Other Mothers

While I was taking my walk in the woods yesterday (in 106 degree weather), I practiced channeling Erik as I usually do. Midway through the walk, he started sharing more about how conflicted he was on the earthly plane and why he had to go through all of that pain. He explained that, as a soul, he’s so open to giving and receiving love, and when he incarnated, of course that didn’t change. He eagerly gave affection and love unconditionally, but as he grew up, he realized that not everyone was the same. People were often stingy with love. Sometimes they’d appear to care only to say cruel things to his face or behind his back moments later. Such contradictions devastated him.

Why did he have to go through that pain? He said he had to learn that there are souls who don’t know how to love in order to realize what he would be up against as a guide. He had to see that there were souls who needed his help and encouragement once he crossed over. A teacher must understand who his or her students are and why.

Channeling Transcript

Me: Is there a mother you’ve had in a past life—I mean we’ve all had different mothers from past lives, but does the mother-child bond you feel for me, the emotional strength of it, kind of lose a little bit of punch after you cross over? After all, you’ve had hundreds, maybe thousands of mothers you’ve probably been extremely close to.

Erik: Oh, I’m so glad you asked that question, Mom, because this is something I’m just now learning too. It’s just so amazing for me to give information to you, because usually it was the other way around!

Me (laughing): Sometimes!

Jeannie laughs.

Erik: Souls choose their families, and when you move from lifetime to lifetime through your focus, there are a lot of people that are the same souls, just playing different roles. So, a mother that was a mother in one lifetime could be a sister, brother, friend, or whatever in another lifetime. But you kind of carry the same souls with you.

Me: Oh sure, souls families or groups, yeah.

Erik: Sometimes new ones can come in and some can move to another group. So, you’ve been with me before, and I’ve loved you for many lifetimes, Mom. No, it doesn’t change, and it doesn’t dilute.

Me: Ah, good. But is there another mom that you are closer to? I won’t get sad, don’t worry. Well, I probably will, but I just wanna know.

Erik: There was other mothers who I loved, but again, it depends on the lifetime and the problems and the issues. I can only say this: This lifetime, with the issues and things I had to deal with, I couldn’t have had a better mom, so I’m thanking you, and I’ll love you throughout eternity. You and I will work together. That’s something I don’t have with the other mothers who’ve been in my lives. So, we have a special connection.

Me: Good! And we’ll have it on both sides, I’m sure. Me from this side, and then, you know, when we’re both on your side.

Erik: One thing about being on this side is that your capacity for love is HUGE. It’s like magnified infinitely!

Me: Oh, I’m sure. I can imagine. How wonderful.


As I was transcribing this post, I felt very strong Erik goosebumps on my left leg, so I quickly snapped a picture with my Aura app. Here’s what I got. I can make out a black silhouette with his turquoise hand extending to my leg! I think the black represents his energy being drained a bit when he manifests the touching sensation, but I’m not sure. Anyone have any clues?

Erik Tickling Me

Here’s another one after the next “Erik Tickle”:

Erik After a Tickle


Last but not least, everyone seems to be interested in another conference call. All I need is a list of people who would like to join in and whether they want to do so by Skype or whether someone is willing to set up a conference call the same way we did it last time. I’ll be out of town (again!) from tomorrow through Monday, but after that, I’m pretty open. I’m hoping the CE channelers can definitely join! Of course, Erik will be there as always.

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Elisa Medhus

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