More on Karma

I just love the insightful string of questions this blog member submitted, and I hope you all consider submitting you own for Erik to answer!

Me: One of the blog members has questions about karma: “I have two understandings about karma, and I want to see how correct they are and how they fit together. I’ve met psychics who can look at me … and I’ve heard of masters being able to cleanse karma…this makes me see karma as a cloudy dark substance that’s in the energy field. But I also gather that karma is only our grasping of an illusory reality—not being willing to just let things “be.” So, when something makes us upset, angry, etc., that’s basically our fighting within ourselves because the outer reality only reflects back what we put out. So, it’s really about thinking that’s the focus. Your karma’s ignorant and to be free of karma is to understand, accept, forgive and love. Are both true? Is the detachable karma in our energy fields the physical manifestation of our thoughts and emotions, uh, what is karma, basically? Phew!

Jamie laughs.

Erik: First of all, remember karma is a manmade word.

Me: Exactly. I remember that well. You said that a long time ago.

Erik: Karma is individually designed by you, yourself—it’s not given to you or pushed upon you by some other greater source saying that if you misbehave in the next life, you will have to do this. It is your choice saying that, “I did this action in this life. I would like to counteract it or balance it or experience a different perspective in this life.” There’s no good or bad to karma. It’s just a definition of your understanding to take those person’s words—what you take out is what you put back. But it’s all done by inner design, inner choice. It’s not like a greater religious cause or pushed upon you somehow.

Me: Okay.

Erik: Oh, and by the way, there are many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many—

Jamie (sighing): Go ahead. Say that a few more times.

Erik: — people on Earth that don’t have karma whatsoever, because they’ve learned to accept their life and their moment without using the definition of punishment. “If I do something good, I get rewarded.” “If I do something bad, I get punished.”

Me: So, Erik, what he’s saying about fighting within ourselves—that’s part of what karma is as a human construct. To be free from karma is to understand, accept, forgive and love. That makes more sense, right?

Erik: Yes. 

Now for some GREAT news. blog member E.J. Daniel, along with Erik, has finished all three parts of their novel, Second Chances. Please email her for a free PDF copy! She also wants you to know that you  can print the book or email the PDF to others as much as they want. It is there for everyone. She and Erik are so proud of their joint effort.

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Elisa Medhus

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