Praise for Elisa and Erik!!!

Elisa, and Erik along with the Divine team are changing lives. Do you have a story about how you found Elisa, and Erik?  Do you have an Erik Experience that you would  like to share?  Write us, and share your story to be included in an upcoming blogpost!

Here is some Love for Elisa and Erik today!!

Perhaps like many people, I found your website nearly a year ago and few month after the passing of my mom. Although, I have always believed in eternal life and reincarnation my mom’s passing and the grief of loosing her took me to a very different and amazing afterlife journey. A couple of sites helped me with my pain which is certainly not comparable with my dear Elisa’s pain of loosing a dear child. But Elisa and her team became my go to family. Elisa, I admire you so much for not only being so strong but being so smart turning your pain into such an amazing life changing service. I probably can go on and praise more but stop here. I among many of your fans will try and help you in your future plans to reach out more people.
Please know that you are amazing and many people love you very much and of course Erik🤗
God bless

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