So far no one has guessed what the first movie I ever saw as a child. More hints: It’s a Disney movie, but not the classics. It’s not Herbie, Swiss Family Robinson, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, Sound of Music, Snow White, Cinderella, Black Beauty, Sleeping Beauty, Dumbo, Bambi, Pinocchio, Old Yeller, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Treasure Island, Robinhood, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or Davy Crockett. Keep guessing! Email me your answer to (If I don’t reply, then the answer is not correct.) This is fun!
Here’s the second poll I promised you. I was supposed to share it yesterday, but there was just too much to post that day, and I was afraid it’d get overlooked. As you know, I would like to encourage the Channeling Erik community to help its members (and beyond.) I know there are many who have no one to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with. Perhaps a widow or widower whose adult children live far away or who have no children at all, perhaps someone whose spouse is in the military and has been deployed overseas, or perhaps someone who simply has no one nearby in the way of family or friends. If you are one of those, let us know, anonymously of course.
Do you celebrate (or endure) Thanksgiving on your own?
Image courtesy of Dogo News
Okay, now for the YouTube of the day. I rarely dress up my dogs (although the kids did quite often to put on their Doggie Fashion Show,) but this teddy bear costume was so adorable I couldn’t resist. I was very surprised that my VERY manly hubby agreed to participate in this reaction video, albeit begrudgingly. Please share and subscribe if you haven’t already. This is a young channel and one that is a labor of love for me! Happy 2020 everyone!
Don’t forget to subscribe and share! Love you guys!