Well, I’m about to head out for NOLA (New Orleans, N’arlins, whatever you want to call it.) I’ll be working on the way, pining over not having Bella with us. They don’t allow dogs on the racetrack for obvious reasons. No one wants to high side on a dog or a dog turd. My stomach is in knots thinking about her not being in my bed tonight. She’s my life. Isn’t that a little pathetic? Oh well. Here’s today’s entry.
Me: Okay. Let’s talk about the Yellowstone Supervolcano. A lot of people are afraid that it’s going to blow and destroy a lot of the U.S.
Erik: It’s not going to blow.
Me: That’s it? Can you give me more?
Or this is going to be the shortest blog in the history of the blog!
Erik: Here’s the thing, Mom. Human beings live in this constant state of fear, fear of chaos, but the Earth is calming down as it gets older. It’s becoming more geologically stable.
Me: Okay. Let’s talk more about the Earth. People want to know if The Shift has to do with the magnetic poles shifting.
Erik: Yeah, that’s a part of it, but everything is interconnected. You can’t say it’s just the poles are shifting. That’s just a symptom that The Shift is going on. Those pole shifts have happened all throughout the history of the Earth. They’re happening over really short periods of time sometimes. Other times, it could take hundreds of thousands of years. Again, it’s just a symptom of what’s shifting in the entire Universe and how energy patterns are reacting to each other. All that causes these chain reactions on the Earth including pole shifts. Another example of The Shift in action: Take human beings. They go through these periods of light speed evolution. The reason that happens is because of The Shift—once there’s life, there’s always going to be life, so human beings are always going to exist. That doesn’t mean they’re going to stay in the form they’re in now, but when The Shift happens, that light speed evolution happens in order to ensure that that life remains. There is so much shit that’s getting ready to happen, that’s already happening. Over the last couple of hundred years, Mom, humans have evolved so quickly. Movies are a great example of how we’re helping each other transition and expand awareness. Look at how some of them talk about time in terms of infinity symbols and each infinity symbol represents a different kind of reality that has it’s own version of a unit of time. Humans are also becoming more aware of how infinite the Universe is. They’re also learning that the Universe has always existed and always will.
Me: Well what about The Big Bang?
Erik: Here’s the thing about that. Everything that happens in the Universe, if you look at your physical body, it gives you clues of how the Universe works. When you think about it, the Universe is changing like a breath. Its contraction is like exhaling and its expansion is like inhaling. Expansion, contraction, expansion, contraction.
Me: But The Big Bang was not the creation of the Universe?
Erik: No. It was just when the Universe was expanding.
Me: Okay. So what happened before that? Why do we think that The Big Bang was the first expansion?
Erik: Human beings didn’t exist before that so from our perspective, there was nothing before.
Me: Well, we weren’t around when The Big Bang happened, either!
Erik: But the expansion was and that expansion is what caused us to exist in that breath in the form we’re in now. When everything contracts, all the matter gets condensed into this tiny dense speck of light, so physicality, as it exists in what we believe to be can’t exist that way. It’s all squished together.
Me: So all we can see is the one breath that we’re in.
Erik: Yes, and the Universe has done that an infinite number of times. And here’s the other cool thing. All that matter that gets contracted down to that tiny little point, every time it expands—think of the Universe as having a center and that’s that point. That’s how you know where the center is—it’s connected to all these other realities. When it’s at its smallest point, it’s pulling new kinds of information across from other places, and when it expands again, an evolutionary process happens that’s changed it. It’s changed because it’s pulled in other realities. It’s pulled other realities into that matter, the energy that is matter. I’m just using that example because it uses a start and an endpoint, which humans need as a reference, but really, the Universe is always connected to those realities and the evolutionary process is constant.
Me: Is The Shift still going on?
Erik: Yeah, Mom.
Me: When did it start?
Erik: First I’m going to give you an answer that will confuse you, and then I’ll give you an answer based on what humans currently see as The Shift.
Me: Okay.
Erik: Bottom line is we never stopped shifting. Shift is just another word with what drives the evolution of energy, but in this tiny bracket of human history, the lightning speed evolution started—and I have to use linear time for you to understand this—about 250 to 300 years ago. Now you’re seeing a lot of people coming out of the woodwork as mediums and healers and people with all sorts of abilities. You see people shedding old belief structures and boundaries like with sexism and racism, all that kind of stuff. That’s been going on for the last 75 years, more or less. Technology has been evolving rapidly, too, of course. When is that major growth spurt going to end? In about 100 to 150 years from now. Think of a spigot. It’s almost open full blast right now. In about 75 years, it’ll be full open, and then it will start to close over the following 75 years and will get to a steady stream. The evolution will never stop.