
The following two days, November 9th and 10th, my other dear friend, Kari Silver Lining Mena (from the Shiny Show), is having an event in her home. Check it out HERE. Check out what she says:
You only get one chance to host your very own first event and for this one, I’ve enlisted a stellar line up of mediums, healers, and spiritual teachers including but not limited to:
• Sara Kujawa
• Denise Ramon
• Hermina Rhime
• Kerry Walker
• Tiffanie Williams
The weekend will include channelings from Spirit/ET’s, several healing modalities such as Reiki and EFT (tapping), Light Language transmissions, games with prizes, and more, including an opportunity to appear on Alice Eats The Apple. Not only will presenters demonstrate their skills, they will teach you how to develop your own skills. Private sessions with presenters will be available for purchase at the end of the event on Sunday.
The fun doesn’t stop there however. Sara is offering a course and certification in Reiki. This will be a separate function held on Friday, November 8th in Sara’s home. Contact Sara via Messenger for further information. She has invited all guests of either event over for Friday Night Fun so we’ll all bring a favorite party food and enjoy her hospitality.
But wait! There’s more. Saturday evening after the days event we will take an optional tour of the charming and haunted shops of nearby Old Town Spring. Then, for those who wish to join us, we’ll have dinner at one of the local eateries.
But wait! There’s even more! After Sunday’s festivities, another bonus option is an adventure to The Texas Renaissance Festival. It’s always a blast and ends with a phenomenal fireworks display.
Click the “Interested” option to stay on top of information as I add or go into more detail about Silver Linings Live. If you know without a doubt that you’re in, here’s my PayPal link https://www.paypal.me/karimena so book your spot today to get in on this event of a lifetime. Come find your tribe.
Price for the event is $150 for Saturday & Sunday, including lunch. Dinners and optional outings are not included.
(That’s a savings of $23.50, bringing the total to $126.50. Please choose “Friends and Family” when sending through PayPal to save a service fee.)
Stay tuned for more information on itineraries, featured guests, as well as hotel, Ren Fest, and other links. Feel free to post questions in the comments or message me.
Before reading these awesome Erik stories, check out this old YouTube. God how old and broken I looked those many years ago.
Enjoy these Erik Stories:
Story #1
After finding CE a couple years ago, I finally have been honored a few experiences with Erik. The first came about while I was feeding my newborn baby on my couch. I felt the distinct goosebumps on top of my head. It wasn’t like I was cold goosebumps, but more a feeling like static electricity. It is hard to describe. I got such a big grin on my face because I remember Elisa once mentioning these unique goosebumps when Erik would visit her. A couple days later I had a dream of a boy and myself. In our late teen or early twenties. I’m almost 40 now, so I suppose I put my younger self into the scenario. We were laying on a couch or bed a bit propped up. I remember his hair specifically, which reminds me of the many photos of Erik I’ve seen. While I was dreaming I did not realize who this was. He also presented himself a little shy, so maybe it wasn’t him haha!! But, I immediately thought of Erik when I woke up. I tried so hard to get back to sleep to continue the meeting. Since then anytime I wake up through the night I hear what sounds like BB’s dropping to the ground. There is no physical explanation for that! I know it has to be Erik! I recently recalled this was something he did to Elisa as well! A trademark Erik Prank! I feel so honored 🙂
Story #2
On December 1st (2016), I had watched several of your Channeling Eric videos for the very first time.
Then on December 2nd – all day long – I was SUPER “high”, “vibrationally”; SO happy; actually WANTING to be alive-to be here. (And I believe it was all thanks to you guys – Erik, Elisa, Jamie, Kim, Robert – so, Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!).
It was after I went to bed on the 2nd when I believe I “encountered” Erik. I woke up – I want to say – at 2/3 A.M. because of strong and unusual sensations happening in my eye and foot. In reaction, I had lifted my head off my pillow and tiredly rubbed my “weird” foot hard with my other one. Then looking to my [then] right, I saw Erik (if I’m mistaken, please do tell). It was dark in my room, but I could clearly see a solid, tall-thin-lanky, solid black, [strangely] unalarming, male figure. He appeared to be leaning against my desk (just a couple feet away).. After getting a somewhat good look at him, he then said kind of loudly, “…Know…” or “…No…” (I hope it was “Know”). I remember thinking to myself that it feels like he’s in the middle of a conversation (with someone or himself), and after that thought, I immediately fell back asleep.
I hope to see and hear him – plus my higher self, spirit guide/s, guardian angel/s – from now on.
P.S., you’re all SUPER awesome, inspiring, enlightening, appreciable-appreciated, admirable, wonderful, funny – the list can go on and on and on!
Thank you and so are you. Happy Saturday, peeps!