Today’s post you may be pleased to read is not a ‘Best of’ posting but is a new one. I asked my friend Patrick aka ‘Substitute Teacher’ to reach out into the ether and provide us with an article of discussion for today. Strangely enough a few of my ‘Best ofs’ have been about Psychics and readings, seems like a theme has been developing.
Don’t forget you can visit his blog at The Amendment for more interesting topics of spiritual discussion.
Q = Substitute Teacher’s Question C= Response Erik = Erik
“The Committee” the substitute teacher’s board of enlightenment, his trio of Guardian Angel Guides or GAGs; they generously supply the responses.
Q: Esteemed Committee, how is a life plan recorded and followed? How is that recorded information read and applied and how can our future be predicted from it? How does the information come from wherever it’s recorded and get to us, mostly though a medium who “hears” it?
C: We first address the aspect of proof, as we have explained before and elsewhere. Proof is simply that which you accept, that which you believe. The answer to this question rests on the proof a reader accepts. There are many things we might prove to Humanity few would accept, currently.
To answer your question on data, as you would say. We mention the relationship of words in human languages for numbering of days and information. To a day a number is assigned, a date. This gives insight to Heavenly storage of information, and its recall. Computers on Earth mimic the pattern and process in a crude way. Many words of act, fact, date in many languages are similar; we suggest two you know, where there are similarities, fecha, hecho, fato, data in additional your original Earth language of English; data and date.
Q: Never thought of that; wow.
Erik: You’re thinkin’ of it now, bro!
Q: I am, I am.
How is what we see, stored?
C: It would be called a digital file, were the structure recognized. We suggest it would not be recognized because the energetic basis for the information creation is not understood on Earth and there are no words or combinations of them that apply. As trees have no words for sales management, nor do horses have software development.
We will attempt a basic description we expect will be understood; previously we have mentioned here detail about the innards of atoms and the composition of protons and neutrons, rotating triangles. The storage of information, also done in binary language of zero and one values, more correctly described as yes and no, on and off, is effected by an energetic charge similar to that which propels the component triangles of neutrons and protons.
This occurs at several levels lower or deeper or within the atomic components human science recognizes. This is what facilitates the passage of matter at higher vibration through that which is denser and slower, and thus makes what seems solid on Earth a relative illusion. As solid as rock appears and thus the expression carved in stone refers to a permanence outlasting nearly everything, in fact and deed, rock is not solid at all. True solidity of permanence is deep within the atoms of the molecules of the stone.
This is where information and data are stored.
Q: How is this information drawn out?
C: Thought. Your thought is not just that, your thoughts are your existence. They are you and you are your thoughts. The physical human body distracts from this aspect of existence, and helps make thought seem encapsulated, private and proprietary. It is much less so, absent the burdens and limits a body imposes. Free from bodily constraints, your energy flows naturally and recall of information is as easy as original creation.
All that is required is that you know of the information; this means the coding is within you. All knowledge is formulas, a series of numbers. Awareness is knowing the numbers, which appear not as numerals but rather the object they create.
So your thought brings forth what you wish to see.
Q: Is there any danger it would be lost?
C: No, for you draw a copy, just as computer data file is coped, identical to the original. The deeper within matter you “travel” from the Earth view of it, the more permanent and solid it is.
Q: How can predictions be made and how does a psychic medium get them?
C: If the decision is already made, this can sometimes be offered. The information is always available where it exists but the risk its knowledge would be used to alter the decision, undermining the decider’s purpose, is considered. There can also be parallel courses of action, simultaneous series of events. The decision could be that a person shall choose when encountering the options laid out. The decider will decide to forget the different options, even though all of them very much can be applied, as they all exist. In this case, the psychic cannot know which an individual will select.
Q: What about groups, like sporting events? For example will Argentina or Germany win the 2014 World Cup?
C: This, a good example, and yes there exist many options with these also. Both eventualities are available; it is not as complicated as you might believe, for the many intertwining courses of events to allow for a win and loss by either team. We say, this has not been decided. In some sport events, the decision is nearly certain. Where revelation of the outcome is offered, belief in that prediction would render the contest nearly useless. Some might seek to profit from wagering, altering their life’s path to their detriment. It would not be popular to believe a windfall is a bad alteration; we say, it nearly always is.
Q: How can upcoming events be held ready until the moment arrives?
C: The moment only appears to arrive by Earth timeline sequence. The information and data which make up the event are all available in any order and sequence; you simply travel out to the event, then traverse its elements in the order you like, reversed or straight, by the Earth existence view.
Q: What about a life plan?
C: These are arranged by days, or groups. The days are usually stacked, travelling outward from your soul. You may approach any one, as if you rose alongside them in an elevator, each floor of the building representing one day. A sixty nine year life offers twenty five thousand days, approximately. You may enter the floor of the building from any side you choose; the building may be four sided, three sided or circular if you prefer. The events of each day can be seen in any order you like; the events you plan and follow, or another way.
You may separate them into twenty five towers of one thousand or so each, and you may turn them over and follow the days in what seems to be a reverse order. This all happens as you plan a life and also, as you sleep. There is no fixation until you awaken again, and then all is fixed harder than concrete.
Q: When someone asks for proof, what can they be given?
C: What they are prepared to believe, already, and this is largely a human environment effect. Few humans are born with the idea ghosts are a fantasy. Before learning the word, its meaning and social acceptance of the ideas giving the word its meaning, are not understood. Because a youngster has not been given the human view, the youngster does not require proof and has not learned to skeptical. Absent these limits, little proof and vast belief are common. Alas, you travel not to Earth for this; you already have it. You go to learn doubt, apply it then overcome it. Great learning comes with overcoming.
Q: Many people simply will not believe without “proof”.
C: Yes, and they also cannot define the proof they require. The desire to insert what you encounter into terms you may use to populate your database is a benefit and hindrance. Certainty is calming but only has meaning against uncertainty. There is no uncertainty in the universe or your home in Heaven, so Earth creates it, for you to learn from the contrasts. Some resist and learn much from seeking certainty, some they will never have. Many with it have really only built up a store of facts like supplies, and this keeps the view of uncertainty far enough away. As the absence of sickness is not health, nor absence of wealth poverty, the absence of the unknown is not knowledge.
Q: Do we always choose this circumstance? To doubt the afterlife?
C: Of course; that is universal.
Q: How do we really know what is true?
C: By your feelings, which are not far. Simply await them and they come, always. Falsity is betrayed by your feelings and emotions; it will tell you what is certain and what deceives you, every time. Simply wait for the feeling. As you read these words, a feeling comes. Remember it, all of you for it is a feeling you have had and shall have again and it is a marker, lesson and indicator for you.
Q: Most people want to know about partners for romance, finances, sickness, friends, enemies and motives and what can be done to improve anything unpleasant. Others just want direction.
C: Yes, and removing the pursuit of these things by reducing the variations of the unknown provides what and costs what? It costs you surprise, a price so high, so vastly expensive it will never be allowed where it will bankrupt your journey. You know and knew this and so decided you would journey through the beautiful uncertainty of an Earth existence. Think of every uncertainty you faced and then surpassed, the outcome either positive or otherwise; were they all not suppliers of excitement, bad or good? We shall say, these things were mostly good in all of your lives. Little do you gain from the uncertainty of the bad, so it rarely previews. The bad arrives often with little warning or advisory; hasn’t that always been the case? The good outcome is preceded by a longer course of the unknown, the unsure, the uncertain. By your design.
Q: One final question; if most humans have trouble defining the proof they will accept when they doubt what they see or hear, how can a prediction that comes true indicate the accuracy of the provider?
C: The honest provider is always accurate; stating that the answer isn’t known, isn’t coming through or isn’t being given, is accurate. The lack of a prediction indicates the ones that are indeed offered, are “hard chosen” as we say in Heaven, hard wired to occur with near certainty.
Q: Committee, thank you and Erik for hanging around.
Erik: I got bored and bugged off, dude. What were you saying? Never mind, I’ll read it myself.
C: You are all welcome. Fare well we wish you.